"Zero-tolerance policies require school officials to give students a specific, consistent, and harsh punishment, usually suspension or expulsion, when certain rules are broken. The punishment applies regardless of the circumstances, the reasons for the behavior (such as self-defense), or the student’s history of disciplinary problems.
"Zero-tolerance policies were written into school handbooks in the 1990s, created originally to be a deterrent for bringing weapons into schools. These policies stemmed from law enforcement’s adoption of the “broken windows” theory and the Gun-Free Schools Act."
"It is imperative that schools reconsider the way that they discipline students, and look to holistically develop them into positive, contributing members of society, rather than simply seek to deter them from crime. If this becomes the school’s priority, then the student can be set on a better path and a more positive learning environment can be created within the school. This can be accomplished through the use of tools like interventions, administrative discretion, cultural competency training, and other disciplinary responses, to repair and reconcile harm done to individuals or groups within the school community."
To read more of Farnel Maxime's article, click: http://www.sharedjustice.org/d...l-to-prison-pipeline
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