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How Daisy Gonzalez went from foster care to the top of the nation's largest system of higher education []

By Ashley A. Smith, EdSource, August 11, 2021 Just who is Daisy Gonzales, California’s new acting community colleges chancellor? Her journey, which she describes as an “incredible story,” may resonate with many of the system’s 2 million students. “I became aware that I was in foster care at the age of 4” she said. As a child, Gonzales grew up in a variety of places including group homes, child care facilities, and even with relatives. As she made her way, earning a Ph.D. and serving the last...

Free Webinar on Building Positive Relationships with Children who have Experienced Trauma

FREE 8-week training on building positive relationships with children who have experienced trauma. Meet Tuesday nights from 5:00 to 7:30 PM Central time, virtually using Zoom. Learn researched-based practices and skills that align with TF-CBT (Trauma-Focused - Cognitive Based Therapy). If you would like more information or have any questions please reach out to Rhonda at .

Climate change anxiety: How to stop spiraling and make a difference []

By Rebecca Ruiz, Mashable, July 11, 2021 The monarch butterfly, known for its distinctive orange color, is now on the verge of extinction. Numbering in the millions in the 1980s, the monarch population has been in steep decline thanks to habitat loss, pesticide use , and climate change . So, in fall 2020, when I spied several monarch caterpillars feasting on a neighbor's milkweed plant, I excitedly pointed them out to my young daughters. We soon noticed the caterpillars inching their way...

Join Us For Conversations With Evey & Elizabeth

Join us via Zoom Monday, Aug 16, 2021, 06:00 PM Central Time (the US and Canada) for the EmpowerSurvivors program, Conversations With Evey & Elizabeth! * Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. * This program will be recorded * Cost: Donation to EmpowerSurvivors...

Resilience for Early Educators Course

A robust body of research shows that early childhood trauma can have a significant effect on development and academic success as well as relationships and well-being across the life course. Early childhood educators are well-positioned to be agents of healing and resilience-building. Santiago Canyon College is offering a 3-unit, hybrid (remote/blended) course for early educators. The course curriculum addresses the physiology of the body's stress response system, the role of early childhood...

An Alabama Woman's Neighborly Vaccination Campaign []

By Yasmine Al-Sayyad, The New Yorker, August 11, 2021 I n a recent, widely circulated Op-Ed, the New York Times columnist Ezra Klein derided the “conventional wisdom” in the public-health discussion of covid-19 vaccines that “there is some argument, yet unmade and perhaps undiscovered, that will change the minds of the roughly 30 percent of American adults who haven’t gotten at least one dose.” The vaccinated are at the end of their tether with the holdouts. With covid cases on the rise once...

UCF Researcher Identifies Models For Health Aging []

By Wendy Sarubbi, University of Central Florida, July 22, 2021 As the population ages, communities must adopt more creative ways to help older adults stay mentally and physical healthy and engaged, especially in light of the social isolation caused by COVID-19, according to a UCF population health researcher. In a recent study in Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine, Su-I Hou, professor and founding director of UCF’s School of Global Health Management and Informatics , identified models of...

Gun Violence Can Be Diffused By Community Members Called 'Violence Interrupters' []

By Jasmine Garsd, National Public Radio, August 9, 2021 Increasing gun violence across the country is a growing concern. In one New York neighborhood, paid members of the community help curb tensions that lead to shootings. They can do what police can't. AILSA CHANG, HOST: New York recently declared a state of disaster emergency over rising gun violence. The governor's office has announced several initiatives to address the situation, and one of them is hiring more of what's known as...

America's colleges and universities have a dirty open secret []

By Adam Harris, Marketplace, August 10, 2021 The subtle crunch of snow under your feet is rare in Alabama, but plush white powder blanketed the ground when I arrived on the campus of Alabama A&M University in Normal, Alabama, for my first semester in January 2010. The packed flakes clung to the buildings like fitted sheets. It made the Hill, as students called the campus, indescribably beautiful. The university is tucked away in the rolling Tennessee Valley of North Alabama. It was the...

New Report on America's Health Rankings on Health Disparities

A version of this article initially appeared in RACmonitor on 8/12/21 and appears with explicit permission of the publisher Over the past year I’ve talked a great deal about health and mental health disparities, an ongoing priority for the industry to address. America’s Health Rankings , published by United Health Foundation, has assessed the health of the nation for well over 30 years. However, for 2021, its authors embarked on a unique journey: to provide a comprehensive and thorough view...

Lost Child Syndrome

The term dysfunctional family is used to give a name to a family that does not function within normal parameters. There may be alcoholism, drug abuse, neglect, and abuse. These disturbed families harbor children who, because of their debilitated families, are not capable of living the lives they should have. As a result of the dysfunction in these families, children take one of four different and predictable, limiting roles. These roles include the hero, the scapegoat, the lost child, and...

August 18th CTIPP CAN Call - Trauma-Informed Advocacy Workshop

CTIPP CAN Call - Trauma-Informed Advocacy Workshop - August 18th, 2-3:30pm ET/11am-12:30pm PT Join Zoom Meeting 742183645 Meeting ID: 742 183 645 +19292056099,,742183645# US Please join us for next week's CTIPP CAN Call, which will be a workshop to practice advocating for and continuing to build the trauma-informed movement. The call will begin with a discussion about the FY22 House Labor, HHS, Education, and Related Agencies report . There was a lot to celebrate,...

Small Moments: Big Impacts – An App for New Mothers []

By Guest Author, 8/11/21, Following the recent release of their new app for mothers, Drs. Barry Zuckerman and Cyndie Hatcher spoke with HOPE Research Assistant, Loren McCullough about how the questions, information, and parent videos provided in Small Moments: Big Impacts (SMBI) can brighten the outcomes of parents and children. Dr. Cyndie Hatcher also discussed her experiences working with parents in primary care settings, and her use of SMBI’s resources to...

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