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Youth trauma conference, UC Berkeley!


Greetings ACEs community members,

I am currently a Ph.D. student at UC Berkeley, and I'm part of the Critical Trauma Working Group -- a student-run group of undergrads, grad students and community members interested in exploring how systemic forms of oppression lead to biological, psychological, and community detrimental effects across various marginalized populations, and acknowledge individual and community-level capacities to heal from oppression. 
We are organizing a conference on March 4 at UC Berkeley called: Contextualizing and Understanding Youth Trauma and Cultivating Resilience. 
It's aimed at  bringing together people who don't usually get to share knowledge: community practitioners, researchers, students, scientists and educators. We want to understand the biology and the social-contextual factors of trauma and its impact on youth.  You can check out the event here!
We are doing some cool things at this conference: There's no registration fee, and we're trying to provide free lunches for as many people as possible. We're also providing a decompression room with tea and snacks, in case the material is triggering. There will even be a trauma counselor standing by to offer services free of charge.
But we're a bit desperate for funds!  We started a crowdfunding page to raise some money. We would be eternally grateful if you could donate any small amount to this conference, or share the site with your networks!  
We are so excited to convene a group of people interested in learning about the scientific and social impact of trauma on youth. We want this event to be accessible to everyone.  Thanks for your consideration in helping us out. 
Feel free to email me with any questions,
Robyn Gee

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