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Healing Hearts, Promoting Health

"Funded by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation , Healing Hearts, Promoting Health (HHPH) is an intensive pilot project that addresses the trauma and related nutrition, health, and wellness issues of recently displaced families and children, with particular...

Catching the Red Flags: How the Animal Cruelty Legacy Impacts Public Safety

As a result of Chris Engel's interesting blog post -- The link between animal abuse, human violence & beyond --Kristin Benzinger sent us this post that she and attorney Richard Console wrote and posted on Console's site, Console & Hollawell. It'sanother look at the link between animal abuse and violence. Often, when a violent crime occurs on a massive scale when a person commits serial murders or mass shootings certain patterns of behavior...

What To Call "Terror"?

Lately I have been working on a paper about the phenomenology of violence, focusing on the present atrocities in the Democratic Republic of Congo and the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. On the days when I am not trying to grapple with the inconceivable...

Special Collection: Trauma-Informed Domestic Violence Services

"Building on over 20 years of work, the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health (NCDVTMH) has put into practice a framework that integrates a trauma-informed approach with a DV victim advocacy lens. This new 3-part Special Collection, developed by NCDVTMH in collaboration with the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence (NRCDV), reflects this integrated perspective and brings together the resources on trauma and trauma-informed work that are most relevant to...

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