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The Brain Architects Podcast: Toxic Stress: Protecting the Foundation (Episode 2) from Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Excessive or prolonged activation of stress response systems in early childhood can have damaging effects on learning, behavior, and health across the lifespan. Such toxic stress can occur when a child experiences strong, frequent, and/or prolonged adversity without adequate adult support. But that's not the whole story. With the right supports, toxic stress doesn't have to lead to bad outcomes. The second episode of the Center's new podcast, The Brain Architects, explores what toxic stress...

CYW's Provider Training Courses now available online

In response to an overwhelming demand for information about ACEs science, screening tools, and guidance on how to implement ACEs screening, CYW has developed a suite of online courses in order to make our training more accessible to a broader audience. Developed by a team of pediatricians, research scientists, public health experts, and clinical quality improvement experts, these courses are the first of four online courses that will aid medical providers/practitioners in understanding and...

Critics Warn School Shooter Drills May be Doing More Harm than Good: 'They're Becoming More Perverse and Obscene' []

By Peter Nickeas and Elyssa Cherney, Chicago Tribune, February 12, 2020 Since last year, every school in Illinois has been required by law to conduct active shooter drills to prepare students for potential violence. But two national teacher unions are calling for an end to the practice of simulating violence during such drills because of the potentially harmful effects they can have on the mental health of students and teachers. The American Federation of Teachers and the National Education...

A Closer Look at Food Insecurity []

From the Urban Institute, February 2020 40 million Americans, including 12.5 million children, face food insecureity, meaning they don’t have adequate access to healthy food. The Urban Institute recently released an interactive map that allows users to explore county-level food insecurity throughout the country and identify relevant risk factors. We sat down with Urban Institute fellow Elaine Waxman to learn more about the tool, the implications of food insecurity, and how the tool helps...

The Great Affordability Crisis Breaking America []

By Annie Lowrey, The Atlantic, February 7, 2020 In the 2010s, the national unemployment rate dropped from a high of 9.9 percent to its current rate of just 3.5 percent. The economy expanded each and every year. Wages picked up for high-income workers as soon as the Great Recession ended, and picked up for lower-income workers in the second half of the decade. Americans’ confidence in the economy hit its highest point since 2000, right before the dot-com bubble burst. The headline economic...

State Senator Would Extend California Foster Care Through Age 25 []

By Karen de Sa and John Kelly, The Chronicle for Social Change, February 5, 2020 A California senator introduced groundbreaking legislation this week to extend the state’s foster care system through age 25 – a bill that acknowledges the continued failure to prepare young people severed from families for life on their own. The early-stage Senate Bill 912 has few details yet available, and no price tag. But its lofty aim would make California the first state to expand such support and services...

Students can Pay for College with Public Service. Stanislaus State, UC Merced Take Part []

By John Holland, The Modesto Bee, February 11, 2020 Some students will be able to help pay for college through public service, thanks to a pilot program the state launched Monday. Three universities in the Northern San Joaquin Valley are among the eight involved statewide. About 250 students will take part in the rollout of the Civic Action Fellowship during the 2020-21 academic year. It builds on community service that many students already do as part of their coursework. In Turlock, for...

Addressing the Educational Gap in Whittier []

From Neighborhood Data for Social Change, February 2020 Published in partnership with the USC Price Center for Social Innovation in support of the Neighborhood Data for Social Change platform (NDSC): The platform is a free, publicly available online data resource that provides reliable, aggregated data at the city, neighborhood, and census tract level. The mission of the USC Price Center for Social Innovation is to develop ideas and illuminate strategies to improve the quality of life for...

How Some California School Districts Invest in Counseling - and Achieve Results []

By Carolyn Jones, EdSource, February 10, 2020 Geovanna Veloz, a senior at Mission High School in San Francisco, has always known she wants to be a nurse. What she didn’t know was how to get there. Her parents couldn’t help much. Immigrants from Mexico, they speak limited English, work long hours and don’t have much experience with education. Neither went to high school at all, in fact. Enter the school’s academic counseling staff. They ensured that Veloz took the right classes and helped her...

Fentanyl Epidemic: A Father's Love Starts His Fight []

By Jeff Pack, Valley News, February 11, 2020 When he took to the podium at the Temecula City Council meeting Tuesday, Feb. 4, Alex Capelouto’s father looked shaken, but he took a deep breath, adjusted his glasses and began to read from a speech he had written. “I’m Alex’s dad,” the man said. “I’m here on behalf of Jacob Alexander, 2017 graduate of Chaparral High School. Dec. 3, 2019, dead. I’m here on behalf of Caleb Dunlap, senior at Great Oak High School, Dec. 15, 2019, dead. I’m here on...

Patients Stuck with Bills After Insurers Don't Pay as Promise []

By Lauren Weber, Kaiser Health News, February 7, 2020 The more than $34,000 in medical bills that contributed to Darla and Andy Markley’s bankruptcy and loss of their home in Beloit, Wisconsin, grew out of what felt like a broken promise. Darla Markley, 53, said her insurer had sent her a letter preapproving her to have a battery of tests at the Mayo Clinic in neighboring Minnesota after she came down with transverse myelitis, a rare, paralyzing illness that had kept her hospitalized for...

How Feeling Not Good Enough Makes You Unhappy []

By Darius Cikanavicius, PsychCentral, February 7, 2020 Most of us occasionally question ourselves, sometimes feel self-doubtful, or challenge ourselves to try harder. People who chronically feel not good enough, however, are unable to escape this feeling, ever. Consequently, this becomes their main motivator in life. It is also their biggest burden since it can never be satisfied, no matter how hard or often the person tries to satisfy it. Why Do We Feel Not Good Enough? I have worked with...

OPINION: At-Risk Youth Aren't the Problem-But They can be Part of the Counseling Solution []

By Janice Bloom and Lori Chajet, The Hechinger Report, February 11, 2020 There’s room for more than one counseling solution. First, some numbers: 1-to-464 — the average school counselor-to-student ratio in the United States. 20 percent — the percentage of their time at work that more than half of high-school counseling departments report spending on college-related counseling. 1-to-1,000 — the typical adviser-to-student ratio at community colleges in the United States. [ Please click here to...

The Hidden Trauma of "Short Stays" in Foster Care []

By Eli Hager, The Marshall Project, February 11, 2020 The children usually arrived in the dead of night, silent and terrified. For two years, Daniel Derkacs and Ashley Keiler-Green, foster parents in Albuquerque, New Mexico, regularly took in kids whose parents were suspected of abusing or neglecting them. Sometimes, as the couple scrambled to find pajamas for their latest house guest, they couldn’t help but wonder if they’d just met a child who would be with them for years to come. But they...

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