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Does Early Trauma Foretell PTSD? (

(Note: This is an excerpt from an article just published in PTSD Journal . The online version of the magazine is available for free. This article is on page 15. When it comes to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, most agree that the higher the “dose” of trauma, the greater the likelihood of getting PTSD. For this reason, studies of veterans focus on the amount of combat trauma. Rarely do studies consider the “dose” of predeployment trauma experienced at home. This is a mistake. Consider the...

Creating Trauma-Informed Communities []

Our understanding of brain development and the impact of adversity and chronic stress in childhood are changing how we understand risk and how we think about solutions. Thanks to a decade-old study conducted by Kaiser Permanente and the CDC, scientists now know that chronic stress, also known as toxic stress, caused by traumatic experiences during childhood such as child maltreatment or neglect, parental substance abuse, or sexual abuse have a direct link with an increased risk for chronic...

Mone, Troy: Collaboration critical to addressing city challenges []

Milwaukee is a vibrant city with a rich history, but it is no secret — especially lately — that we also face many challenges, such as violence, poverty and unemployment. The root causes of these social problems are complex and open to debate, but there is growing recognition that childhood trauma is one piece of the puzzle. Research has shown that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as abuse, neglect and domestic violence undermine healthy brain development and increase a child’s risk...

Study: Minnesota kids, youth most likely to be homeless []

On any given night in Minnesota, as many people as the population of Sartell are without a home. A report last week from Wilder Research estimates 15,000 people are homeless in Minnesota on any given night and about 40,000 people were homeless at some point in 2015. That's down 9 percent since the group's last study in 2012 and the first drop in a decade, said Michelle Decker Gerrard, co-director of the Minnesota Homeless Study and Wilder senior research manager. Though encouraging,...

Schools increasingly address student mental health needs []

In suburban schools across Monroe County, veteran educators are increasingly sounding the same refrain: It didn't used to be this way. Children, they say, weren't coming to school with such overpowering anxiety about their math test, their Instagram account or their after-school activities. They weren't as likely to be hungry or homeless or struggling with addiction in their family. They weren't traumatized — not like this. "Kids coming to us today look a little different from five or 10...

Income Inequality Lowers Support for Democracy []

On his current European tour, President Barack Obama has been making the affirmative case for democracy  — a pretty magnanimous gesture given that his own party was just voted out of office. But under what conditions do citizens of a nation lose faith in this form of government, and perhaps become tempted to try something else? Timely new research provides a clear answer: high levels of income inequality. “Income inequality drives the gap in satisfaction with democracy between electoral...

What Are the Economic Costs of Deportation? []

During his presidential campaign, Donald Trump famously promised to deport all of America’s approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants. While Trump has since dialed back his rhetoric, the president-elect promised in a recent interview to immediately deport the two to three million immigrants with criminal records before he would “make a determination” about everyone else. Trump has also, of course, promised to dramatically improve the American economy. But can that latter promise can...

Nationwide, Homelessness Plunged Under Obama []

On a single night in January 2016, more than half a million people across the U.S. were homeless. That number is large (549,928 people) but it has declined substantially since 2010, when the Obama administration introduced Opening Doors , the nation’s first strategic federal plan to solve homelessness. The plan appears to be working. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development just released its 2016 Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress, which breaks down the results of a...

Upcoming radio show webinar

I am James Encinas, an activist, teacher and author of a forthcoming book about healing from Adverse Childhood Experiences: Wheeling to Healing: Broken Heart on a Bicycle . Having experienced domestic abuse as a child, I am working with Futures Without Violence on an important call to action: PLEASE ADD YOUR VOICE… The wound is the place where the Light enters you. ~ Rumi May Rumi’s insight bring you to join a conversation through the power of radio sponsored by Futures Without Violence on...

Why Do Children Commit Crimes?

Some of the most shocking and disturbing criminal cases involve children. But in these cases, the child is not the victim; the child is the individual accused of committing a crime. When a youngster or even a teenager commits a serious crime, it leaves many stunned and struggling to make sense of the major dichotomy. Society regards children as innocent, kind and vulnerable, but criminal acts stand in direct contrast to those social perceptions, resulting in a reality that's difficult to...

Bringing that Tech on the Desert Walk

Throughout most of my adult life, I've been aware of what I later learnt to be ACEs. Those experiences in childhood and early adult life that leave traces in later habits, patterns, feelings and perceptions. I was fortunate. My mom was there, and being very inspiring, knowledgeable and intelligent, she always extended her own faith in humanity, arts, life, love and me to me, encircling me in love and faith in the future, amidst a sea of uncertainty. So did competent teachers, good friends...

ACE's Family Revelations

I have been bringing the ACE's Questionnaire to my client families. It is an incredible moment to see their minds click when they see the patterns that pass from one generation to the next. I have been coupling this information with parallel narratives to facilitate Ah ha moments and healing.

Scientists explore how nutrition may feed mental health []

Good nutrition has long been viewed as a cornerstone of physical health, but research is increasingly showing diet's effect on mental health, as well. A special section in Clinical Psychological Science highlights the different approaches that psychology researchers are taking to understand the many ways in which nutrition and mental health intersect. Clinical Psychological Science is a journal of the Association for Psychological Science . Decades of research have shown the importance of...

Understanding Extreme States: An Interview with Paris Williams []

In this interview, a practicing therapist weighs our contemporary understanding of “schizophrenia” and explores alternative models beyond the “medicate your brain disease” approach. I, the interviewer Matt Stevenson , am a psychiatric survivor who first encountered Paris Williams while searching years ago for hopeful alternative conceptualizations of “schizophrenia.” At that time Paris responded kindly to my requests for reassurance that extreme states could be healed. Today I'm following in...

Depressed Women Less Likely to Get Best Breast Cancer Care: Study []

Breast cancer patients with a history of depression are less likely to receive recommended care for their disease, a new study finds. The study included more than 45,000 Danish women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer between 1998 and 2011. Of those, 13 percent had been treated with antidepressants and 2 percent had previously visited a hospital for depression. Compared with those who never took antidepressants, patients who used antidepressants were much less likely to receive...

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