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The Status of Recovery

In a recent NPR interview about mental illness the following was revealed:   “ Psychiatrist [Harold] Schwartz has been a part of the conversation about Connecticut 's mental health system that has gained new urgency since the school shootings in Newtown . He says a lot of attention is now being paid to identifying young people with emotional struggles who need help, but when it comes to helping people like Bell [a 54-year old man who eventually committed suicide] homeless,...

A Long Road Home

“The quality of a child’s relationship with its parent will be influenced by the amount of stress the parent’s under, so if the parent is dealing with domestic violence, homelessness, poverty then their resources for creating a...

Interview with Dr. Felitti: The Relationship of Adverse Childhood Experiences to Adult Health Care (46 min)

[must-listen] " Today, Marcelle talks to Dr. Vincent Felitti about his groundbreaking work on the ACE Study . Listen in to hear about the ongoing effects of the 10 categories of childhood experiences that were studied on adult well-being, health, and social function a half-century later. ..." # Direct link to interview: Reference was made to Raz Ingrasci of The Hoffman Institute Foundaton  in San Rafael,...

Risking Connections

"At the July All Staff meeting,  Angela Nickell, CEO explained that Pomegranate Health Systems  would soon be introducing training by professional trainer/s from the Risking Connection Program from the Sidran Institute, as an outgrowth of...

Domestic Violence Intervention Program to expand service area - Iowa

"The Domestic Violence Intervention Program of Iowa City announced Tuesday it is expanding services for victims of intimate partner violence to include nine counties in southeast Iowa.... "CVAD [Crime Victim Assistance Division], in response to significant funding cuts for victim services over the past decade, developed a plan to regionalize services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.  Six regions were developed in the state, with competitive...

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