When it comes to the language of brain disorders, society has come a long way from the days when "lunatics" and "imbeciles" lived in "madhouses" and "insane asylums."
But in some ways, we're still stuck in the lexicon of the Dark Ages. "Battling demons," for example, remains a common catchphrase for Hollywood, the media and the public when it comes to mental health issues.
As the vocabulary of the brain evolves, there's a growing effort to exorcise "demons," "inner monsters" and other outdated words that imply disorders are supernatural or immoral. Last November, the first-ever U.S. surgeon general's report on addiction asked the public to avoid good-vs.-evil morality judgments.
[For more of this story, written by Thor Christensen, go to http://www.dallasnews.com/life...amp;utm_medium=email]
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