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Dissociation Nation: Half a Brain

Dan Siegel’s webinar “How Mindfulness Can Change the Wiring of Our Brains” which I found by accident in March 2011, says we can heal from emotional childhood damage. And in his own office, Siegel actually used "neuroplasticity" to...

Will $650 Million in Genetic Studies Solve the Mystery of Mental Illness?

[Mina De La O via Getty Images] Duke University professor emeritus Allen Frances, who chaired the DSM-IV task force wrote this for Huffington Post: I am a great supporter of mental-health research but worry that it has lost its sense of proportion and is chasing the wrong priorities. The really glamorous stuff consumes almost all of the enormous NIMH budget and now has behind it the huge addition of a $650-million private donation aimed at solving the genetics of mental illness. Neuroscience...

Thousands of prisoners treated for mental illness

[Photo: AP] The nation's largest prison system has spent more than $36.5 million on psychotropic drugs to treat thousands of offenders in the past four years, according to federal Bureau of Prisons data supplied to USA TODAY. Nearly 10% of the 216,000 inmates are receiving medications designed to treat an array of illnesses, from depression and bipolar disorder to acute schizophrenia. The BOP's disclosure comes as government officials have raised questions about the costs of confining such...

As Juvenile Arrests Plummet, California Still Investing in Incarceration Facilities []

[California State Reform School in Whittier, 1910] Despite California’s steep decline in juvenile crime and incarceration rates, the state is spending millions of dollars helping counties finance the renovation and expansion of juvenile halls and camps. The California Board of State Community Corrections (BSCC), the agency overseeing adult and juvenile correctional facilities, will give out nearly $80 million available in lease-revenue bonds to support expansion of the bed capacity in...

Teens pay high psychiatric toll when raised in conditions of political conflict []

[Photo: Human Rights Watch] The latest flare-up in the Middle East catches children in the midst of their long-anticipated summer break. The wail of sirens replaces the jingle of ice cream trucks, and boys and girls dash to a bomb shelter instead of playing tag at the park. Young people are enduring a summer of violence, devastation, panic, and isolation. What are the long-term effects of these conditions? A new study published in the Journal of Traumatic Stress by Prof. Michelle Slone of...

Childhood Traumas More Common in Military Members []

[Photo: USNavy]  Childhood traumas are more common among military members and veterans than among civilians, according to a new study. Researchers say the results support the notion that for some, enlistment serves as an escape from troubled upbringings. The study is the largest to examine how common bad childhood experiences are among military men and women. Disparities were most striking among men during the volunteer era: More than 25 percent had experienced at least four childhood...

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