This country and its juvenile justice systems are facing an important set of transitions as we enter 2017. A new president is about to take office who is committed to taking the country in a different direction.
While most of the policies his administration will promote are outside the scope of this column, they will undoubtedly impact our ability to build the best and most effective juvenile justice systems across the nation. How investments are prioritized will translate to whether there are resources available from the federal government for programming and other forms of support for disadvantaged children, youth and families.
Other decisions will even more directly impact the federal government’s effectiveness in supporting strong policies and practices in those juvenile justice systems across the country. A prime example is whether the executive and legislative branches of the federal government will support the reauthorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act and a related appropriation.
[For more of this story, written by Shay Bilchik, go to]
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