BABY BIT for Wed. Aug. 21, 2013 Please share! You never know whose life you may touch! Special thanks to Jennifer Margulis and James di Properzio for allowing us to use content from their book!
Hopefully this will be one of many blogs from an ACE kid all grown up. Funny how things, people and events take on such a different perspective as an adult. I'm hoping to delve into some deep territory in my own life and I'm...
He says that woman speaks with nature. That she hears voices from under the earth. That wind blows in her ears and trees whisper to her. That the dead sing through her mouth and the cries of infants are clear to her. But for him this dialogue is over....
"While children of all ages will be heading back to school in a few days, a new study from the Université de Montréal may encourage their parents to return to the classroom themselves ... at least for a few evenings! The results of a...
"Philadelphia police made 633 prostitution arrests in the first half of this year. Street prostitution and drug addiction tend to go hand in hand, but many prostitutes who get busted and put in mandatory drug treatment end up back on the streets....
"West Midlands Police has produced posters and billboards to educate people on the signs of abuse. "The force will also work more closely with schools, parents, carers, social services, charities and local authorities.... "Supt Bacon said victims were...
"Mothers who completed a mandatory community intimate-partner violence (IPV) program were less likely to be re-victimized and more likely to leave an abusive spouse or partner, say researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill....
"Launched in 2013 by NCDVTMH, the Trauma-Informed Legal Advocacy (TILA) Project will offer a framework and practical skills for doing trauma-informed legal advocacy with survivors of domestic violence involved in legal or other systems. Designed for...
“Our families were hurting financially [even] before the economy tanked,” she says. “And people who are stressed out, have no place to live, have no transportation — stress comes out in some ugly ways sometimes on kids.”... "For the past two years, researchers from Washington State University have been in six elementary schools, training teachers and counselors to empathize and react to the traumatized minds of students. Through WSU’s instruction, teachers...
Abstract Lifecourse-informed models of health fundamentally challenge simple biomedical models, introducing new ways of thinking about how diseases develop. This paper considers the broad implications of lifecourse theory for the maternal and...
"It is too easy for convicted child sex offenders to move abroad and abuse children there, either while on holiday or while doing voluntary work, according to a new report. The Netherlands should therefore withdraw the passports of convicted...
"What would you do if someone threatened to kill your pet? For many of us, the emotional bond is so strong that the question can’t be answered rationally. What wouldn’t we do? "Sadly, this scenario isn’t a hypothetical....
Hello everyone, I was thrilled to have my blog on in your Best Blog Posts on ! This is such a valuable website, what an education I'm getting on here. Would anyone like to form a Southern California group on here...
Abstract Background To analyse whether Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) are associated with an increased risk of cancer. Methods The National child development study (NCDS) is a prospective birth cohort study with data...