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Children, Parenting and Deployment: Tips to Re-establish Connections []

Since the start of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, more than two million men and women have deployed to a combat zone. As a result of spending months, and if you consider the totality of the wars, what could be years for some, these individuals are faced with myriad adjustment issues upon return home. If you work with service members and veterans the one sure thing you can count on is that many will be struggling with accepting changes that occurred in their children during their absence. For...

What Would a Trauma-Informed Society Look Like? []

I’m not sure how it works in other parts of the world, but I do know that here in the US a central message of our culture is to pick yourself up by the bootstraps, toughen up, and stop blaming others for your problems. If you're poor, it's your fault. If you're sad, you're a baby. If you ask for help, you're a moocher demanding a handout. Independence, lack of emotion or vulnerability, and material wealth are what most of us are taught to strive for, above and beyond most anything. This is...

Trauma can bring about growth []

In the second article of this series, I focused on hope and healing for survivors of sexual abuse. Here, I extend the discussion beyond healing to discuss the possibility, now validated through research, that some trauma survivors actually experience post-traumatic growth. If healing can occur from the truly devastating consequences of adverse childhood experiences -- including sexual abuse by clergy -- can survivors also experience meaningful growth through their confrontation with trauma?

‘Toxic stress’ in the classroom: How a public health approach could help []

Children living in poverty often are exposed to high levels of constant stress that can be debilitating, not only in terms of their physical health but also their ability to learn. So what are schools to do? Below, two writers argue — in their own voices, first, and then together with one voice — that schools and health providers must join forces to make sure children are getting the help they need. Sheila Ohlsson Walker, who studies the intersection between stress and educational outcomes,...

Susan Campbell: Tracing causes of rise in suicides among girls []

The incidence of suicide in nearly all age groups has increased by 24 percent since 1999 — and by 200 percent among girls between ages of 10 and 14. Theories behind such astounding unprecedented increases, reported recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , vary. Some research says that among older Americans, the recent recession may have played a part, though the correlation is not a simple one. As for why so many more young girls are killing themselves, the answers there,...

It's time for teachers to look after their mental health – here's how []

During the safety briefing on every plane journey adults are reminded that, in case of an emergency, they are to secure their own oxygen masks before they help their children fit theirs. Why? Because it helps you look after children more effectively. The same is true of mental health, and it is something teachers should consider. After all, it is difficult to discuss good mental wellbeing in front of class if we, as adults, do not practise it ourselves. Action to improve the mental health of...

Serious Impact

We know sexual assaults increase along with ACE scores for many. And you've probably already heard about the six-month sentence received by a 19-year old, Brock Turner, convicted of assaulting an unconscious woman. And the people calling for the judge be removed for such a light sentence saying that more time would have 'serious impact' to the offender. Maybe you saw the father of Turner, refer to his son's sexual assault as "twenty minutes of action." More on the entire story here . It's...

Title I: Rich School Districts Get Millions Meant for Poor Kids []

If you follow the railroad tracks about an hour southwest of Richmond, beyond rolling green fields dotted with yellow buds of spring, down wide and winding country roads, past faded barns, some overgrown with climbing weeds and others slumping towards earth, you'll find the Nottoway County School Board Office. [ METHODOLOGY: The Data Behind 'Title I and Inequality' ] The central office oversees the school district's 2,200 students, more than 30 percent of whom live in poverty. For a...

How Trauma is Changing Children’s Brains []

For several years, John Snelgrove began his workweek with a lengthy fax from the local police, listing the home addresses where officers had answered domestic violence calls over the weekend. Snelgrove, head of guidance services for Brockton (Mass.) Public Schools, would check those addresses against the district’s student database. When a match came up, he’d alert the counselor at that child’s school, who, in turn, would take a red envelope and deliver it to the child’s teacher. Inside was...

Stopping the flow of childhood trauma from one generation to the next []

During opening remarks for the Juneau Suicide Prevention Coalition’s conference, “Adverse Childhood Experiences and Suicide,” Alaska Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott talked about the challenging and traumatic experiences he and his family experienced. “My mother — a full-blooded Tlingit lady — her entire experience of life was that of adversity. Her mother was born, and living at the time that missionaries came to our community and changed our world forever,” he said to an audience of more than 200...

For African Americans, Park Access Is About More Than Just Proximity []

The Trust for Public Land has just released its annual scores and rankings on city parks across the U.S., as Laura Bliss reports . These scores claim to evaluate what the trust considers the “three important characteristics of an effective park system: acreage, facilities and investment, and access.” While this assessment is supposed to be the gold standard for determining park quality, its criteria is severely undermined by its failure to consider the legacy of racism in the U.S. park...

The growing popularity of performance poetry is a boost for mental wellbeing []

Spoken word (or performance poetry as it’s also known) has been creeping into the public consciousness of late. Thanks to sites such as YouTube and SoundCloud, artists have found a digital platform on which to share their voice and their work. Performers such as Kate Tempest , George the Poet and Jess Green , and festivals such as Glastonbury and The Last Word , have also helped. Performance poetry is fast becoming a staple of the entertainment circuit. Aside from the obvious entertainment...

We Cannot Continue to Overlook 'High-Functioning' Depression []

I first saw a psychiatrist for my anxiety and depression as a junior in high school. During her evaluation, she asked about my classes and grades. I told her that I had a 4.0 GPA and had filled my schedule with Pre-AP and AP classes. A puzzled look crossed her face. She asked about my involvement in extracurricular activities. As I rattled off the long list of groups and organizations I was a part of, her frown creased further. Finally, she set down her pen and looked at me, saying something...

8 Things I Wish I Knew When I Went to an Eating Disorder Treatment Center []

1. You are not a bad sister. Or a bad daughter. Or a bad friend. Or a bad anything. You are sick. You are suffering from a disease that has to do with genetics and brain chemistry and environmental factors and probably something much deeper than what our human minds can comprehend. Try to bring curiosity, rather than blame, into this moment. 2. The point is not to look like you are changing so that the people you love are happy. It is to actually change within yourself. And sometimes that...

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