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The Wellness-Promoting Pathway Starts With Humanity’s Evolved Nest

To not receive the EDN in early life can be perceived as an injustice to a child, with serious ramifications for the child’s future. If brain and body system thresholds are established suboptimally in early years—not by trauma, but simply by not providing care that children evolved to need, then children may not reach their full potential but remain cognitively and socially underdeveloped. - Darcia Narvaez, PhD

What Should Be

Public health authorities like the American Academy of Pediatrics, the CDC, the NIH, and the Harvard Center on the Developing Child should put together a list of parenting behaviors and practices generally recognized as supporting the healthy development of children. Then these organizations should partner with the Ad Council to create public service announcements to communicate these behaviors and practices to the public. I’m thinking billboards especially…radio and television too. These...


Ending violence against women is everyone’s business. You can make a difference, safely and impactfully by: 1. Listening to and believing survivors. When a woman shares her story of violence, she takes the first step to break the cycle of abuse. It’s on all of us to give her the safe space she needs to speak up and be heard. It’s important to remember that when discussing cases of sexual violence, a victim’s sobriety, clothes, and sexuality are irrelevant. The perpetrator is the sole reason...

The Hard Truth Of When We, Sometimes, Can Do Almost Nothing To Help

I've been kicking around this idea for months. It's taken various forms and I can acknowledge it's a deeply unpleasant topic and may not even be true. I nonetheless have years of experience in the field making me ask the question. And I'm not convinced that it's not true. What if the current resources on offer, the whole suite of them, sometimes still aren't the answer. Sometimes doesn't mean never. It's quite clear we're helping some people some of the time. This can range from 'helped a...

Thoughts to share - grateful for all those trying to make the world a better place.

Thoughts to share - I'm grateful for all those trying to make the world a better place. I'm mindful that the holidays and days of remembrances can be a blessing or time of turmoil for so please be kind to yourself and those you love in your circle of life. & finally, sharing a song of Joy & thanks to all in my life who have left lasting impressions upon me - Thank you & take care, Michael Skinner.

Encore ‘History. Culture. Trauma.’ podcast for Thanksgiving Day: author Bruce Perry discusses historical trauma & 'What Happened to You?'

“On Thanksgiving Day, we at PACEs Connection believe it is appropriate to recognize the genocide and land theft endured by the indigenous people of the Americas,” said PACEs Connection chief executive officer Ingrid Cockhren and co-host of the History. Culture. Trauma podcast. Cockhren also created the PACEs Connection Historical Trauma in America Series of webinars exploring, by geographic region, generational and collective trauma in the U.S. “The historical trauma of colonization should...

Employment Opportunity with ACE Resource Network | Sacramento Community Coordinator

ACE Resource Network | Sacramento Community Coordinator ABOUT US | The ACE Resource Network is a philanthropic initiative with a goal of reducing childhood adversity by raising awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress, promoting healing, and advancing research and policy. Our team worked closely with the first California Surgeon General, Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, to develop and launch the first national awareness and education campaign, and...

Native American Heritage Month []

By The HOPE Team, 11/23/22, The HOPE framework begins with honoring, celebrating, and understanding different cultures, backgrounds, and histories. That includes the experiences of Native American peoples. This month, we are honoring, celebrating, and learning throughout Native American Heritage Month. Understanding the impact that history has on Native American peoples and communities is important to supporting access to Positive Childhood...

Community Book Study: "What Happened to You?" by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey

This adult book study will meet virtually Wednesdays from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. for 10 sessions beginning January 18 , 2023 to discuss the book What Happened To You? by Dr. Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey. You can check your local library, Amazon or local bookstore for a copy of the book or listen to it on Audible. This book study will be facilitated by Sarah Steffes with Circle of Care. On page 9, A Note from the Authors, Dr. Perry and Oprah invite us to be in control of our own reading...

Want to feel happier? Try snacking on joy. []

By Richard Sima, Illustration: George Wylesol/The Washington Post, The Washington Post, November 17, 2022 Here’s an antidote to an ever-stressful, busy and uncertain world. Try finding and savoring little bites of joy in your day. I call them “joy” snacks. By mindfully tuning into the pleasant, nice and sometimes routine experiences of every day, we can transform an otherwise mundane moment into something more meaningful and even joyful. Lunch with a co-worker. Walking the dog. Texting with...

The Impact of Trauma on the Heart []

By Thomas Rutledge, Photo: Thomas Rutledge, Psychology Today, November 20, 2022 Traumas constitute the most difficult experiences in life. Assaults, severe accidents and injuries, natural disasters, life threatening diseases, and the loss of loved ones comprise just some of the most frequent types of traumas. Tragically, traumatic events are also common, with at least half of adults experiencing one or more major traumas according to the best survey research. Although the mental health...

In Detroit, a Home for LGBTQ Youth Balances Being Seen With Being Safe []

By Zach Mortice, Photo: Zach Mortice/Bloomberg CityLab, November 22, 2022 When the Ruth Ellis Center , a Detroit nonprofit that helps support LGBTQ youth, began a foster care program 10 years ago, they kept it very quiet; no press release, not even a sign on the door. “We were so afraid of how the community would react,” says Mark Erwin, Ruth Ellis’s co-executive director. Now things are different. In October, the nonprofit held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for their new permanent supportive...

Established Mental Health Care is Discriminatory and Prejudiced

Greetings. This is another open thought piece. It's not fully finished out, in part because the words haven't been ever been written for me. Not in quite this way. I had to build it myself. Not as a "hobby". It is an act of survival against oppressive forces. It's taken a lot for me to, conceptually, free myself from standard notions of mental health. Notions that I was taught for years by both experts and lay communities. I now feel ready to state the following as a position statement. I...

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