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County focuses on reducing number of adults traumatized in childhood

Note: This excellent article by Kate Masters in the daily Frederick, MD newspaper led me to talk to two of the people interviewed in the story and learn just how much is going on right in my neck of the woods in Frederick County (where I live in Washington, DC is in the same Metro Statistical Area). Anne Soule, Director of Family Support Services, Mental Health Association of Frederick County, and Lynn Davis, Director, Child Advocacy Center of Frederick County, have been working together...

Walla Walla-Part 2: Integrating a Focus on Success

Here's a second post from my recent visit to Walla Walla to learn all I could from them about how they've developed a trauma-informed community. ( ICYMI: here's my first post mapping out Walla Walla's step-by-step approach to building a trauma-informed community ) Integrating the knowledge about ACEs, brain science, and resilience into practice has been a cornerstone of Walla Walla's trauma-informed community initiative. At every monthly meeting of their Community Resilience Initiative (CRI)...

The Fourth Annual Capital District Symposium on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Trauma, and Response

I just wanted to take a moment to tell the community how excited I, and the rest of our staff at LaSalle School , are about our upcoming Fourth Annual Capital District ACEs Symposium happening tomorrow, May 5. I posted the event in the calendar some weeks back, and I am proud to say that we successfully filled the room and had to close registration two weeks ago. This means that more than 900 people from a wide range of sectors including health care, education, juvenile justice, police,...

Two Scenes from Pope Francis's Revolution of Tenderness []

Five decades ago, in an essay in The New York Review of Books, Hannah Arendt described an exchange she had had with a “Roman chambermaid” about Pope John XXIII. The beloved pontiff had died, of stomach cancer, two years earlier, not long before the Second Vatican Council, which he convened, transformed the liturgy and the spirit of the Catholic Church. “How could it happen that a true Christian would sit on St. Peter’s chair?” the chambermaid asked, apparently referring to the succession of...

A supportive, loving community can help heal neglected children []

Our childhood stays with us throughout our lives. We know this intuitively, from the shiver that can accompany memories of an upsetting event from our early years even into adulthood. But it is also true in a much deeper way. The Adverse Childhood Experience (Ace) study , carried out in the US in the 1990s, found that children exposed to serious neglect, abuse or household dysfunction were at significantly greater risk of a litany of poor health and social outcomes, ranging from heart...

Girls suffer childhood trauma more. New research shows how yoga can help heal them. []

As a teenager, Rocsana Enriquez ran away from home frequently to escape fights with her mother and sexual abuse from her stepfather. She got involved with street gangs and cycled in and out of juvenile detention. While she was incarcerated in Central California, she started to learn yoga. It became an outlet for her anger and an antidote to the deep insecurity she felt. Before she got into a fight, she reminded herself to take a deep breath. And she loved the way she felt when she stretched...

Pre-K: Decades Worth Of Studies, One Strong Message []

Some of the nation's top researchers who've spent their careers studying early childhood education recently got together in Washington with one goal in mind: to cut through the fog of studies and the endless debates over the benefits of preschool. They came away with one clear, strong message: Kids who attend public preschool programs are better prepared for kindergarten than kids who don't. The findings come in a report " The Current State of Scientific Knowledge on Pre-Kindergarten Effects...

California's subsidized after-school programs struggling to survive []

Stagnant state funding, rising costs and possible cutbacks in federal support are threatening the viability of California’s subsidized after-school programs, which serve 859,000 low-income students in 4,500 schools across the state. Besides offering a safe place for children while parents are working, after-school and summer programs provide homework help, hands-on science and arts projects, field trips, sports, social-emotional support and meals. The programs are free to parents of...

Far From Being a Burden, Research Suggests Refugees Come With Benefits []

WHEN WAR HIT close to home, Veronica Mesiko Simon grabbed a few dishes and a bundle of clothes. With a load on her head, six kids and a mother in tow, she ran for the Ugandan border, six miles away from her home in South Sudan. And just like that, everything changed. Simon and her family became refugees. [For more of this story, written by Karen J. Coates, go to]

'Resilience' makes London premiere; most theaters sold out for 3-month tour across UK

(l to r) Sara Dodds, Office of Chief Social Policy Advisor, Scottish Government; James Redford, "Resilience" director; Dr. Michael Smith, Associate Medical Director for Mental Health, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, during Scotland tour of 'Resilience'. _____________________________________ From KPJR Films: On Thursday April 27th, hundreds of people from across England gathered in London for the United Kingdom premiere of RESILIENCE , directed by James Redford and produced by KPJR Films .

Depression's Gender Gap Shows Up in Pre-Teen Years []

Gender differences in depression diagnosis and symptoms start to appear around the age of 12, a new study reports. "We found that twice as many women as men were affected. Although this has been known for a couple of decades, it was based on evidence far less compelling than what we used in this meta-analysis," said study co-author Janet Hyde. She is a professor of psychology and gender and women's studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "We want to stress that although twice as many...

Mom's Money Worries May Mean Smaller Baby []

Financial stress during pregnancy could increase the risk of having a smaller baby, a new study suggests. Researchers call this "pregnancy-specific distress." And it "includes concerns about labor and delivery, about relationships changing, about working after the baby arrives, paying for medical care, and whether the baby will be unhealthy," said study senior author Lisa Christian in an Ohio State University news release. [For more of this story go to ...

Talking Tough Topics with Kids: Chat Event In Parenting with ACEs Group on May 9th

Hi Everyone! Our first monthly chat is scheduled for May 9th. I'm so excited. The topic is great and so is our guest. I hope you can attend. Cissy Location: Online / Parenting with ACEs Group It’s hard to know if, when and how to talk to children about abuse, addiction and ACEs. How do we find the right words or time? Please join Beth O’Malley , our special guest for the first in our Parenting with ACEs chat series . Beth has dedicated her life to supporting kids, adoptees, parents and...

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