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Scaling Program Investments for Young Children Globally: Evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean: Summary of a Joint Workshop by the Institute of Medicine, the National Research Council, and Fundacao Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal, Sao Paolo []

Authors Deepali M. Patel and Sarah M. Tracey, Rapporteurs; Forum on Investing in Young Children Globally; Board on Children, Youth, and Families; Board on Global Health; Institute of Medicine; National Research Council   Description This report...

The WHO 18 question ACE questionaire

The World Health Organization (WHO) adopted the ACE screening tool, and used [an apparently modified version of it, in its 2013 Survey of the World's Healthiest Children. But when I briefly looked at it, on the WHO website, I thought it contained a total of eighteen [rather than ten questions in the original ACE screening tool] primary questions. I also didn't know how they scored their WHO 18 primary question ACE survey, or interpreted what someone's score was, and what it means. Is anyone...

Traffic Stop [NPR's StoryCorps]

Alex Landau, an African American man, was raised by his adoptive white parents to believe that skin color didn’t matter. But when Alex was pulled over by Denver police officers one night in 2009, he lost his belief in a color-blind...

Protesters question Denver police killing of mentally ill Native American []

  She knew her son was dead when she heard the gunshots. At least four staccato pops in a matter of seconds. Four bullets fired in the same amount of time needed to open a bottle of soda or to steal a kiss. “I told [the police] that my son was mentally ill, I tell them that every time I call,” said Lynn Eagle Feather. “I just asked for help. Instead they killed my son.” Her son, Paul Castaway, was a  Rosebud Sioux  tribal citizen who had battled mental...

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