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First 5 Siskiyou Virtual Training: Parenting in Oz! Trauma-Informed Parenting - presented by Rolf Van Leeuwen, MSW

Join us in this virtual training to learn about a very unique and healing way to care for traumatized children! May 13, 2021 ~ 9:00AM to 12:30PM (PDT) Parenting In Oz! is an experiential, memorable, trauma-informed, parenting curriculum designed to help parents and professionals understand and respond therapeutically to the acting-out behaviors often exhibited by children who have experienced the trauma of neglect, abuse, and loss. More information about this training is available in the the...

Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir Premieres on PBS May 3 []

Amy Tan : Unintended Memoir Premieres nationwide Monday, May 3 at 9:00 p.m. on PBS (check local listings) Also available on the PBS Video app. Tune in May 3rd at 9/8c American Masters—Amy Tan: Unintended Memoirpremiered at The Sundance Film Festival in February 2021 to audiences and media that embraced Tan’s story of personal trauma and her use of creative expression to build resiliency. The film is an intimate portrait of the groundbreaking writer that interweaves archival imagery,...

April 26, HHS Community Health News, 2021: Highlighted Grants and Funding Opportunities []

From Heidi Christensen, Department of Health and Human Services, April 2021 Note: A primary reason funding opportunities highlighted is to let you know of potential investments in your community. To participate in these funds, you may need to actively engage with local community partners, health care systems, and/or public health entities and contribute to your community’s collective efforts. Grants are listed in order of due date, note *new listings.

Trauma Treatment Series (May 3 to 7)

Good Sunday morning all. For those interested in trauma treatment, the US based National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM) is offering a series of 5 modules on the treatment of trauma featuring some well-known experts in the field. They include Bessel van der Kolk, MD (featured in the cover image of this blog post), Pat Ogden, PhD, Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, Dan Siegel, MD and Stephen Porges, PhD. The series starts on Monday 3rd May 2021. More information and...

Resilience Week Virginia 2021 Begins May 2

The second annual Resilience Week Virginia begins Sunday, May 2, and it’s shaping up to be another transformative and much-needed experience. In the year since the first Resilience Week Virginia, we have continued to endure a global pandemic, racial and economic injustice, and so much grief and loss. At the same time, we have continued to persevere, connect, and care for ourselves and one another. The lessons of trauma and resilience illuminate our individual and collective strengths and the...

Why US utilities must cut carbon emissions faster — and how data can help get it done []

By Jeff St. John, Canary Media, April 27, 2021 A growing body of data indicates that 2030, not 2050, is the deadline for U.S. utilities to close all coal-fired power plants and that the time to stop building new natural-gas-fired power plants is now. On Tuesday, nonprofit research organization RMI released a report underscoring this growing consensus and upping the ante on driving down U.S. carbon emissions even faster than the Biden administration’s aggressive new target would require. And...

Minn. Foundation Awards $100 Million to Help Blacks and Native Americans Build Wealth []

By Jim Rendon, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, April 29, 2021 The Bush Foundation in St. Paul is putting $100 million toward increasing the wealth of Black and Native American people who lag far behind white people when it comes to individual financial worth — one of the largest such efforts in the United States. The remarkable move is not a traditional grant program. The foundation wants to find two groups to distribute the money to bolster wealth among Blacks and Native Americans in...

Philanthropy’s Problem With Single-Issue Solutions []

By Trent Stamp and Cathey Choi, Stanford Social Innovation Review, April 26, 2021 The problems philanthropy seeks to remedy are big, messy, and complicated. Yet far too often, we try to combat them with simple responses. Faced with child hunger, we focus on giving children food; but we don’t connect that work to creating a national minimum wage, even though the vast majority of food-insecure children in the United States have working parents. We try to fix homelessness without embracing...

In Quebec, Child Care Is Infrastructure []

By Kendra Hurley, Bloomberg CityLab + Equality, April 29, 2021 While child care centers across the U.S. have faced a spate of closures during the pandemic, the Canadian province that pioneered a model for universal subsidized child care had a markedly different experience — even from the rest of Canada. Though providers in Quebec faced many of the same struggles to keep kids and caregivers safe, more centers were able to stay open, and in some cases thrive. A major reason Quebec’s system...

In Case You Missed It: "Racism and Discrimination as Risk Factors for Toxic Stress" April 28 Webinar Now Available []

Presenters discuss: Some of the main social and environmental factors that lead to health disparities, as well as the impacts of racism and discrimination on public health across communities. The role of racism and discrimination as risk factors for toxic stress and ACE-Associated Health Conditions. Making the case to clinicians and clinical teams that implementing trauma-informed care principles and ACE screening can help promote health equity as part of supporting the health and well-being...

Is this the year the California Legislature closes the digital divide? []

By Ben Christopher, Cal Matters, April 29, 2021 It only took a global pandemic, a year spent working and studying at home and a once-in-a-generation spending blitz from the federal government, but 2021 might be the year that California finally goes big on broadband. Expanding internet access has long been a cause that lawmakers of all stripes — Democrat and Republican, rural and urban — have been happy to get behind. Few, however, have been willing to actually prioritize it. That might...

La Maida Project, ACEs Aware Grantee, Presents: Provider Engagement Webinar Series Exploring the Role of Culture in Healing []

May 18 and 20, 2021 Webinar #1 Date: May 18, 2021 Time: 11:00am – 12:30pm PDT Trauma is Our Heritage, Healing is Our Nature The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study not only sheds light on the effects of childhood adversity, but it also raises questions about the framework of healing in healthcare. In the first of a two-part webinar series, participants will learn how trauma and toxic stress can heal through an ecological framework of health that includes each individual as part of an...

ACEs Aware in Action: April Newsletter []

ACEs Aware in Action Join the Movement to Screen, Treat, and Heal California patients, health care providers, and communities have weathered many storms over the past year. Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and responding to the symptoms of toxic stress will improve patient health now and in the future, unlocking the potential of an entire generation. Join the movement today to become ACEs Aware. March TIPC Meeting: Key Takeaways The Trauma-Informed Primary Care (TIPC)...

Narcissists and Your Toxic Insecurity []

By Jennifer B. Rhodes, The Good Men Project, April 26, 2021 I have a great deal of compassion for my clients and other people who are waking up to the realization that the person they love or the family they grew up in is, indeed, narcissistic. I’ve been there. Over a decade ago, I went through the most gut wrenching breakup with the man I thought I was going to marry. While I will leave the details for you to read in my forthcoming book Toxic Insecurity: The Path of Relational Spirituality...

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