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June 2015

What happened to the Duggars could happen to your family. Here’s how to prevent it. []

This opinion piece waswritten by Victor Vieth, the senior director & founder of the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center. Josh Duggars admission to sexually abusing five children when he was a teenager has brought national attention to the issue of sexual offenses committed by juveniles. The fact that Duggars victims include members of his own family highlights one of the most difficult aspects of child sexual abuse. The Duggar case is not...

Childhood trauma increases risk of adult mental illness because of long-term immune system changes []

Long-term changes in immune function caused by childhood trauma could explain increased vulnerability to a range of health problems in later life, according to new research by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) at Kings College London and the NIHR Maudsley BRC. The study, published today in Molecular Psychiatry , found heightened inflammation across three blood biomarkers in adults who had been victims of childhood trauma. High levels of...

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