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Child Abuse Articles in America for May 2018 (Kids At Risk Action)

37% of children overall and 54% of Black children are reported to child protection services in America by the time they turn 18. (American Journal of Public Health 1.17) 6 - 12 million children a year are reported to child protection services each year and in many states, 1/3 of foster children take psychotropic medicines Invite KARA’s INVISIBLE CHILDREN CAMPUS program to a college near you or contact KARA for our Ambassador speaking program to your community.

Bringing Independence to the Classroom

As we celebrate July 4 th , Independence Day, a day typically filled with cookouts, fireworks, parades, and honor of past sacrifices made, my thoughts are drawn to the 1,000’s of classrooms filled with students seeking their own personal independence. Unfortunately, due to the interruption of trauma in childhood, they have become dependent on the maladaptive responses they have acquired in order to mitigate, compensate, cope and survive the impact of the adversity dealt them. Dysregulated...

Dysfunctional Family Dynamics: Don’t Talk, Don’t Trust, Don’t Feel []

If you grew up in a family with a chemically dependent, mentally ill, or abusive parent, you know how hard it is — and you know that everyone in the family is affected. Over time, the family begins to revolve around maintaining the status quo – the dysfunction. Rigid family rules and roles develop in dysfunctional families that help maintain the dysfunctional family system and allow the addict to keep using or the abuser to keep abusing. Understanding some of the family rules that dominate...

The Body Tells the Story: The Promise of Sense Technology in Supporting Vulnerable Children [Mona's Blog]

Improving the well-being of children and families is a priority for Dr. Rosalind Picard, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who studies “affective computing,” which uses sense technology to increase individuals’ well-being using new ways to understand and respond to emotion. Dr. Picard has developed wearable sensors that reveal an individual’s level of cognitive, emotional, or physical stress loads. To read the rest of this blog by Mona Delahooke, Ph. D. , please click...

How Essential is Compassion in Opiate Addiction?

Within the last few weeks, I have heard of two more young people dying from heroin overdoses. Tragedies like this are becoming ever more common. Right now, in my opinion, there is a heroin/opiate epidemic going on. It’s spanning all ages, all races, all genders, and all socioeconomic statuses! It doesn’t matter if your town has a Starbucks or a beautiful, organic farmers market. It’s happening. It’s serious. And it’s starting young. What’s worse? Opiates are deadlier faster than many other...

Free Webinar: How to Streamline ACEs Screening Using CHADIS

The idea of adding an adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) screening tool to your practice’s workflow can be daunting – which tool, will you have time, does it add enough value? The Child Health and Development Interactive System (CHADIS) is helping to address this challenge by partnering with the National Pediatric Practice Community on ACEs (NPPC) to add an ACEs questionnaire into its system. Join this webinar to learn more about how this collaboration can help support your efforts to...

In 'Sex, Crime and Culture' Class, Students Scrutinize Policies, Practices (

(Cissy's note: I've known this professor, Alissa Ackerman, for a few years and she's stretched my thinking on restorative justice, sex offender research, and policy and survivor-led advocacy. It's nice to see her work covered more often and more widely). The following is an excerpt published on the California State University, Fullerton website today.

Resilient Communities are Healthy Communities

Resilient Communities are Healthy Communities…what’s good for health is good for climate!” Authored by: Judy Robinson and Sara Jensen Carr, Design 4 Active Sacramento Climate change directly threatens the health and well-being of California’s nearly 40 million people. Without intervention at the local, regional, and state scales, these dangers will only become more pronounced in coming years. The Safeguarding California Plan devotes an entire public health chapter to these risks, stating:...

QUIZ: The Country That Gives The Most Humanitarian Aid Is ... []

A new report looks at the state of humanitarian aid. The world was generous, says the Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2018 . A record amount of funds went to crises that range from the ongoing Syrian civil war to the drought in the Horn of Africa . Do you know how much the world spent on emergency relief? Which countries gave the most money? And which countries received the most? Take this quiz to test your knowledge. [For more on this story by MALAKA GHARIB, go to...

The Pleasures and Perils of Being too Busy

We’re busy people. Our to do list-wake, prep, eat, email, travel, meetings, calls and deadlines. Then there’s our kids-wake, feed, transport, talk, feed, homework, mini-crisis, hug. Then there’s screen time with CNN, NY Times, The Guardian, LinkedIn, FB and Twitter. Honestly, there’s just not another free minute in the day, right? In an odd way, being so overextended brings you some satisfaction. You did design your lifestyle, right? I get it. When it comes to supporting a progressive cause,...

I'll Cry Later; ACE Scores, Addiction, #MeToo, Prostitution and Statute of Limitation Reform - An Interview with Melanie Blow

Interview with Ms. Melanie Blow of Stop Abuse Campaign, Rochester, N.Y. A woman's body was found last winter in an area of our city known for drug use, prostitution and crime. This time it is personal. This woman and her brother used to play with my own child. I'm not just heartbroken that my nephew, and now my niece, have both died in this opiate crisis that is so severe it has actually lowered America's life expectancy. I want to help. Two years ago I was introduced to Ms. Melanie Blow of...

How Many Teenage Girls Deliberately Harm Themselves? Nearly 1 in 4, Survey Finds. []

Up to 30 percent of teenage girls in some parts of the United States say they have intentionally injured themselves without aiming to commit suicide, researchers have found. About one in four adolescent girls deliberately harmed herself in the previous year, often by cutting or burning, compared to about one in 10 boys. The overall prevalence of self-harm was almost 18 percent. [For more on this story by Emily Baumgaertner, go to...

Responding to the Needs of Foster Parents []

Out-of-home placement is sometimes necessary to meet the developmental needs of infants and young children through safe, stable and nurturing primary caregiving relationships. Foster parents may include caring and committed adults who have been trained to take on the fostering role with or without the possibility of adoption. Some of these parents might also be kinship caregivers (related family members), or fictive kin (individuals who may be close to the family such as friends). Federal...

Medicaid is Not Just for Doctor’s Visits: Innovative Early Childhood Funding Strategies []

If a family has no means of transportation, consistent prenatal care becomes extremely difficult. If a mother is homeless, she is less likely to attend a child wellness visit. If a one-year-old is hungry, brain development is detrimentally impacted. And if a toddler is experiencing trauma at home, he or she cannot focus on learning. While there is significant evidence around the value of investing in early childhood to improve physical, social, and emotional development later in life, more...

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