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Register to Attend CAMFT’s Annual Conference to Hear Dr. Felitti Speak!

Gain insights into the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study, a collaborative analysis by Kaiser Permanente and the CDC. The study followed 17,337 middle-class adults for 20 years, matching adult well-being, disease status, and premature death against 10 categories of common, but typically unrecognized, adverse life experiences in childhood and adolescence. The relationships are profound and have major implications for the health and economy of the nation. Register to attend CAMFT’s...

ACES prevention/Advancing Parenting

One of Advancing Parenting's goals is to get the parenting tips on semi trailers and static and digital billboards across the U.S. on a permanent rotating basis. Open the attachments to see a few rough mock-ups of billboard and semi trailer tips and visit to see the complete list of tips. Bear in mind that Advancing Parenting's activities are not about intervention, healing, rehabilitation, treatment, and recovery. Our focus is the prevention of adverse childhood...

Unicorn Shadows - A book based on ACEs and Trauma-Informed Care

I am incredibly happy to have stumbled upon this amazing ACEs Connection site. Thank you for the work being done to "prevent ACEs, heal trauma and build resilience". My current mission is to finish up developmental edits on a book proposal which will be submitted to Hay House Publishing in April, 2018 and continue sharing my "story of hope" with the world through my motivational speeches and podcast. My book, Unicorn Shadows , is based upon my complex trauma history, resulting C-PTSD, and...

How I Became an Only Child []

“Dead leg!” was what my older brother Todd would shout as he balled up his right hand into a fist and slammed it down hard on my thigh like a rubber headed hammer. Upon impact I’d scream, sending Todd into a fit of laughter. When he laughed, the outer corner edges of his eyes slipped back towards his ears and his right front tooth, the only crooked one in his mouth, popped out over his bottom lip. Tommy, my other older brother, and the oldest of the three of us, was more covert with his...

Lawmakers Increase Mental Health Investments []

A good economy has produced rising revenues for the state of Oregon, which allowed legislators to add almost $5 million in mental health investments. The closeout budget bill for the 2018 session included a number of new social service items, particularly with investments in mental health. School-based health centers won their request of $950,000 to hire more mental health therapists. “As numerous studies have indicated, youth stress, anxiety, mental and behavioral issues are increasingly...

The Public's Health: Help available to recognize and deal with toxic stress in children []

If you are a parent, you are likely hyper-aware of and concerned about the stresses in your children’s lives. Stress in children is normal — in order to develop properly, children actually require stress — stress being defined as a mental, physical or biochemical response to a perceived threat or demand. Childhood stress is actually natural and inevitable. What we parents and adults actually need to look for are the “types” of stress being experienced by our kids and other children, because...

WATCH REPLAY: Why Knowing Your Adverse Childhood Adversity (ACE) Score Is As Important To Your Health As Your Cholesterol Score-LA & Arizona Resilience Movement Leader & Therapist, Andi Fetzner MS. Learn How To Take The ACE Quiz!

I really enjoyed chatting with LA & Arizona Community Manager & Therapist, Andi Fetzner MS Why Knowing Your Adverse Childhood Adversity (ACE) Score Is As Important To Your Health As Knowing Your Cholesterol Score. Andi & I covered how to c alculate & understand your ACE score, get strategies for Increasing resilience & preventing or healing ACE related issues! To take the ACE Survey, go to …/ To...

Jump In Overdoses Shows Opioid Epidemic Has Worsened []

There's more bad news about the nation's devastating opioid epidemic. In just one year, overdoses from opioids jumped by about 30 percent, according to a report released Tuesday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The overall increase in opioid overdoses seen in hospital emergency rooms between the third quarter of 2016 and the third quarter of 2017 occurred across the nation. Some parts of the country experienced far greater increases, while a few have reported declines, the...

5 Things We Know About the People Who Live Longest []

The average lifespan in the U.S. is about 78 years, and for the first time since the 1990s, it’s getting shorter. Despite spending much more on health care, Americans are sicker than people in other wealthy countries, with illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and stroke on the rise. So are “despair deaths” from drugs, alcohol, and suicide, according to researchers, with social isolation, poverty, and addiction laying the groundwork. A long life is not just a health issue;...

Lawmakers Keep Making Schools More Dangerous for Vulnerable Children []

At the end of January, a seven-year-old Latino boy in Miami, Florida, was arrested and led away from his school in handcuffs. School officials alleged that he had been playing with his food, was scolded, reacted badly, and ended up attacking his teacher. That's not great behavior, but he's a small child and posed no real risk. Rather than asking why the incident escalated and how they could change the environment to avoid such incidents, school police simply took him to prison. Later, police...

Decolonizing Birth: Women Take Back Their Power as Life-Givers []

Zintkala Mahpiya Win Blackowl didn’t plan to have her sixth baby in a tipi on the windy plains of North Dakota during a historic resistance. Thousands of people had gathered for months in camps sprawled along the northern borderlands of the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to protest the Dakota Access pipeline. But Blackowl already knew that she would birth her babies outside of a hospital, in the comfort and safety of a sacred space. “So much of how women experience birth today has to do...

In California, Momentum Builds for Radical Action on Housing []

Cities around the world are dealing with severe housing shortages and inflated housing costs. But nowhere is housing such a potent political issue as in California, whose unique geography, state policies, and activist culture have combined with a poorly distributed economic boom to create a “perfect storm”—the chosen words of multiple sources for this story. California is home to more than one-fifth of the nation’s homeless people, and the numbers are continuing to grow. Los Angeles County...

How The Worst Kind Of Personal Sorrow Led LA Violence Reduction Expert Aqeela Sherrills To Help Newark, NJ, Lower Its Murder Rate []

Aqeela Sherrills, a former Grape Street Crip, who was one of the primary architects of t he famous Blood-Crip truce of 1992, has been working for nearly three years to lower gun violence in Newark, New Jersey, as the creator and director of something called the “Newark Community Street Team” or NCST. Sherrills, who lives in Watts, originally came to Newark at the invitation of Mayor Ras Baraka to create a small pilot project to address the city’s violence at a time when Newark’s police...

Close relationships in midlife tied to lower mortality for child abuse survivors []

(Reuters Health) - Child abuse survivors may be less likely to die prematurely when they develop supportive relationships by middle age, a U.S. study suggests. Child abuse is common in the U.S., with up to about one-third of kids experiencing emotional mistreatment and up to around 18 percent suffering from physical abuse, researchers note in Nature Human Behavior. Survivors of child abuse can suffer from both short-term and longer range mental health problems and may be more likely than...

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