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Resilient Georgia Presents: Trauma, Resilience, and the Community Resiliency Model

The Community Resiliency Model (CRM) is a set of trauma-informed skills that can help people monitor their bodily sensations and ground themselves towards their Resilient Zone. CRM is supporting individuals towards resilience in Georgia and across the nation. To read more about the basis of CRM and how it's being used today, check out our newest blog post here .

Ten Strategies for Navigating Holiday Family Gatherings as ACE Survivors

As the holidays approach, family gatherings are once again possible. It is common to have high expectations when thinking of reuniting with family you haven't seen for a long time. But for adult survivors of adverse childhoood experiences (ACE), you might fear that your worst expectations will be realized if you get together with nuclear and/or extended family members for a holiday celebration.

Many parents of school shooters ignore glaring warning signs. This grandmother didn’t. []

By John Woodrow Cox, Mark Berman, and Steven Rich, Photo: Oakland County Sheriff's Office/AP, The Washington Post, December 9, 2021 She had seen her grandson’s red, spiral-bound notebook before that night, but now, as Catherine O’Connor sifted through its pages for the first time, what she read astonished her. “School Shootings,” Joshua O’Connor had titled the first page, above a reconstruction of the Columbine High School massacre that left 13 people dead. In the pages that followed,...

Healing From Child Trauma []

By David Ketchum, Photo: Roman Kirienko/Pexels, LA Progressive, December 2021 F or all the effort we put into social change, and all the discouragement we feel with how slow that change often is, sometimes I am amazed at how quickly and how much change is actually happening. And I don’t just mean in all the horrible, unjust ways. I’ll take it as a given that humans will continue to think up horrible ways to hurt one another and destroy the planet; that is disappointing and egregious, but it...

The arguments about abortion in the US are about one thing: controlling women []

By Rebecca Solnit, Photo: Allison Bailey/NurPhoto/REX/Shutterstock, The Guardian, December 10, 2021 A lot of people with a lot of power don’t see why women should have jurisdiction over their own bodies. That’s the anti-abortion argument in a nutshell, in that they claim a foetus, or even an embryo, or in some cases even a fertilised egg too small for the human eye to see, has rights that supersede those of the person inside whose body that egg, embryo or foetus might be. What was clear from...

'A Paradigm Shift' []

By Iridian Casarez, Photo: Redwood Pediatrics, North Coast Journal, December 16, 2021 W ithin the past year Mike Mangahas, a pediatrician at Open Door Community Health Clinic in Eureka, has seldom prescribed medications to patients with serious behavioral issues. Instead, he's using information from a survey about patients' childhood traumas — known as adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs — to inform a more holistic model of care. "I have been prescribing a lot less psychotropic...

Self-Care during Pregnancy: Counteracting Negative Impacts of Stress

Upon learning that you are expecting to welcome a new life into this world, you may be hit with a mixture of emotions; sometimes you are unsure how to feel. One emotion every parent is bound to feel is some degree of stress. Stress, the result of a person feeling incapable of coping with a negative situation, affects people differently, and yet no one is immune to the dangers of too much stress. With the growing amount of research on adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, and their...

Storytelling - Parenting Center Tip of the Week []

Storytelling Storytelling serves many purposes. It can help to build memory, imagination, attention and focus. It can connect children to generations past and present, raise cultural awareness and build a positive sense of identity. Here are a few ways to incorporate storytelling into your next visit: Ask patients over 3 to tell you about a holiday they celebrate Model storytelling by narrating during the visit Encourage parents to think about storytelling when they are reading, going beyond...

Many Black farmers nationwide struggling to keep their farms afloat as they face disparities across the board []

By Chandelis Duster and Janie Boschma, Photo: Nitashia Johnson /CNN, CNN Politics, December 15, 2021 T exas cattle rancher Deydra Steans quit her teaching job three years ago to help save her family's farming operations. She was prepared for the strenuous task of herding animals. Steans, 41, usually begins her day at 7 a.m. with her 68-year-old father, Elvin Steans. The pair talk over breakfast and a cup of coffee and then head out onto their ranch to feed cattle. She often drives the skid...

Traumatic Stress, and Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises

Traumatic stress causes many problems for survivors and others. We don’t feel well enough to accomplish our life goals or to function in day-to-day routines. There is a new solution to traumatic stress, and it is called Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE). This article and those that follow in August will outline traumatic stress and how TRE can change lives. What is traumatic stress? Traumatic stress is a process by which individual’s resources are lost or threatened beyond individuals’...

This Block Used To Be For First-Time Homebuyers. Then Global Investors Bought In. []

By Peter Whoriskey, Spencer Woodman, and Margot Gibbs, Illustration: Frank Hulley-Jones, The Washington Post, December 15, 2021 The homes on Tammy Sue Lane aren’t fancy. Modest in size and clad in vinyl siding, the houses were priced below $200,000 when most were built about 15 years ago, and for many families in suburban Nashville, they represented a first chance at homeownership. A corrections officer bought one, and so did a housekeeper and an electrician. Then some of the world’s...

What to Do About Facebook? Nonprofits Weigh Benefits Against Ethical Concerns []

By Eden Stiffman, Image: Getty Images, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, December 15, 2021 In early October, officials at the Latino civil-rights advocacy group UnidosUS announced they would sever ties with Facebook. This meant that the organization, formerly known as the National Council of La Raza, returned or refused $277,272 in grants from the social-media behemoth’s corporate office. UnidosUS was already aware of the harms Latinos face as a result of the platform’s policies and products,...

The network of election lawyers who are making it harder for Americans to vote []

By Peter Stone, Photo: Nathan Posner/REX/Shutterstock, The Guardian, December 14, 2021 A powerful network of conservative election lawyers and groups with links to Donald Trump have spent millions of dollars promoting new and onerous voting laws that many battleground states such as Georgia and Texas have enacted. The moves have prompted election and voting rights watchdogs in the US to warn about the suppression of non-white voters aimed at providing Republicans an edge in coming elections.

Workers are crying out for a four-day week. It's time for their bosses to pay attention []

By Allison Morrow, Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/Getty Images, CNN Business, November 17, 2021 A key lesson of the "Great Resignation" is becoming increasingly clear: It's time to shave a day off the workweek. American workers are quitting in record numbers — 4.3 million in August, and another 4.4 million in September. Managers across industries are having trouble hiring , even as they raise wages and offer incentives. But a new survey offers support for a not-so-radical but still uncommon...

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