The truth is: your spaces, programs, and services are not safe just because you say they are...
You may not be able to guarantee that your spaces, programs, or services are safe for others-but what you can do is design, facilitate and show up in a way that uses mutually beneficial skills and tools to create an environment where safety can be felt by everyone-including you.
We know safety is a core human need. There are various types of safety: physical, emotional, relational, psychological, environmental, etc.
When we think about the spaces we work, lead and exist in, we cannot guarantee safety.
Safety is an individual felt sense (Karyn Parvis coined the term felt safety).
What may feel safe for me, may not feel safe for you.
Therefore there is no way to guarantee safety when we do not know what safety feels like for others.
Safety is not static, it's dynamic and ever-evolving.
Each one of us experiences safety differently, influenced by our unique life journeys, identities, relationships, and environments.
Plus, knowing what feels safe for us takes time and requires us to find spaces and people to get uncomfortable and go to our edges to explore and determine this feeling.
A note of nuance: we absolutely can take necessary precautions to ensure that we are creating safer spaces, especially for people's physical safety. We have the responsibility to take accountability in resisting harm and pathways to harm. We also need to recognize the nuances of safety and how it has been weaponized against people who hold intentionally and historically marginalized identities.
If you want your clients to be engaged, build trusting relationships, have incredible experiences, and reach successful outcomes- safety is key.
The truth is, you don't have to know exactly what safety feels like for every client you work with, but you can design and facilitate in a way that promotes safety for all.
So, as facilitators, space holders, and service providers, how can you foster an environment where safety can be felt by everyone, including your colleagues and yourself?
It starts by understanding that safety isn't solely about good intentions.
Your power to influence the spaces you hold is significant, and the relationships you build are key to fostering trust and creating incredible client experiences.
As a facilitator, space holder, or service provider, you know and are gifted in listening, guiding, and building relationships with others.
It requires you to develop the skill of creating and holding space where safety is accessible to each individual.
But how do you do this?
And how do you commit and stay accountable to continuously promoting safety in the workspaces you both lead and exist in?
You're invited to a free workshop on promoting safety in the workspaces
This free, 60-minute online workshop will be held on Wednesday, August 9th at 12pm EST (convert your timezone here) and a recording will be available for those who register.
This conversation around safety has been a popular topic in many of my circles so I am excited to create a community space where we can bring attention to this topic and learn and share together how to promote safety in our workspaces.
I will focus on client relationships but please know this includes our colleagues and ourselves.
In this workshop, we will discuss:
- Why safety is essential in client relationships
- What risks occur by assuming safety with others
- The benefits your clients gain by feeling safety in your presence
- How trauma-informed care advances safety for everyone
This workshop is for anyone who values safety and holds the desire for the people they work with to be able to access a felt sense of safety in their presence in a sustainable and mutually beneficial manner.
You can register for the free workshop here.
Have questions? Hit reply and let me know!
If you want to hear more on the topic, check out the most recent episode of A Trauma-Informed Future Podcast.
Know of someone who may benefit from this workshop? Pass it along!
In this with you,
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