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Building a Path to Literacy []

Like most complex subjects, no single label will ever suffice to describe Dove Springs, the Southeast Austin neighborhood where I grew up, but here are a few: Mexi­can-American, working-class, poor, overlooked, humble, proud, violent, peaceful, ugly, beautiful. Among the labels that are least likely to come up: affluent, privileged. One of the challenges facing the neighborhood is literacy. Dove Springs' Consuelo Mendez Middle School is on the Texas Education Agency's 2015 list of schools...

Suicidal thinking affects 'significant minority' of US veterans []

The research, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, used data from a nationally representative sample of over 2,000 American vets who were surveyed twice - once in 2011 and again in 2013 - in a study led by the Veteran's Affairs (VA) National Center for PTSD . Each time, the survey asked the veterans whether they had experienced suicidal thoughts in the past 2 weeks, and also about a host of other factors associated with suicidal thinking. The results showed that around 86% of...

People first: Changing the way we talk about those touched by the criminal justice system []

Language is powerful. When we talk about people who come into contact with the criminal justice system and refer to them as “offenders,” “inmates,” or “convicts,” we cause these people’s offenses to linger long after they’ve paid their debt to society. Such labeling is both dehumanizing and stigmatizing, ascribing scarlet letters to people based on actions that arguably represent the worst days of their lives rather than who they are sons, sisters, parents, and community members. After...

What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

There is a growing trend in education, mental health, social services, and health care: becoming trauma-informed. For those in ministry, “trauma informed” can be a confusing phrase, bringing up images we might not naturally associate with the church and its mission and ministry. Trauma results from something that occurs in a person’s life that is experienced as physically or emotionally harmful or life threatening. An event, circumstance or series of events that are traumatic leaves lasting...

News You Can Use

Last night, I went to the first training West Coast workshop held by the Solutions Journalism Network (SJN), an organization founded by three journalists in 2012 to reshape the way news is told. Basically, the aim is to encourage and train journalists, whether in or outside of newsrooms, to report on news you can use to make changes in your life, your community, and the world. It’s also an approach to uncovering hidden stories, ones that many reporters don’t ask. When writing a story about...

MARC Advisor: Laura Porter

Laura Porter watched as ACE data put an end to arguments. When she worked as a liaison between Washington state elected officials and community groups, she listened to endless squabbles about which problem—youth violence, substance abuse, child maltreatment—was most important and what type of intervention most urgent and effective. ACE research demonstrated that all these concerns shared a common root. “When people learn about ACEs, they change their thinking,” Laura says. “They stop...

London's Housing Crisis and the Inequality Chasm []

London’s red-hot housing market of late is by now an international legend, drip-feeding the media with tragicomic stories of insane pricing on a weekly basis—from the $710 cupboard to the one-bedroom flat on sale for $37 million . Now a new report out this week details some of the harmful social effects that this boom in housing costs has wrought. Unsurprisingly, they are many. The report , from the independent think tank Centre for London , shows that the rise in housing costs are far more...

Meet PRIME, the New App That Wants to Help End Schizophrenia []

It was in 2011, after Camilo Pineda Obando moved to Pacifica, California, a small city just south of San Francisco, when his perception of reality took a sudden, dark shift. It wasn’t the first time the 21-year-old aspiring music producer had experienced episodes of anxiety and paranoia, but this was different. Walking down the street, he felt like the protagonist in a nightmarish video game populated with mysterious characters, some good, others evil. An agonizing sense of responsibility to...

When Kids Lead Their Parent-Teacher Conferences []

Pushing up the cuffs of his plaid shirt and adjusting his glasses, the ninth-grader Colton Gaudette looks across the small classroom conference table. “Welcome to my student-led conference,” he says. “Thank you for inviting me,” answers his mother, Terry Gaudette, sitting next to Colton’s adviser and biology teacher. This meeting, which happens twice a year, has replaced the old format of parent-teacher conferences at Pittsfield Middle High School, a rural New Hampshire campus that takes a...

Why Do Some Poor Kids Thrive? []

Despite the challenge of growing up in tough areas with few resources, thousands of inner city kids manage to excel academically. But even some students who seem to thrive early on run a significant risk of faltering on their quest for college degrees or the elite jobs they once envisioned. So what’s the deciding factor behind kids who meet their potential and those who wind up falling short? That’s the question undertaken by researchers Stefanie DeLuca, Susan Clampet-Lundquist, and Kathryn...

How Does Substance Abuse Destroy the Teeth []

The American Dental Association issued a report which indicated as many as 75 percent of drinkers confirmed they don’t clean their teeth after a night of drinking. Sixty-percent of those surveyed said they had a “furry” feeling on their teeth following the fun. Everyone grasps that furry teeth are a sign of plaque build-up. Plaque on the teeth is a compilation of bacteria which will be remaining on the teeth all night long. Ultimately, you will have problems. Dental health concerns often...

WHO: Diabetes rates skyrocketing worldwide []

Diabetes rates nearly doubled in the past three decades, largely due to increases in obesity and sugary diets, according to a report released Wednesday by the World Health Organization . The percentage of adults living with diabetes worldwide grew from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014. Overall, there was a nearly four-fold increase in worldwide cases: An estimated 422 million adults were living with diabetes in 2014, up from 108 million in 1980. The WHO describes diabetes as a serious, chronic...

The Benefits of Not Jumping to Conclusions []

Human brains simplify information under stress. Largely out of awareness, we have a tendency to categorize experiences into extremes of good and bad, black and white, right or wrong. Most of life, however, happens in the gray areas. We lose the subtleties that are always there if we are too quick to know. When I take something personally or feel stung by something someone said or did, I try to remind myself to get curious about other meanings, other ways of understanding the moment. For...

Key Ingredients for Successful Trauma-Informed Care Implementation []

As the connection between exposure to trauma and long-term health conditions becomes clear, the health care sector is beginning to focus on how to best care for patients with a history of trauma. For many people, trauma may increase their risk of serious health issues leading to poor health outcomes and higher medical and social service costs. Health care providers can address patients’ traumatic experiences and their associated health effects by implementing trauma-informed approaches to...

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