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U.S.-China fentanyl pact is not expected to produce immediate results []

Experts voiced approval of a new agreement between the United States and China that aims to control fentanyl smuggling into the U.S. black market, but they warned against expecting a quick impact on the drug’s skyrocketing death toll. President Trump said Sunday evening that Beijing has agreed to treat the powerful opioid and its many analogues as controlled substances, a decision the White House said would subject the country’s illegal fentanyl dealers “to China’s maximum penalty under the...

Number Of U.S. Kids Who Don't Have Health Insurance Is On The Rise []

After years of steady decline, the number of U.S. children without health insurance rose by 276,000 in 2017, according to a Georgetown University report released Thursday. While not a big jump statistically — the share of uninsured kids rose to 5 percent in 2017 from 4.7 percent a year earlier — it is still striking. The uninsured rate typically remains stable or drops during times of economic growth. In September, the U.S. unemployment rate hit its lowest level since 1969. "The nation is...

How Incarcerated Parents Are Losing Their Children Forever []

Lori Lynn Adams was a mother of four living in poverty when Hurricane Floyd struck eastern North Carolina in 1999, flooding her trailer home and destroying her children’s pageant trophies and baby pictures. No stranger to money-making scams, Adams was convicted of filing a fraudulent disaster-relief claim with FEMA for a property she did not own. She also passed dozens of worthless checks to get by. Adams served two year-long prison stints for these “blue-collar white-collar crimes,” as she...

New and improved 2nd edition of the "Bruised Reeds & Smoldering Wicks" trauma-informed curriculum for churches now available!

I am pleased to announce that a NEW, 8-week version of the study, "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks," is now available. This 2nd edition includes input I received from the ACEsConnection community and others which resulted in two additional weeks of material. You still get the movie, "Paper Tigers," and the licensing to show it to up to 250 in an educational or religious setting, but there is much more... And, while a number of edits have gone into this second edition of the curriculum, my...

Introducing the Hampshire County (MA) Roads to Resilience Community

For over a year, about 12 people from Hampshire County met to plan a Roads to Resilience conference . The long-term plan was to create a trauma-responsive Hampshire County (MA) by working collaboratively with and in the community. The kick-off conference was attended by hundreds and led by Laura Porter, co-founder of ACE Interface . Porter informed attendees about the neuroscience of ACEs and how others use it to become trauma-informed, trauma-responsive and to create self-healing...

Cover Story November Issue of Journal of Family Practice: Childhood Adversity and Lifelong Health

I was honored to have my review article, “Childhood Adversity and Lifelong Health: from research to action”, chosen as the November 2018 cover story of the Journal of Family Practice . Here is a link to the article. Access is free after registration with the journal and retrievable directly by anyone who has Medline PubMed access. Highlights from the article include: - recognition...

Addressing childhood trauma in Laconia schools []

Over the last few years, the Laconia School District has been actively working to understand what childhood trauma is, how it impacts our students, and what we, as an educational institution can do to mitigate the effects of this. We have also learned about secondary, or vicarious, trauma. This type of trauma is experienced by our staff as a result of supporting our students who are living with ongoing and pervasive trauma. Our teachers and support staff are serving in pseudo social worker...

If a child is in the grip of a mental health crisis, who is there for the parents? []

One of the most useful bits of life advice is given out almost every minute of every day on airplanes, as pilots prepare to take off: in the unlikely event of an emergency, always remember to put on your oxygen mask first before trying to help someone else with theirs. Of course, I never pay much attention to the safety announcements when I am strapped into a metal tube waiting to be launched into the sky, being of the opinion that, in the likely event of an emergency at 35,000ft, there is...

How The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study Could Make A Difference In Wyoming []

Wyomingites working to reduce violence gathered this week for the 3rd Annual Conference for Violence Prevention and Response . A major portion of the conference was devoted to spreading awareness about the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, or ACES for short. Wyoming Public Radio's Tennessee Watson sat down with Jennifer Davis from the Wyoming Children's Trust Fund and Todd Garrison from the Montana-based not-for-profit ChildWise to understand why ACES could make a difference in Wyoming.

What happens when Iowa schools prioritize behavioral health []

At least three days a week, Tryvon Johnson’s school routine begins only a few hours after his night shift ends. At 7 a.m., the 18-year-old Southeast Iowa teen arrives on the Southeastern Community College campus in Burlington for his automotive class. At the end of class, he dashes home to drive his mom to her physical therapy appointment, then after taking her home, he turns around and heads back to the college to start his day as a second-year senior in high school. At the Corners Academy,...

Watch how the climate could change in these US cities by 2050 []

The National Climate Assessment , a stunning report released by 13 federal agencies and the White House this month, showed that climate change has already had devastating impacts on our health and economy, and that costs could mount to hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century. The report maps out what we can expect if we aggressively cut greenhouse gas emissions now, and what would happen if we do nothing. As part of our Weather 2050 project, we used the latter scenario to...

Why Direct Action Works []

The connection between voting and political change is straightforward: If you don't like President Donald Trump 's policies, you vote against him and his party. If enough people join you, better people will get into office and institute better policies. The theory of change behind direct action, though, is less clear. How does marching, or blocking a highway, or punching a Nazi, lead to change? To many critics, direct action seems like an outlet for expressing anger and frustration, rather...

Harm Reduction: What Happens When Best Practice Is At Odds With Community Acceptance? []

On this West Virginia Morning, current best practices for harm reduction programs include a couple provisions: no retractable needles should be distributed, patients should get as many needles as possible regardless of how many they bring back, and barriers to accessing needles should be as low as possible. But what happens when those recommendations are at odds with community acceptance for the practices? Kara Lofton reports. [For more on this story by WEST VIRGINIA PUBLIC BROADCASTING, go...

Brief trauma training videos now available for families & professionals

Trauma Sensitive Approaches for Home and School is a series of three brief (under 10 minutes each) training videos for use by school personnel, families, child welfare and other professionals. Developed by Formed Families Forward, a parent resource center, as part of the Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports project, the videos cover: - Understanding Trauma Awareness; - Responding to Trauma; and - Building Trauma Sensitive Schools One page fact sheets are available to accompany each video.

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