Don’t Try to Fix Me, Just Believe in Me!
A recent blog post from my blog at A survivor now thriver, I write and share my journey to plant seeds for hope and healing. Hope you enjoy this blog post. We are stronger together. After...
A recent blog post from my blog at A survivor now thriver, I write and share my journey to plant seeds for hope and healing. Hope you enjoy this blog post. We are stronger together. After...
Below are links to some publications that might be of interest. The first link is to two papers - a research review and an analytic synthesis - that argue for a public health approach to toxic stress and trauma; the second ...
"National Disgrace" is the headline in the Wednesday Star Tribune report on the federal government's failure to enforce child protection laws, and the many children dying of abuse and neglect in plain view of child protection...
This is the second post in a series about resilience . Michael Brown. Eric Garner. Tamir Rice. John Crawford III. Levar Jones. Their deaths — and those of too many others — illuminate the ghastly toll of racism and impunity. It’s a...
After a school-based prevention program, European teenagers were about half as likely to attempt suicide or to feel suicidal, a new study shows. Danuta Wasserman, a professor of psychiatry at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, said the program...
A doctor's thesis at Sahlgrenska Academy has found that children whose parents experience time pressure are more likely to have mental health problems. Mental health problems among children and adolescents are a growing health challenge in the Nordic...
Outside Harry Dewey Fundamental Elementary School in Fair Oaks, Amanda Christensen recalled the first time she saw the detailed report card for her three children. “At first it was very complicated,” Christensen said. “You see...
Given the climate on Capitol Hill, it’s rare to find a program with all of the elements that traditionally engender bipartisan support: a program that spurs economic development and creates jobs, attracts private capital, quickly delivers impact...
Think about the last time you left the house. Did strangers on the street acknowledge your presence with a smile or avert their glance? Chances are that the answer depended on your age, gender and, of course, your race. There is no shortage of...
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “America is going to hell if we don’t use her vast resources to end poverty and make it possible for all God’s children to have the basic necessities of life.” Today, 150 years after the end...
On Tuesday, the city council of Tacoma, WA passed paid sick leave on an eight-to-one vote. The leave is modest, requiring businesses to offer just three paid days off for illness a year, but it will rise to five days in the employee’s...
T his is a story of how, in six short years, a relatively small group of people inspired, motivated, and induced a community to turn the approach to helping children and adults who experience domestic violence, mental illness, substance abuse,...
The Clinton Foundation on Monday announced that it had negotiated a lower price for an emergency treatment that can prevent overdoses with a company that makes it. The soaring cost of the treatment has constrained its widespread use by municipalities...
Sarah Spitz arrived at Emory University in 2009 eager to find out what the next four years had in store. But as the readings piled up and her first test approached, the self-proclaimed perfectionist couldn’t handle the pressure. Spitz...
This story begins an occasional series about individuals who don't have much money or power but do have a big impact on their communities. Sometimes, the people you'd least expect are those who do the most. People like Tony Simmons, a homeless...