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Emergency Room Visits Have Risen Sharply for Young People in Mental Distress, Study Finds []

By Matt Richtel, Photo: Tim Gruber/The New York Times, The New York Times, May 1, 2023 The News Mental health-related visits to emergency rooms by children, teenagers and young adults soared from 2011 to 2020, according to a report published on Monday in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The sharpest increase was for suicide-related visits, which rose fivefold. The findings indicated an “urgent” need for expanded crisis services, according to the team of researchers and...

The Untold Story of How a Stubborn Group of Parents Helped Shutter the Nation’s Largest Youth Prison System []

A Books Not Bars demonstration pushes for closing the N.A. Chaderjian Youth Correctional Facility, among the last three youth prisons to close in California. Photo provided by the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights. By Nell Bernstein, The Imprint, April 25, 2023 Long before the “school-to-prison pipeline” was a well-worn phrase and even law-and-order Republicans had traded “tough on crime” for “smart on crime,” a tireless group of parents trekked, over and over, to the California state...

Press Release First Annual #WeHealUS Trauma-Informed & Mental Health Justice Summit

We are excited to announce the First Annual #WeHealUS Trauma-Informed & Mental Health Justice Summit in conjunction with #WeHealUS May Mental Health and Trauma Awareness Campaign . The Justice Summit will feature local, state, national and international organizations and governments that are creating change in the justice system and restoring hope and healing for a better tomorrow. The Summit is free, offers In-Person and Virtual participation and is offering CEUs. Learn more and...

'Candice Valenzuela: What if Self-Care isn't the Answer?'—Encore episode of 'History. Culture. Trauma.' podcast Thursday

Please join our hosts Ingrid Cockhren and Mathew Portell for an encore of "What if Self-Care isn't the Answer". This episode is a conversation with Candice Valenzuela , which occurred in July 2022. Candice provides insight about the need for collective care to heal communities, especially communities struggling with systemic racism and historical trauma. Candice has worked at the crossroads of education, justice and community healing for the past 16 years. She has extensive experience in...

The NJ Office of Resilience Wants to Hear from You

The NJ Office of Resilience wants to connect with you, in your community, to introduce or advance information and programs that help to prevent and heal the trauma that affects people’s ability to thrive! While traumatic experiences can occur at any age, I’m primarily referring to ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences, that happen to children and can have lasting effects into adulthood, especially if not countered with Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs). Together, positive, and adverse...

Are you an honest person?

We are all liars. In the very moment that our trust is violated and we are abused, we have to make a decision – will we tell or will we cover it up. Most of us, because we are young when the abuse occurs, don’t even make this decision in a deeply insightful way. We simply know something about what has happened is bad and wrong, and you get in trouble for doing bad and wrong things – so we don’t tell. This means that we sit down to breakfast with this huge thing happening that we can’t speak...

Fund research on racism’s health impacts, says European group []

Discrimination can hinder access and to quality health services.Credit: PA images/Alamy By Layal Liverpool, Nature, April 28, 2023 A network of European health organizations and parliamentarians is calling for the European Commission to explicitly recognize racism as a key factor that can negatively affect people’s health, and to prioritize the issue for research funding. “It’s about time,” says Sarah Hamed, a sociologist at Uppsala University in Sweden who researches racism in health care.

Kevin Smith Reveals He Got Mental Health Treatment After His 'Complete Break From Reality' []

By Johnny Dodd, Photo: Chloe Aftel/People, People, April 26, 2023 One morning last January, film director Kevin Smith awoke in terror, convinced he was losing his mind. The next day Smith, 52, checked into Arizona's Sierra Tucson treatment center where he spent the next month in intensive therapy, learning how several childhood traumas had led him to create and hide behind a "larger than life" public persona he calls "the other guy" that eventually usurped his core sense of self. "It was...

Artificial intelligence is another reason for a new digital agency []

By Brookings, Photo: from article, Brookings, April 28, 2023 The torrid pace of artificial intelligence (AI) developments contrasts with the torpid processes for protecting the public interest impacted by the technology. Private and government oversight systems that were developed to deal with the industrial revolution are no match for the AI revolution. AI oversight requires a methodology that is as revolutionary as the technology itself. When confronted with the challenges of industrial...

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