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Happy Thanksgiving,   Many things to be grateful and thankful about. My wife and I are starting off the holidays with a pledge to donate proceeds from one of our best selling books, "Five Seconds to Go" to ACEs awareness and foster kids. Please...

Why Abandonment is an ACE

I found out the father I never knew died. I wrote two pieces about the grief, sadness, relief and rage.   One of the things I love about the ACEs community is that all of the individual ACEs are equal and matter.   There are adult survivors...

The Continuing Power of 'Us' and 'Them'

As we contemplate why our brains work the way they do after experiencing ACEs etc, I felt it worthwhile to comment on also thinking about the bigger picture currently happening around us: The United States has now declared   a global travel alert...

A Short Distance to Fall and Fail

As I read stories like this, (Juneau Empire)  there seems to be a common thread-developmental trauma (or Adverse Childhood Experiences). They change your brain, and you react. When I talk about ACE's, I state my belief that we cope through the...

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