Article Mentions Ace Study
A really good article at"How Stress Is Really Hurting Our Kids"--mentions the ACE study. You can check it out here:
A really good article at"How Stress Is Really Hurting Our Kids"--mentions the ACE study. You can check it out here:
During my practice years of 1984 - 2009 I conducted detailed interviews with over 7000 people suffering from medically unexplained symptoms. In over 4000 of these the cause of the illness was linked to ACEs and I developed techniques for...
The primary prevention of ACES and fostering of Resilience, an antidote to ACES, has been a top priority for my husband, Dr. Burtt Richardson (a retired pediatrician) and myself, after hearing Dr. Felitti's ACES presentation in Maine in 2005....
My name is Dave Corwin. I confess that my picture is from 15 years ago but it's my favorite because the little girl on the TV above my left arm is my youngest daughter, Andrea, who is now 26 years old. She's 3 1/2 in the picture. ...
And the trailer's a real grabber: The book , by Robin Karr-Morse and Meredith S. Wiley, was published yesterday. If anyone's reading it and wants to do a short review, feel free to let us know what...
Thanks to Vincent Felitti sending out invitations, the ACEs Too High Network now has 41 members from across the globe. So, now that you've joined, what's next? A few suggestions: Go to "My Page", click on "blog post" and introduce...
After a series of widely publicized deaths of children in Arizona last year, Gov. Jan Brewer created a Child Safety Task Force last October. Child Protective Services had the children on its radar, but did not intervene soon enough to prevent their...
I am a retired consultant in child and adolescent psychiatry, who has mainly worked on the detection of violence/neglect at a prenatal time for preventing neonaticide, abandonment of children on a public place and the repetition of...
[This is cross-posted from] According to research of the last 15 years, there's no doubt now that toxic stress on the brains of babies and children causes short-term harm and long-term health consequences. So, it's not a big surprise that the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement. What's significant is the advice: Radically change how you do your job and take new approaches to protect those fragile developing brains. The report advised...
Welcome to ACEsConnection!! Before you get started, be sure to check out the Tips for getting around ACEs Connection , and an overview of the network at What is ACEsConnection? It's easy to start: Just sign up and fill out...
These handouts go with the following two videos: A Trauma Informed Approach to Children in State Custody - Part 1 (59 min) A Trauma Informed...
It’s not enough to simply to believe compassion is important. We must transform our thoughts and behaviour on a daily basis to cultivate compassion without attachment. Before we can generate compassion and love, it is important to have a clear understanding of what we understand compassion and love to be. In simple terms, compassion and love can be defined as positive thoughts and feelings that give rise to such essential things in life as hope, courage, determination, and inner strength.
I just received a copy of Dr. Anda's most recent report "Adverse Childhood Experiences & Population Health in Washington: The Face of a Chronic Public Health Disaster" Results from the 2009 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveilance System, July 2, 2010. The most striking statistic from the original study at Kaiser with 51% of the participants reporting one ACE is the increase to the Washington State statistic of 62%. Those of us who are working with young children in Washington State are seeing...
It’s pretty striking, says Dr. David Brown, the lead author on research released by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine last week that examines the link between child trauma and early mortality. “It’s pretty striking that...
When we talk about the possible lifelong effects of Childhood PTSD (my own term for Complex PTSD originating from early abuse and neglect), we’re usually talking about things like depression, addiction and relationship problems. We now know there is an underlying symptom that plays a role in the outward signs of PTSD -- and that’s brain dysregulation. In most ways, brain dysregulation is a problem. It causes us to be overreactive or numb, to have poor judgment, and even to suffer with a...