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Twenty-six studies point to more play for young children []

By Jackie Mader, The Hechinger Report, May 13, 2021 W hat if one of the answers to reducing inequality and addressing mental health concerns among young children is as simple as providing more opportunities to play? A growing body of research and several experts are making the case for play to boost the well-being of young children as the pandemic drags on—even as concerns over lost learning time and the pressure to catch kids up grow stronger. Play is so powerful, according to a recent...

NCTSN May 2021 Spotlight []

Positive mental health is essential to a child's healthy development from birth. It promotes positive youth development, resiliency during difficult times, and recovery. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, children have faced unprecedented challenges, including making sudden and significant changes to their daily routines and dealing with the separation or sudden death of a loved one from afar. The NCTSN has resources to help parents, caregivers, child welfare workers, and providers support the...

Join the Resilient Georgia Conversation on Social Media

Resilient Georgia is dedicated to healing adversity and promoting resiliency in children and families. We do this through the prevention and early intervention of ACEs and by sharing best practices with our 500+ stakeholders and 80+ partners. As we wrap up Mental Health Awareness Month, we’d like to invite you to join the Resilient Georgia conversation on social media. Our Facebook and Instagram accounts are filled with ongoing content on children’s mental health at the intersection of...

Restarting Schools and Non-Profits Optimally

Reopening schools/organizations/non-profits/governments/businesses come fall will not be easy. Some take-away strategies for successful reopenings are addressed in a webinar June 19th at noon (EST). Powerpoints available after attendance to serve a a go-forward guide. Join us. Sponsored by DKG International (altho donations graciously accepted). While the focus is educational settings, the import is broader. Here is link to register; it is also embedded in the flyer. See you there I hope. ...

Building Inclusive Suburbs: Asian Americans and the Battle for Belonging []

By Oriya Cohen and Maya Brennan, Housing Matters, May 8, 2021 Suburban communities across the United States are rapidly diversifying. As suburbia becomes less white, new residents have reshaped its form and use, expanding a particular version of the American dream to include their diverse histories and cultures. Asian Americans have been central to this process, overcoming a long history of exclusionary immigration policies and racially restrictive housing policies to stake their claim in...

Anti-Asian Racism in 2020 []

By Melissa Borja and Jacob Gibson, Virulent Hate Project,, May 2021 ABSTRACT To understand trends in coronavirus-related, anti-Asian racism, the Virulent Hate Project at the University of Michigan reviewed 4,337 news articles published between January 1 and December 31, 2020. We identified 1,023 incidents of anti-Asian racism, which included 679 incidents of anti-Asian harassment and vandalism and 344 incidents of stigmatizing and discriminatory statements, images, policies, and proposals.

Changing lives by connecting all Americans to broadband internet []

By Tom Wheeler, Brookings, May 19, 2021 Jackson County, Kentucky, has one stop light in its 347 square miles—but also high-speed fiber optic internet service to rival any big city. In the coal country of eastern Kentucky, the 800-person town of McKee is the hub of a one-thousand-mile fiber-to-the-home network covering two of the nation’s poorest and most remote counties. The fiber link was built almost entirely with dollars from the federal government. It is a powerful example of the...

Trauma Informed Care, ACES & Resilience Podcast

Hi Everyone, Pick your platform and checkout Delusional Optimism with Dr. B! We are wrapping up our first year of podcasting with Saint Agnes Medical Center, Every Neighborhood Partnership, and ACES Aware as sponsors. I'd love your feedback, suggestions, questions, & comments. Please take a listen and share with anyone looking for information on the neurobiology of emotions and building resilience. ❤ Thanks,

Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir Now Available on Netflix []

Amy Tan : Unintended Memoir Available on Netflix KPJR Films’ Feature Documentary Profiles Life of Respected Literary Voice in James Redford’s Final Film Amy Tan : Unintended Memoir , KPJR Films fifth documentary feature, is now available on Netflix. The film premiered at The Sundance Film Festival in February 2021 to critical acclaim and went on to be broadcast and streamed on American Masters/PBS in early May. In addition, the film was selected to screen at festivals including: Doclands;...

The Wisdom of Trauma: Featuring Dr. Gabor Maté (Movie Premier) []

Our global online movie premiere of The Wisdom of Trauma, plus 7 days of conversation with Dr. Gabor Maté and leading experts in the field are coming up in just a few weeks. Five years ago, Dr. Gabor Maté was one of the keynote speakers at SAND. When we heard him speak, we felt deeply moved, not just by his powerful message and his incisive work, but also by his authenticity, piercing clarity and commitment to truth. Dr. Maté brings a very unique perspective to the epidemic of mental...

ACEs, Weight Gain And Why Most Weight Loss Programs NEVER Work From Dr. Felitti. And Dr. Alman

(l to r) Vincent Felitti and Brian Alman I’ve been helping people discover the root cause of their disease, physically, mentally, and emotionally—many of which are rooted in adverse childhood experiences—ACEs. Something that I’ve seen over and over again is a connection between ACEs and an unhealthy relationship with food that can lead to emotional eating and weight gain. Although people commonly get frustrated with diets and exercise programs that “don’t work,” the program’s not the actual...

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