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Year-end giving to PACEs Connection has become a family tradition for Lisa Hofmeister. ‘This work matches our family’s values.’


A recent photo of Lisa Hofmeister (second from left) with her family.

Note: PACEs Connection is in dire financial straits. We need you, our almost 58,000 members, to help us cover the loss of foundation funding that was promised and did not come through. Unfortunately, staff pay and hours were cut for December.

The good news is that, since sounding the alarm this summer, we’ve raised more than $65,000 thanks to all of your who donated. To get a sense of who your fellow members are, who is donating, and why, please read and share this eighth in a series of donor profiles. Now that you know we need your help, please join Lisa Hofmeister—who, with her mother and brother has made a family gift to PACEsConnection for the last three years—and make a generous tax-deductible year-end donation.

Most people are stunned when they first learn about PACEs science. Lisa Hofmeister is no exception.

With a degree in psychology, a career in healthcare information technology, and a personal interest in equity and restorative justice, Hofmeister was surprised when she heard about the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study.

“It seemed as though I should have known about this earlier,” she says of the ground-breaking research that was first published in 1998.

Since discovering ACEs Connection, now PACEs Connection, Hofmeister has been an avid follower and supporter of the organization and the PACEs science movement to prevent and heal childhood adversity, and to build healthier and more resilient families and communities.

“Our family chooses a charitable organization to support every year, so I was eager to suggest PACEs Connection, especially given our family’s interest in social justice and grassroots community organizing”, she continues. “I see PACEs Connection as the scaffolding behind a movement—perhaps the most important public health movement of our time. It allows passionate, talented people to collaborate, share inspiration, and innovate by imitating what works.”.

Q: What motivated you to become involved in PACEs Connection?

A: “In 2019 after a local trauma therapist’s presentation about ACEs, brain science, and resilience, I went from complete ignorance to near-obsession. I couldn’t stop thinking about it and couldn’t find enough people to marvel about this powerful ‘root cause’ discovery with me. So I was thrilled to learn that PACEs Connection was already on the case, thoughtfully creating a network and a platform for sharing new research and ideas.”

Q: How do you hope PACEs science will change the world?

A: “I do believe PACEs science can bring paradigm-shifting and compassionate change to a world that desperately needs it. My hope is that, together, we can promote it in a way that invites others to be curious and hopeful in this time of extreme polarization. It has great potential to heal and unite us.”

Q: Why should other members of PACEs Connection provide financial support to our organization?

A: “Sometimes I worry that the sheer volume of PACEs-related groups dilutes the good work that people are doing, and makes it confusing. I admire how PACEs Connection is clearly trying to avoid working in a silo, partnering with groups like CTIPP (Campaign forTrauma Informed Policy and Practice) and providing a platform to connect. This is an invaluable service.”

Q: What is your involvement in a PACEs community?

A: “I recently got connected with the Trauma-Informed Healthcare Education and Research (TIHCER) Community on PACEs Connection and am looking forward to hearing ideas about bringing trauma-informed care into the realm of the electronic health record. I’m also hoping to connect with Wisconsin-based groups focused on trauma-informed care in education.”

Hofmeister encourages fellow members of PACEs Connection to join her in making a generous, tax-deductible donation to PACEs Connection here.

If you'd prefer to mail your gift rather than give it online, here's how...

Make check payable to:

TSNE (Third Sector New England, our fiscal sponsor) and write PACEs Connection Donation on the memo line.

Mail check to:

mail iconPACEs Connection,

c/o TSNE, 89 South Street

Suite 700

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Please contact Carey Sipp, Director of Strategic Partnerships, at

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