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Opinion: My Brother's Keeper will fail despite $200M price tag without healing

                    [President Barack Obama, students during "My Brother's Keeper" event. AP Photo.] In an op-ed for, ACEsConnection member Father Jeff Putthoff says that if President Barack Obama wants his "My Brother's Keeper" initiative to work, he'd best get the latest brain science. Here's part of the beginning: If you had just been knocked unconscious on the football field by a 300-pound linebacker, causing you to break a leg,...

Domestic Violence Proving to Be the NFL's Next Big Off-Field Hurdle

[NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell. AP Photo] An  NFL  player busted for smoking marijuana, or any other drug listed on the league’s substance-abuse policy, knows exactly what kind of punishment the league can hand down. The first offense is somewhat of a freebie, the second offense lands the player a four-game suspension, while a third instance will result in a year-long suspension. The rules, and punishment for breaking them, are laid out in a no-nonsense,  step-by-step...

My ACEs Mission

In 2010, I was asked to write an article for a parenting magazine regarding child abuse. My initial response was, "No way!" Having had a decent childhood myself and nearly ready to launch two kids of my own, I could not wrap my mind around writing...

Primary source: Setting the stage for chronic health problems: cumulative childhood adversity among homeless adults with mental illness in Vancouver, British Columbia

[ Matthew Woitunski photo] It is well documented that childhood abuse, neglect and household dysfunction are disproportionately present in the backgrounds of homeless adults, and that these experiences adversely impact child development and a wide range of adult outcomes. However, few studies have examined the cumulative impact of adverse childhood experiences on homeless adults with mental illness. This study examines adverse events in childhood as predictors of duration of homelessness,...

Thousands of Toddlers Are Medicated for A.D.H.D., Report Finds, Raising Worries

[Susanna Visser explaining report at George Mental Health Forum. Dustin Chambers photo.] More than 10,000 American toddlers 2 or 3 years old are being medicated for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder outside established pediatric guidelines, according to data presented on Friday by an official at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . The report, which found that toddlers covered by Medicaid are particularly prone to be put on medication such as Ritalin and Adderall, is...

Member Profile: Louise Godbold, Co-Executive Director of Echo Parenting & Education

Louise Godbold , co-executive directorofEcho Parenting & Education in Los Angeles, Calif.,is a frequent contributor to ACEs Connection. Q: When did you learn about ACEs, and how did that change your work (or life)? A: Echo Parenting & Education (where I am the Co-Executive Director) first learned about ACEs from Gabriella Grant of the California Center of Excellence for Trauma-Informed Care. She trained us on the ACE Study and the effects of trauma on the...

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