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Advancing a national cradle-to-grave-to-cradle public health agenda []

Article written by Sandra L. Bloom, MD In 1881, President James A. Garfield was shot by an assassin—one bullet to his arm and another to his back. Physicians rushed to care for him, believing that he had survivable injuries. The discovery of microbes as the origin of infectious processes was still new, and although Joseph Lister’s pioneering work in antisepsis was known to American doctors, and Lister himself had visited America in 1876, few doctors had confidence in it, and none of the...

Use Child In Need of Services As Chance to Curtail Delinquency []

The first contact with the juvenile justice system presents an enormous opportunity for the court, court personnel, attorneys and service providers to impact the lives of children and their families. In many states, first contact happens within the context of the Child in Need of Services (CHINS), Families in Need of Services (FINS) and Persons in Need of Services (PINS). In all cases, the “need of services” is paramount. First contact with the Juvenile Court must be taken seriously, and the...

Transforming Care: Reporting on Health System Improvement []

Transforming Care, The Commonwealth Fund’s newest publication, focuses on new models of care, payment approaches, and patient engagement strategies that have the potential to reshape our delivery system to better meet the needs of the nation’s sickest and most vulnerable patients. Published quarterly, the newsletter is a source of innovative ideas for health system leaders, clinicians, and policymakers. [For more go to ...

Certificate of Advanced Studies in Trauma Counseling- Apply Now!

Philadelphia University Certificate of Advanced Studies in Trauma Counseling Philadelphia University’s Community and Trauma Counseling Program offers a 4-course certificate for master’s-level professionals. The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Trauma Counseling provides an advanced understanding of trauma theory, principles, tools and strategies that support trauma-informed practice with adults and children. A new cohort will begin late August with enrollment in the first course in the...

Why departments need to develop mental health programs for cops [

The job of the police officer is one of the most stressful occupations in the world. Research has shown time and time again that police officer occupational stress is directly related to higher rates of heart disease, divorce, sick days taken, alcohol abuse, and major psychological illnesses such as Acute Stress Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Depression, and Anxiety Disorders. Stress for police officers consists of an accumulation of exposure to horrific events witnessed and...

Subtle factors combine to fuel school-to-prison pipeline []

T he Oklahoma Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights has published a study examining the civil rights impact of school discipline and juvenile-justice policies. The study explains how excessive and disparate suspensions of students “may lead to high rates of juvenile incarceration” — particularly among youth of color, boys and students with disabilities — in what has become known as the school-to-prison pipeline. In its report released this month, the committee issued a...

Most Americans Think the Housing Crisis Never Ended []

The Great Recession rewrote the American dream. Millions of Americans who thought they’d captured the flag instead got swallowed up by a national mortgage-foreclosure crisis. Many of those former homeowners are now renters, competing in ever-more concentrated job markets for ever-scarcer affordable housing. So perhaps it comes as no surprise that most Americans say that the housing crisis never ended. In fact, one in five Americans say that the worst is yet to come, according to a new poll...

The Case for Unions to Support a Universal Basic Income []

Andy Stern has been part of the U.S. labor movement for decades. He was formerly the president of the Service Employees International Union, which represents nearly 2 million American workers. During his tenure at the SEIU, he was hailed as “the nation’s most politically influential union president,” which made his resignation in 2010 something of a surprise. Stern’s new book, Raising the Floor, details his views on the changing nature of work in America and explains why Stern has come...

Not only trauma but also the reversal of trauma is inherited []

Traumatic experiences in childhood increase the risk of developing behavioral and psychiatric disorders later in life. It is also known that the consequences of a trauma can likewise be observed in the children of people affected even if those children have themselves not experienced any trauma. However, childhood trauma in some conditions can also help individuals deal better with difficult situations later in life. This ability, too, is passed onto following generations. These findings...

San Antonio’s Homeless LGBTQ Youth Find a Safe Space to Become Themselves []

The mass shooting at an Orlando gay club this month killed 49 people , wounded at least 50 others, and, in the minds of many within the LGBTQ community, violated a sacred space. In his comments following the tragedy, President Barack Obama called the Pulse nightclub, the site of the massacre, a “sanctuary,” a place to sing, dance, “and most importantly, to be who you truly are” that had been violated by a horrific act of violence. While a hideous reminder of unvarnished hate, the shooting...

Teen Bullies And Their Victims Both Face A Higher Risk Of Suicide []

Bullying and cyberbullying are major risk factors for teen suicide. And both the bullies and their victims are at risk. That's according to a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics that urges pediatricians and family doctors to routinely screen teenagers for suicide risks. "Pediatricians need to be aware of the problem overall," says Benjamin Shain , a child and adolescent psychiatrist and lead author of the report published online Monday in the journalPediatrics. "They should be...

Family Secrets, Part 1, Unspeakable Truths (

Family secrets. Unspeakable truths. These are topics those of us with adverse childhood experiences contend with in childhood and as adults. Often. Some researchers argue that it's suppression and secrecy that burdens the body, can be toxic and part of the reason some of us get sick. It's one of the reasons writing can improve health. With writing, we can sometimes unburden the body of secrets without having confrontations before ready. Secrets are talked about in this Dear Sugar podcast...

Childhood Maltreatment

As I read the post about young women who wanted to start an invisible self treatment program for some of their friends who suffered from addiction [ LINK HERE ], it reminds me of many conversations I have had with high ACE individuals, especially women, in rural Alaska Villages. When they told about the abuse they were subjected to, they were ordered not to talk about it. And if they persisted, they were shunned. Think about it. If a parent is abusing their children, and the other parent is...

Can You Get Over an Addiction? []

I SHOT heroin and cocaine while attending Columbia in the 1980s, sometimes injecting many times a day and leaving scars that are still visible. I kept using, even after I was suspended from school, after I overdosed and even after I was arrested for dealing, despite knowing that this could reduce my chances of staying out of prison. My parents were devastated: They couldn’t understand what had happened to their “gifted” child who had always excelled academically. They kept hoping I would...

Preventing the Next Orlando Massacre: A Modest, Radical Proposal []

I’m still reeling with the shock of yet another mass murder in the U.S. As we learn more about what happened in Orlando, like many of you I want to do something to prevent the next tragedy. Many people will offer ideas and solutions and I’d like to share my own. I call this a modest proposal since this is a complex problem and there are no simple solutions. No matter what is done, it isn’t going to stop senseless killing. On the other hand, I think there is much we can do to make our country...

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