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A yoga program previously designed for victims of trauma could help prevent women and adolescents from becoming opioid addicts. The new program will reach women in public housing in rural Maryland. The move comes as a way to help combat the country’s deadly abuse of painkiller prescriptions and illegal opioids. [For more of this story written by David Taube, go to http://www.kcci.com/article/yoga-to-be-used-to-help-prevent-opioid-addiction-among-women-children/12027961 ]
Teachers , parents, and students will tell you: Social and emotional learning (SEL) programs make a difference . SEL programs are taught in some schools to help students acquire and apply the knowledge, attitude, and skills associated with five social and emotional competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. [For more of this story, written by Mariah Flynn, go to ...
The zip code where a child grows up can have a huge effect on that kid’s entire life. Children who grow up in low-poverty areas make more money than people who grow up in high-poverty areas, according to work by a team of researchers led by Raj Chetty, a Stanford economist. They’re also more likely to go to college and less likely to be single parents. To state the obvious, many poor families don’t have the resources to move to “high-opportunity neighborhoods.” Such areas, which boast better...
Michael Phelps locked himself in his bedroom for four days three years ago. He’d been arrested a second time for DUI. He was despondent and adrift. He thought about suicide. “I didn’t want to be alive,” he tells USA TODAY Sports. “I didn’t want to see anyone else. I didn’t want to see another day.” Family and friends — “a life-saving support group,” Phelps calls them — urged him to seek professional help. He got it. And now he wants others who are suffering from mental health issues to find...