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March 2024

Thoughts To Share

“It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.” - Aisha Mirza. “The goal of recovery is not to become normal. The goal is to embrace the human vocation of becoming more deeply, more fully human.” - Patricia Deegan. “Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on...

Cost of ACES and a Solution

The Journal of the American Medical Association has reported that the national economic burden of ACE-related adult health conditions was $14.1 trillion annually ($183 billion in direct medical spending and $13.9 trillion in lost healthy life-years), or $88, 000 per affected adult annually and $2.4 million over their lifetimes. and The most important and least discussed takeaway from The ACE Study is that many aces could be prevented with an entirely new kind of parenting education that...

IWD and Insidious trauma

International Women’s Day, is a day to both celebrate and advocate. As part of advocating, I’m resharing this 32min “An introduction to insidious trauma” video, I did for a Dr. King event. Also, for those who don’t normally read YouTube descriptions - there are links to the handout and more there. Video description: Insidious trauma is the daily incidents of marginalization, objectification, dehumanization, intimidation, et cetera that are...

Chronic Illness, Adverse Pre-Onset Experiences (APOEs) and A Splinter Metaphor

This splinter story is an APOE metaphor, a term I have coined as "adverse pre-onset experiences" aka APOEs. This builds on the term for our knowledge that ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) influence risk for chronic illness. This is about how chronic illness starts for many of us within weeks or months of a stressful or traumatic event. And how we think, very normally, that this particular event is the cause...

Health & Human Nature: Workshop with La Maida Project

A special invitation to the PACEs community: Use promo code hellopaces for complimentary registration. In order for us to become active participants in reframing and generating health, we must first begin with exploring the deceptively simple question, “What is health?” This session is designed to delve into the answers to this question and come to a more empowering view of health that accounts for connection to self, community, purpose, and the natural world as the essential building blocks...

Elona Washington: How Telling Your Story Heals Yourself & Others on History. Culture. Trauma. Thursday at 1 p.m. PDT

This week, in honor of Women's History Month, we will speak with Elona Washington . Elona is the founder of The Author’s Journey , an award-winning marketing agency. Elona is a childhood trauma survivor who understands firsthand the challenges of revealing life's most intimate, personal moments. After self-publishing her memoir, she was catapulted in the public eye as a #metoo activist, appearing in the USA TODAY, Canadian Broadcasting Network, and other major outlets. A 3x bestselling...

[free event] Transforming from Coercion to Consent-Based Work Cultures

Consent-based work cultures create empowered, enthusiastic teams who take the initiative to co-create the best possible thriving work environment. Unfortunately, many workplaces are stuck in old authoritarian ways of coercion. Join us to: + Identify workplace abuse, neglect, and coercive control + Learn tools to improve morale resulting in higher productivity and staff retention + Understand the health science of fear >>Register here<< All who register will receive a link to the...

Support safe environments for children and youth through policy []

By Laura Gallant, 3/4/24, Safe, stable, and nurturing environments are fundamental sources of positive childhood experiences (PCEs) to all children. When children and youth feel safe, physically, and emotionally, they can grow into healthy adults. Barriers to PCEs, and the practice of lifting these barriers, are often viewed on the individual level. But barriers to PCEs are also created on the systemic level. Policy changes, even though they can feel...

Parents Being Held Accountable Parents are being held accountable for their awful parenting. Perhaps it's time for an entirely new kind of parenting that reaches everyone, everywhere. The Camarillo, CA nonprofit Advancing Parenting is pioneering a low tech yet very powerful variation on this new kind of parenting education. Visit for more information. Consider supporting Advancing Parenting. We have...

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