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Separating Families at the Border — Consequences for Children’s Health and Well-Being []

Decades of research on child development confirms that children develop best in the context of safe, supportive, nurturing relationships. 1 Positive relationships with primary caregivers are essential for children’s healthy physical and emotional development. For children who experience serious traumas, parents provide an essential protective shield and help children regulate their emotions and reestablish a sense of safety, which affects their stress-response system (the...

Trump’s first full education budget: Deep cuts to public school programs in pursuit of school choice []

Funding for college work-study programs would be cut in half, public-service loan forgiveness would end and hundreds of millions of dollars that public schools could use for mental health, advanced coursework and other services would vanish under a Trump administration plan to cut $10.6 billion from federal education initiatives, according to budget documents obtained by The Washington Post. The administration would channel part of the savings into its top priority: school choice. It seeks...

After 6 Prison Terms, A Former Inmate Helps Other Women Rebuild Their Lives []

Susan Burton knows just how hard it is to get back on track after being released from prison. It's an experience she lived through six times, once for each of the prison terms she served. "One of the things about incarceration is that you're deprived. You lose all of your identity and then its given back one day and you're ill-equipped to actually embrace it and work it," Burton says. "Each time I left prison I left with the resolve to get my life together, to get a job, to get back on...

Raise the Age Advances in NC, Dies in Texas, Missouri []

Supporters of raising the age of criminal responsibility in North Carolina are optimistic as legislation heads to the Senate after a 104-8 approval vote in the General Assembly. The overwhelming vote Wednesday is a major step in the last state that still automatically charges 16-year-olds as adults, no matter the crime. The bill calls for youth to be charged as juveniles until they reach 18, although there are provisions allowing prosecutors and victims to ask a judge to refer the most...

Report Features Newly-Released Data to Support Positive Child and Family Well-Being

A new report produced in partnership with Casey Family Programs illuminates the importance of HOPE—Health Outcomes of Positive Experiences, a framework that studies and promotes positive child and family well-being. Balancing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with HOPE presents newly-released, compelling data that reinforces the need and opportunity to support families and communities in the cultivation of relationships and environments that promote healthy childhood development. It also...

How to Handle a Toxic Relationship []

Last week, I had lunch with a friend. As we were walking out, she mentioned that she had to see someone who hadn’t always been kind to her, a relationship that caused her more stress and suffering than anything else. She’d been avoiding the meeting, but now it looked inevitable. “She just makes me so anxious,” she said, gritting her teeth. I’ve been there myself. Lots of times. Seriously toxic relationships call for us to cut off contact altogether; others, though also toxic, seem impossible...

Joe Reardon: Our kids’ health and economic well-being go hand in hand []

Tyler and Alexis were little when they were placed in foster care. For years, they bounced from house to house. They were scared, lonely and unsure of their future. All they had, literally, was each other. Today they are thriving. Excelling at school, living in a loving home, admired and respected by their peers and contributing to our community as mentors for other young adults. Too many children face difficult circumstances like Tyler and Alexis. All children have unlimited potential, but...

In Photos: A Mother Adjusts to Parenting After Prison []

When Kendra Wright was incarcerated for drug-related offenses at Oregon’s only women’s prison, her then-6-year-old daughter, Selene, was placed in the care of Wright’s grandparents. Prohibited from speaking to Selene, Wright cherished what little contact she had: Wright’s grandmother would call her while Selene was in the same room. “It was the only way I could hear her little voice,” Wright said. But in 2013, Wright was accepted to the Family Preservation Project, an initiative then run by...

California must save its successful after-school programs []

Evan Cardona, a 1st-grader at Mountain View Elementary in Los Angeles, arrived at the Regional Spelling Bee excited to take on a new challenge. Despite placing first in his school spelling bee, Evan’s success had not come easily. In kindergarten, Evan fell behind and finished the year without knowing many of his first-level words. Doctors had told his mother that, because of complications at birth, Evan would likely experience many developmental delays throughout his life. [For more of this...

Gentrification Doesn't Mean Diversity []

On the corner of 7th and P Streets in D.C.’s Shaw neighborhood is a boxy building, with the words “Bread For The City” stenciled across the brick facade. This is a non-profit that provides food, shelter, and legal services for low-income residents. A stone’s throw away is a busy coffee shop and a trendy cocktail bar, both beloved by young locals.Elsewhere in the neighborhood are organic grocery stores, glistening high-end menswear shops, a new movie theater, and a gay sports bars, all...

How an Ancient Singing Tradition Helps People Cope With Trauma in the Modern World []

Riitta Excell wore a pair of homemade wool socks: white with red floral patterns and rounded blue toes. Around her were women sipping tea and enjoying plum pastries and chicken feta pie. They wore homemade wool socks, as well. It was nearly 3 o’clock on a Tuesday afternoon, and Pirkko Fihlman’s living room on the outskirts of Helsinki was filled with black-and-white family photos, porcelain figurines of angels and birds, and embroidered rococo chairs. The clink of tea cups fell silent, and...

"First-rank treatments" -- so called, that is

For several years now, SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors" have been so-called first rank treatments for not only Depression (at least for certain degrees of severity) but for PTSD -- such as from psychological trauma. This is especially important to re-consider now, after not only the Culverhouse meta-analysis previously discussed on this site; but also after some recent research from Jakobsen et al from Denmark

Am I Normal?

“Am I normal?” Robert, a 24-year old programmer, asked me a few months into our work together. “What makes you ask that question right now?” We had been talking about his new relationship and how he was feeling good about getting more serious. “Well I just wonder if it’s normal to feel as much anxiety as I do.” “What is normal?” I asked him. So, what is normal? According to the dictionary, normal means “conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.” But when it comes to humanity...

Tight Budgets Accomplish for Juvenile Justice What Fighting Fear Could Not []

(Part 7) Fear begets lies that suppress truth. We Americans take pride in our democracy. Abraham Lincoln aptly described it as “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” At the core of democracy is the power of persuasion, the ability to forge a majority to take a position. But it was also Lincoln who warned us to guard against the dark side of democracy, or what he referred to in his speech on “ The Perpetuation of our Political Institutions ” as “mob law.” Our democracy is...

The story of Cain and Abel through the lens of trauma-informed ministry - a story from chapel service at Intermountain

Maybe you are familiar with the story of Cain and Abel ? It's hard to think of a Bible story that has more potential triggers for retraumatization or difficult feelings for children from hard places and circumstances than this story of jealousy, murder, and judgment! So, when it came time to teach a lesson on this story in chapel service at Intermountain , a residential treatment center for severely emotionally disturbed and traumatized children, I had a fair amount of trepidation. As the...

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