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Recordings: Trauma-Informed "History and Hope" Trainings from Alaska Resilience Initiative

This summer, I am interning at the Alaska Resilience Initiative , a program under the Alaska Children’s Trust . To build resilience around the state, ARI has created a training called History and Hope , covering ACEs, Resilience, and trauma-informed practice. The presentation provides a background on healthy development, ACEs, toxic stress, structural trauma, and inequity, based in science and data and walks participants through the best practices for supporting healthy development and...

ACE Study Conversation with Dr. Felitti & Dr. Alman

ACE Study co-principal investigator communicating with ACE treatment approaches expert, Dr. Brian Alman. They have collaborated since the beginning days of the ACE Study. They are presently focused on new programs, courses & individual support sessions for parenting, inner resilience, mind-body weight loss & training for doctors as well as counselors. Listen in & join their conversation: Dr. Brian Alman & Vincent Felitti, MD Interview from Trusage on Vimeo .

Ava DuVernay's Central Park Five series isn't just history — it's an indictment of the present []

By Janell Ross, NBC News, June 2, 2019. Last month, after a pair of screenings of the director Ava DuVernay’s Central Park Five series in New York — one audience overwhelmingly white and the other overwhelmingly black — a general reaction could be heard. The series was good, but hard, audience members said as they filed out of the screenings. It was hard to watch. But the horrific case dramatized in DuVernay’s series was not a 1,000-year flood event, belonging to the country’s past. Elements...

Coming home stressed? Your dog is internalizing those bad vibes too, study suggests []

By Melissa Healy, Los Angeles Times, June 6, 2019. Is your dog stressed out? Maybe you’re the one who needs a belly rub. New research finds that throughout a dog’s life, the stress levels of a canine and his or her human tend to rise and fall together. In fact, stress in a dog appears to be more closely linked to the stress of its owner than it to the dog’s own temperament. In the 15,000 years that humans and dogs have lived together, dependence and mutual affection have deepened our bond.

A Family-Centered Program to Break the Cycle of Addiction

" [Celebrating Families!] showed significant impact on family organization, positive parenting, parent involvement, and alcohol and drug use reduction. CF! is shown to be successful in unifying families from family dependency courts and as a prevention program for SUDs when offered by community social service agencies. A preliminary efficacy study illustrates changes within participating families consistent with the goal. ... Results suggest that this family skills program can be an...

Claire's Story: The Carsons are hurting. Part 57.

By K. Hecht, A. Hosack, & P. Berman The Carsons haven’t said a word about Larry’s letter. But they look s o s ad. I have hurt them. Claire is lying in bed trying to relax. After their ice cream, the Carsons had kissed Claire on the cheek like they always did, before going to their bedroom. But something had changed…for the worse. How could they have aged just to hear that she had kept in touch with Larry. They didn’t act angry at her. They didn’t tell her she was wrong. They just looked...

Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities through Policy and Advocacy: A Toolkit for Trauma-Informed, Cross-Sector Networks

The Health Federation of Philadelphia is excited to launch Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities through Policy and Advocacy: A Toolkit for Trauma-Informed, Cross-Sector Networks . This resource supports network engagement in policy and advocacy efforts that are critical for achieving trauma-informed change and building community resilience. Use it to: Explore what counts as "trauma-related" policy. Think critically about advocacy roles networks can play. Be inspired by examples of...

Cracked Up Movie Twitter Town Hall Later Today & How-to for Beginners

Note: Many of you have seen the documentary film, Cracked Up, or plan to watch today. The viewing portal remains open until 4p.m. PST and 7p.m. EST. Please use this link to register for the viewing if you've not done so already. Please email me at or leave a comment if you had sign-in or tech issues while accessing the film so we can help. Here's the detailed post about the Twitter town Hall and guests. Here's the reminder information: Time: 4 - 5 p.m. PST / 7 - 8 p.m.

New Tool Kit Helps Child Welfare Leaders Utilize Data to Support Expectant and Parenting Youth []

Being a parent is hard at any age, but it can be even harder for younger moms and dads. And harder yet for young parents in foster care. To support these young parents and their families, systems leaders—ranging from child welfare to education to juvenile justice—need reliable data to guide policies and practices. Yet, according to Tammi Fleming, senior associate with the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative : “Data on expectant and parenting youth in foster...

A System of Prevention: Applying a Systems Approach to Public Health []

By Juliet Sims MPH, RD, Manal J. Aboelata , MPH, Sage Journals, May, 12, 2019. Among public health and health care practitioners, there is growing understanding that individuals make choices about their health not in a vacuum but based on the social, physical, and economic environments surrounding them and the resources available to them. Furthermore, we know that we, as a society, have designed these environments and resource allocation processes and that those in turn can produce better or...

Helping Young Children Exposed to Trauma: A Systems Approach to Implementing Trauma-Informed Care []

By Alysse Loomis, Ph.D. Kellie Randall, Ph.D. Jason Lang, Ph.D., CHDI, June 2019. This IMPACT provides a summary of the research on the effects of early trauma exposure, discusses what Connecticut is doing across systems to support young children who have experienced trauma, and outlines a framework to expand Connecticut's robust system of trauma-informed care for older children to include younger children. There are more than 228,000 children under the age of six years old in Connecticut,...

This isn't an Ordinary Dinner Party - It's a Way to Help Refugees []

By Monica Humphries, Nation Swell, June 4, 2019. At any dinner party, you’re bound to experience a wide range of sights, smells and small talk. That’s especially true at a Refugees Welcome dinner , a campaign that brings together refugees and non-refugees to break bread and, maybe more importantly, to foster a deeper sense of community and connection. Attend one of these dinners, and you’ll be rewarded with an array of aromatic scents wafting from plates of such ethnic dishes as kabsa,...

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