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Early life exposure to famine can lead to depression []

New research from the University of Georgia reveals that exposure to famine during specific moments in early life is associated with depression later in life. "Nutrition deprivation and stress are important risk factors for depression particularly during periods in early life ," said lead author Changwei Li, assistant professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at UGA's College of Public Health. The study, recently published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, is the largest ever to...

15 minutes of exercise creates optimal brain state for mastering new motor skills []

If you want to learn to walk a tightrope, it's a good idea to go for a short run after each practice session. That's because a recent study in NeuroImage demonstrates that exercise performed immediately after practicing a new motor skill improves its long-term retention. More specifically, the research shows, for the first time, that as little as a single fifteen-minute bout of cardiovascular exercise increases brain connectivity and efficiency. It's a discovery that could, in principle,...

New Zealand Shows Power of Limiting Arrests While Lowering Crime []

Every day in the United States, nearly 53,000 youth are confined in facilities away from home by the juvenile or criminal justice system. Thousands of these youth have not yet even had their day in court and many are there for nonviolent, minor offenses — some for misbehavior like truancy that would not even be an offense if they were an adult. While we have made enormous progress in many states in reducing detention numbers and closing prisons, too many youth are still spending the night...

Segregation in America []

America’s history of racial inequality continues to haunt us. The genocide of Native people, 250-year enslavement of black people, adoption of “racial integrity laws” that demonized ethnic immigrants and people of color, and enforcement of policies and practices designed to perpetuate white supremacy are all part of our difficult past. This country has witnessed great triumph, innovation, and progress, but we are burdened by a painful history that we have yet to adequately acknowledge. In...

Confessions & Coffee

My eighty-two year old mother has told me five times in the past three months, “I have secrets I am going to take to the grave.” When I’ve prodded her for more info, she’s informed me she will keep the secrets into death and that was the end of the discussion.

Trying to Cut Crime in Public Housing by Making It More Livable []

New York City is the safest big city in the nation. Can it get even safer? The city is betting it can, with a novel strategy that goes far beyond traditional crime-fighting. The strategy, embodied in the Mayor’s Action Plan for Neighborhood Safety , is being employed in 15 of the most dangerous public housing complexes in the city. The idea is to lower crime by making these neighborhoods better — places where residents live in well-maintained buildings, have necessary services, are engaged...

Where Cities Help Detain Immigrants []

Taylor, Texas, is a suburb around 30 miles northeast of Austin that boasts its history as a railroad hub and small-town authenticity . In 2016, more than half of Williamson County—where Taylor is seated— voted for Donald Trump . But recently, county officials decided not to help the president in his push to expand the detention of unauthorized migrants, including those seeking asylum. On June 26, in a regularly planned county court meeting , the future of Taylor’s T. Don Hutto detention...

Pregnant Women Say They Miscarried In Immigration Detention And Didn't Get The Care They Needed []

Two weeks after arriving in the US seeking asylum, E, 23, found herself in a detention cell in San Luis, Arizona, bleeding profusely and begging for help from staff at the facility. She was four months pregnant and felt like she was losing her baby. She had come to the US from El Salvador after finding out she was pregnant, in the hopes of raising her son in a safer home. “An official arrived and they said it was not a hospital and they weren’t doctors. They wouldn’t look after me,” she told...

Expanding Collaborative Capacity to Prevent Domestic Violence []

Once considered a private matter, domestic violence is now increasingly recognized as a public problem with vast immediate and long-term physical, emotional, social, economic, and other impacts. Recognizing that quality and safety of our partner relationships are shaped by conditions in our community environments and the actions of multiple sectors, Prevention Institute and Blue Shield of California Foundation will award one-year planning and capacity building grants to five...

Shelter Design Can Help People Recover From Homelessness []

Some 544,000 people in the United States have no shelter every night, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Families make up more than one-third of this total . Beyond exposing them to weather, crime, and unsanitary conditions, homelessness can also damage people’s self-esteem , making them feel helpless or hopeless . Being homeless is a traumatic experience, in part because of the associated stigma . Recovering from homelessness may therefore involve not just...

The Power of Positive People []

Are you spending time with the right people for your health and happiness? While many of us focus primarily on diet and exercise to achieve better health, science suggests that our well-being also is influenced by the company we keep. Researchers have found that certain health behaviors appear to be contagious and that our social networks — in person and online — can influence obesity , anxiety and overall happiness. A recent report found that a person’s exercise routine was strongly...

New report, Out of Prison & Out of Work, calculates the first unemployment rate for formerly incarcerated people []

Easthampton, Mass. – For the 5 million formerly incarcerated people living in the U.S., landing a job means more than just personal success: It means finding a place in their communities and being able to care for their loved ones again. It’s well known that the obstacles to finding a job are severe for formerly incarcerated people. The scale of this problem, however, has been difficult to measure – until now. In Out of Prison & Out of Work , the Prison Policy Initiative calculates that...

3 Ways Healthy Relationships Help Heal Trauma

Do you ever feel like you need a friend’s support? But then stop yourself from reaching out? For all of us, healthy relationships matter . In fact, deep relationships are essential to being a healthy human being. For trauma survivors—or those who are experiencing or have experienced post-partum depression or mood disorders (which is also trauma)—the act of deepening relationships can be particularly difficult. Reaching out in a time of need or asking for help doesn’t come easily to those who...

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