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Youth Voice Contest Runner-Up: My Flawed Journey []

This year, Fostering Media Connections (FMC) launched its first-ever Youth Voice nonfiction writing contest and invited current and former foster youth between the ages of 18 and 24 to submit essays. This year’s theme: “What love is.” Dozens of youth entered the contest from all over the United States. The winning essays appear in the May/June issue of Fostering Families Today (FMC’s magazine for foster parents). Following is a piece by one of our two Runners-Up, Thalia Bernal. Check back...

America After a School Shooting: The Mindset Must Change

In the wake Parkland school shooting in February 2018, many stories focus on who to blame (more gun control, a broken mental health system, bad parenting, bad President, etc.) instead of how our mindset needs to change. Even Nikolas Cruz’s lawyer is jumping on the bandwagon as the central theme of his defense: Not Blame: A New Mindset Needed However, instead of blame, our mindset must change to ask ourselves: “What can we learn?” and “What are the solutions to prevent another shooting?” As a...

The New ICE Age: An Agency Unleashed []

This piece is published in partnership with NYR Daily . In February, I visited Minerva García , an undocumented immigrant originally from Mexico who has quietly lived and worked in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, for almost 20 years. She is the mother of two young children who are U.S. citizens and an older child who is a recipient of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). In April 2017, García went for her regular check-in with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the federal...

The Public Health Crisis Facing Homeless Children []

The People Serving People homeless shelter in Minneapolis, Minnesota is the largest family shelter in the state. It has 99 rooms, a technology center, a licensed preschool. And on the first floor, it has a full-service medical clinic. “For families in crisis, one of the biggest barriers to accessing health care is transportation,” said Martha Trevey, a nurse practitioner working with Healthcare for the Homeless, which runs the People Serving People clinic. “Here, they can just come...

Parental support linked to career success of children []

A recent study finds that young people who get financial support from their parents have greater professional success, highlighting one way social inequality is transmitted from one generation to the next. "The question underlying this work was whether parental support gives adult children an advantage or hinders their development," says Anna Manzoni, an associate professor of sociology at North Carolina State University and author of a paper on the work. To address this question, Manzoni...

Does Starbucks Understand the Science of Racial Bias? []

Many have seen the viral video by now: Last month, two black men arrived early to a business meeting at a Starbucks in Philadelphia, and were led out in handcuffs after one man asked to use the bathroom without making a purchase, then calmly joined his friend at a table. In the moment, their expressions were impassive, but they later described feeling disbelief and fear. After days of protests and an apology from Starbucks CEO Kevin Johnson for what he referred to as a “reprehensible...

Why Attachment Parenting Is Not the Same as Secure Attachment []

This article is excerpted from a longer article on Diana Divecha's blog, . In the months leading up to birth, a pregnant woman begins to read about childrearing, including a book called Attachment Parenting by pediatrician William Sears and registered nurse Martha Sears. They advocate for a collection of seven practices they call the Baby Bs: “birth bonding, breastfeeding, baby-wearing, bedding close to the baby, belief in the baby’s cry, balance and boundaries, and...

This New Federal Law Will Change Foster Care As We Know It []

A new federal law, propelled by the belief that children in difficult homes nearly always fare best with their parents, effectively blows up the nation’s troubled foster care system. Few outside child welfare circles paid any mind to the law, which was tucked inside a massive spending bill President Donald Trump signed in February. But it will force states to overhaul their foster care systems by changing the rules for how they can spend their annual $8 billion in federal funds for child...

Blacks, Latinos, Women Found Less Likely To Get The Mental Health Care They Need []

Black Californians are more likely to experience mental health problems than other ethnic groups, and they are less likely to get the care they need, according to a study released Tuesday. The study, by Santa Monica-based Rand Corp., shows a connection between untreated mental health problems and multiple absences from work, which can take an economic toll on individuals and families in the form of lost pay and even lost jobs. That dynamic disproportionately affects communities of color.

Wisconsin Dept of Health Services - Trauma-Informed Care News & Notes, April 30, 2018

ACEs, Adversity's Impact A closer look at the psychosocial realities of LGBTQ youth Appleton pageant winner on being raped: 'I kept telling myself this must be normal' Video: Trigger, a play by DeAngelo Mack [2 min] Suicide clusters within American Indian and Alaska Indian communities (56 pages) lit review and recommendations More than 1 in 20 US children and teens have anxiety or depression Early childhood interventions show mixed results on child development Maternal binge drinking linked...

Beyond Paper Tigers Presenter Showcase! Increasing Access to Trauma-Informed Care: Twigy Tellez’s Spanish Language Translation

Twigy Tellez was among the crowd of the Paper Tigers Conference in 2017. She had been invited by Rick Griffin and CRI to join the community for the conference, and to explore her potential offering for the next conference. “I would love for all the Spanish speakers to get to do this, ” Twigy said about trauma-informed care training. Indeed, this year, she will be translating the Level 1 Trauma-Informed Certification of the Beyond Paper Tigers conference into Spanish. It is the same...

The University of California Stands Out Among Top Schools When It Comes to Serving Poor Students []

The idea is clear, simple, and generally agreed upon: Colleges need to do more when it comes to enrolling and graduating low-income students. If college degrees are “the great equalizer”—though some research has disputed that characterization—then expanding access to those degrees will help make society more equal. Are any colleges succeeding in doing that? A new report from Third Way, a center-left think tank, tries to answer that question—and the results for many colleges are not pretty .

How Does Trauma Affect A Child's Brain Development? []

Experiences involving abuse and neglect undoubtedly change the course of a young person's life. Research shows that when children witness traumatic events — domestic violence, shootings, or even fighting — there could a physical impact on brain growth. These changes can lead to lifelong social and developmental issues. What are the neurological effects of trauma and neglect? How can signs and patterns of stress be identified in children? [For more on this story by JAN ROSS PIEDAD, go to...

28,000 LA preschoolers are learning how to be better humans []

I don’t want to be your friend. Stay away. I’m not going to share with you. These harsh statements are "very normal to hear at the beginning of the school year," for preschool teachers like Rafaela Campos. To push past those moments of mean, she and more than a thousand other early educators in the Los Angeles Unified School District now have a new tool. This school year, all 86 of the early childhood centers in the district started using a program called Sanford Harmony, which provides...

An Invitation to Co-Create Change and Shift Your Mindset

We are not born “normal” or “disordered” or with a “disability” we “are born” and “we develop” in many different ways. Along our path of development we will encounter various influences and each individual will respond to those experiences differently. The brain actually continues to develop well into adulthood!

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