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Resilience Leaders: A Data-Driven and Tech-Empowered Approach to ACEs Prevention

Resilience Leaders is a data leaders and quality improvement program focused on creating trauma-free and family-friendly communities. The program is based on the Data Leaders for Child Welfare program developed with the support of Casey Family Programs and currently implemented in NYC, Connecticut and NM. We are focused on preventing the root causes of childhood emotional trauma through a data-driven four-step process of continuous quality improvement (CQI): assessment, planning, action and...

Sentenced to Life Without Parole As a Juvenile: April Henderson | Age 37 []

For more than a decade I have interviewed more than 1,000 kids in 35 states. What of these kids who were sentenced to long sentences and JLWOP, life sentences without parole? These kids become adults who become geriatric. These are the people I have interviewed for the past year. These are their stories. There are more than 2,000 people — juveniles serving life without parole all over the country. These are some of their voices. These are their faces. This is a series by Richard Ross that...

The Future of Data Justice Under Trump []

The residents of southeastern Newport News, Virginia, have long complained about the "coal dust." They say the air is so thick with the stuff it will coat their porch furniture. Newport News and neighboring cities on the mouth of the James River ship Appalachian coal out to the rest of the world, and, every year, tens of millions of tons of coal rumble along on carts and tumble down conveyor belts in towns around the river. Meanwhile, a 2005 Virginia Department of Health study found that...

How New Jersey Is Leading the Post-Bail Revolution []

On Monday, October 31, former Trump aide Paul Manafort was charged with felony crimes of, among other things in his 12-count indictment , money laundering and conspiring against the U.S. A judge imposed a $10 million bond on Manafort, and $5 million for his alleged co-conspirator Richard Gates, to ensure that they would return for a court trial. Special counsel Robert Mueller told the judge that both were “serious” flight risks given their wealth and the high-level crimes they’re allegedly...

Suspension, expulsion rates fall sharply in California, but racial and ethnic disparities remain []

School suspensions and expulsions in California public schools have dropped dramatically among all racial and ethnic groups over the past five years but a significant gap remains for African-American students, according to new state data released Wednesday. In the 2016-17 school year, the suspension rate of African-American students in California public schools was 9.8 percent. Still, that rate was significantly lower than it was in 2011-12, when the rate for African-American students was...

The Power of Preying: Why Men Target Women in the Workplace []

The recent firestorm of allegations made by several female actors of unwanted sexual advances and rape seems to have exposed yet another powerful man, Harvey Weinstein, as an apparent sexual predator. Like that of his counterpart Anthony Weiner (and the alleged conduct of Bill Cosby), Weinstein’s alleged predation appears to have been fully calculated. Different than the garden-variety rapist who looks for opportunity in the moment, then lunges in an adrenaline high at his victim, such men...

How to Enjoy Being Alone with Your Thoughts []

Be optimistic. Think happy thoughts. Lots of happiness advice makes it sound as if we could flip a switch and fill our heads with puppies and rainbows—and wouldn’t that be great? But it turns out that positive thinking isn’t so easy. In an infamous 2014 study where people had 15 minutes to mentally entertain themselves, about 40 percent chose to help pass the time by—no, not meditating—receiving an electric shock. In fact, a recent study found that only 13 percent of people’s thoughts are...

Childhood spankings can lead to adult mental health problems []

A new study by Andrew Grogan-Kaylor and Shawna Lee, both U-M associate professors of social work, and colleagues indicates the violence caused by spanking can lead adults to feel depressed, attempt suicide, drink at moderate-to-heavy levels or use illegal drugs. "Placing spanking in a similar category to physical/emotional abuse experiences would increase our understanding of these adult mental health problems," Grogan-Kaylor said. Spanking is defined as using physical force with the...

I Did It Norway []

In August, when the solar eclipse passed over South Boise Women's Correctional Center in Idaho, the officers held lunch early, handed out protective sunglasses, and invited the women outside to watch the sky. At the Cheshire Correctional Institution in Connecticut, a few prisoners and officers recently played cards together; the warden seemed a little stunned when describing the scene. John Wetzel, who runs the prison system in Pennsylvania, has noticed a shift in tone at annual gatherings...

Who Wins When a City Gets Smart? []

COLUMBUS, OH.— Katrina Lewis could feel impatience radiating off the bus as she struggled to collapse the stroller. That was the rule on Columbus transit, the driver said, even with small children in tow. That meant extracting her newborn and two-year-old from the big doublewide baby carrier as the four-year-old stood next to her. All the passengers seemed to stare as Lewis bent over the bulky stroller, baby gripped in one arm, crying. Her bad hip ached under the strain. She thought she...

School district leadership responds to Oregon Department of Education reports []

Oregon Department of Education released their annual report cards for state schools and districts from the 2016-17 school year Oct. 12. Tillamook County superintendents and leadership weighed in. Tillamook School District No. 9 “While we are proud of the hard work that students and staff have done, we acknowledge that there is still a lot of work to be accomplished,” Superintendent Randy Schild, said. “Although as a District, we believe there are much more important factors to focus on than...

RYSE gathering: To promote healing from trauma, institutions need to stop seeing youth as the problem

A young man told clinical therapist Marissa Snoddy recently that when she calls him a leader, she got it all wrong. “He said, ‘I just came from Juvenile Hall,’ I’m not a leader.” But, she said, “We just kept giving him love. And we said, ‘You’re courageous for showing up and being here,’” The very fact that he was there, she explained, showed he was a leader. Snoddy related the anecdote recently for 80 people attending the Trauma and Learning Series launch led by the RYSE Center in Richmond,...

Helping Children Recover from Disasters

As we consider the effects of trauma on children, major disasters, whether they are natural or manmade, can profoundly affect their development. Below are links to a research-based fact sheet (in English and Spanish) you can share with parents and other primary care givers: These are also attached to this post. English Version Spanish Version

Community After Disaster, a Therapist’s Musings

Here in Sonoma, Napa and Mendocino counties, the entire community experienced prolonged and extensive hyper-arousal – days on end of watching and wondering where the fires would burn next, and far too many sleepless nights. According to the literature on disasters, what follows is a brief honeymoon period, characterized by community cohesion and gratitude. Sonoma County showed up for each other in major ways in the past couple of weeks, and the outpouring of gratitude to the first responders...

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