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What David Brooks Didn’t Say - Kids At Risk Action

"The World Health Organization defines torture as extended exposure to violence & deprivation . Every child in my CASA guardian ad-Litem caseload suffered from being tortured (half of them had been sexually abused). This explains why children in child protection suffer from PTSD at twice the rate soldiers returning from Iraq & Afghanistan do, why 2/3 of the youth in juvenile justice have mental health diagnosis (and why half of them have multiple, serious,...

How aware are we, really? - WI

" Abuse that is not physical seems to get ignored, but it sure does lasting damage. This young mother can barely cope with her life right now. She is being drained of all positive life force due to unrelenting mistreatment.  Her abuser is the man...

Juvenile Court receives big honor

"Eleven years ago, the folks at the Pima County Juvenile Court Center recognized the need to provide extra help and accountability to drug-addicted parents accused of abusing and neglecting their children. They started up Family Drug Court, which...

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