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Detroit tackles suicide taboos head on []

  For Dr Doree Ann Espiritu, asking troubled souls about suicidal intent is always a delicate moment. “There’s always a fear that if you ask about suicide, you are giving them [the patients] an idea about what they can do,” the Detroit-based psychiatrist says. “Almost giving them a hint about what they might do. “If you are not used to this type of work, it is something that you dread as a psychiatrist,” Espiritu says. “Either you have already...

The Moral Injury []

David J. Morris returned from Iraq with a case of post-traumatic stress disorder. The former Marine turned war correspondent was plagued by nightmares. His imagination careened out of control; he envisioned fireballs erupting while on trips to the...

It’s NOT Your Fault

In 2004, I cofounded a child sexual abuse prevention organization in Iceland.  I moved my family there and ran this project for two years.  Then I moved my family back to the U.S. and participated with the organization through the web and by...

A bill for an act relating to education; requiring school districts to adopt a policy on recess for elementary school students;amending Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 1.4121A.215. []

  A bill for an act 1.2relating to education; requiring school districts to adopt a policy on recess 1.3for elementary school students;amending Minnesota Statutes 2014, section 1.4121A.215. 1.5BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF...

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