We are so excited to announce a new community screening coming up of Wrestling Ghosts.
Reach Dane, a fantastic organization in Madison, Wisconsin, will be hosting a screening of Wrestling Ghosts on January 7. We'll check back in before the New Year to let you all know about details with the screening! If you're in the area, please join us!
Reach Dane provides high-quality early childhood services to over 1,000 children aged 0-5 in Dane Country through center based and home visitation programs. Their mission is to change the lives of underserved children and families through education and supportive services. Organizations like these are what make Wrestling Ghosts so passionate about spreading the word on our film. If you'd like to organize a screening of your own with a non-profit, library, or school in your area (or even just at your own home or local theater!) please reach out here.
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