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Why Do Women Bully Each Other at Work? []

The bitches, as Shannon saw it, came in three varieties. She categorized them on her personal blog, in a post titled “Beware the Female BigLaw Partner.” First was the “aggressive bitch”—a certain kind of high-ranking woman at the firm where she worked who didn’t think twice about “verbally assaulting anyone.” When one such partner’s name appeared on caller ID, Shannon told me, “we would just freak out.” Next was the two-faced “passive-aggressive bitch,” whose “subtle, semi-rude emails”...

The Risk that Survives a Psych Ward Stay []

When patients are discharged from hospitals, it usually means they’ve recovered sufficiently to resume their daily lives. But that’s not the case for patients released from psychiatric facilities. According to a new meta-analysis in JAMA Psychiatry: [For more of this story, written by Sushmita Pathak, go to]

Fear of White: Inter-Generational Racial Trauma []

When the Vietnam War ended in 1975, my family immigrated to the United States as refugees. With little else but their clothes in a hobo bag—my grandmother, grandfather, and all seven of their living children—got on a plane, landed in Honolulu, and then arrived in Yakima, Washington. Their destination was the American dream. The freedom from communism and the livelihood of a better life far from war and its effects. [For more of this story, written by Tina Semko, go to ...

Research identifies effects of cognitive behaviour therapy on parents of children with autism []

Parents of children with autism experience a greater impact from their child's therapy than once thought, according to new research out of York University's Faculty of Health. Jonathan Weiss, Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health and CIHR Chair in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Treatment and Care Research, discovered that parents who participate in cognitive therapy with their children with autism also experience a real benefit that improves the family...

A World Without Suicide []

Steve Mallen thinks the signs first started to show when his son stopped playing the piano. Edward, then 18, was a gifted musician and had long since passed his Grade 8 exams, a series of advanced piano tests. Playing had been a passion for most of his life. But as adulthood beckoned, the boy had never been busier. He had won a place to study geography at the University of Cambridge and was reviewing hard for his final exams. At his school, Edward was head boy and popular among pupils and...

Should California drop criminal penalties for drug possession? []

For better or worse, California likes to decide drug policy at the ballot box. Voters have already approved marijuana legalization, but criminal sanctions against users of heroin, cocaine and other drugs are very much intact, though they’ve been moving in a more lenient direction. It would not be surprising to see a proposition entirely eliminating criminal penalties for drug possession in the near future. The removal of criminal penalties for drug possession — which is very different from...

Senator Kamala Harris Has A Strategy To End The Pay Gap For Black Women []

Today, July 31, we acknowledge "Equal Pay Day" for Black women in this country, a day that marks the number of days into the next year that Black women on average would need to work to earn the same amount their white male counterparts made in the year prior. Black women make only 63 cents on average for every dollar a white man is paid. This may not seem like a significant difference, but 37 cents on each dollar earned adds up to a devastating economic disadvantage for Black women and their...

The Repair of Early Trauma: A “Bottom Up” Approach []

Did you know that when we say a child has an attachment disorder, it is often not the whole picture? It is only one part of a seven-piece jigsaw puzzle called ‘developmental trauma’. By putting together the puzzle, we can understand how a child’s adverse childhood experiences have shaped their emotional world and outward behaviour. Once we understand this, we can then work with a child to help them with their developmental trauma using an innovative therapeutic approach called the...

An Open Letter to the Parents Worried My Son Is in Their Child’s Class []

To all the parents who are worried that my son is in their child’s class: I heard through our mutual friend that you were asking whether my son is in the same class as your child. I wondered why my phone wasn’t blowing up with the “whose class is he in?” messages, as it often has after report cards and class assignments arrive in the mail. I certainly don’t mind my phone being quiet. But I do mind that you were asking other people instead of me. [For more of this story, written by Amanda...

How One Former Fugitive Visualized His Path from the FBI’s Most Wanted List to Community Champion []

When Malik Wade closes his eyes, it often has little to do with sleep. Instead, the San Francisco native visualizes an extraordinary world, one where the less fortunate succeed despite overwhelming odds, where impoverished urban youth recognize and push past the countless traps society sets for them, and where he rises from the smoldering ashes of his own destruction to erect an inspiring new existence for himself and the larger community. [For more of this story, written by D. Amari...

Suicides of nearly 60,000 Indian farmers linked to climate change, study claims []

Climate change may have contributed to the suicides of nearly 60,000 Indian farmers and farm workers over the past three decades, according to new research that examines the toll rising temperatures are already taking on vulnerable societies. Illustrating the extreme sensitivity of the Indian agricultural industry to spikes in temperature, the study from the University of California, Berkeley, found an increase of just 1C on an average day during the growing season was associated with 67...

New Resource Guide for Child Sexual Abuse/Exploitation Prevention

Greetings, ACN Community! I wanted to share this fantastic new resource guide developed by one of the work groups from the Georgia Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force. This guide provides background on best practice, principles of prevention, identifying resources for the classroom, developing a prevention plan, age appropriate teaching suggestions, analysis of specific programs, and guidelines for implementation and evaluation. It is really quite thorough and is full of excellent ideas...

Veterans Administration Approves EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Treatment

A recent (July 31, 2017) Huffington Post article by Dawson Church PhD reports another significant milestone in the acceptance of EFT (tapping) as an accepted and recommended treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other post-traumatic and co-morbid conditions including depression and anxiety, this time by the US Veterans Administration: "Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) has been approved as a “generally safe” therapy by the US Veterans Administration (VA). After reviewing...

Kaiser Permanente Journal Guidelines: PTSD Treated Successfully in 10 Sessions or Less with PTSD

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is gaining a foothold in recognition recently by more academic and institutional health care delivery systems for use in a variety of conditions with causal roots in traumatic experiences and ACEs. Guidelines and recommendations for the use of EFT for PTSD have just been published by a major health organization. Kaiser’s peer-reviewed publication, The Permanente Journal, recently (Spring 2017 vol. 21 No. 2) published practice guidelines for using Emotional...

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