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How PTO and other employment factors influence ACES/ Submitted by Stephanie Ostrow

Submitted by Stephanie Ostrow: Link to Article and Resources The other day I had the pleasure of reading an article in Psychology Today titled...

So Much Telling – So Much Listening

Picture four virtual showcases, 35 brave survivors of childhood sexual abuse reading to 200 people --- a wonderful gathering of supportive witnesses. That’s what occurred the last weekend of January 2021at our event: Survivors’ Voices: Works of Resilience Written and Read by Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse. Read more about it here . I can tell you what it looked like before we went live. We had readers who kept forgetting to breathe; two so proud of themselves they could hardly stand it,...

Maternal Health in Black and White []

By Heather Tirado Gilligan, California Health Care Foundation, April 26, 2021 Despite an induced labor necessitated by the potential danger of preeclampsia, Morine Cebert Gators had a beautiful birth experience. Cebert Gators, who is Black, searched diligently for a Black ob/gyn provider when she moved from North Carolina to Knoxville, Tennessee. She was mid-pregnancy, had recently finished her PhD in nursing, and was having no luck finding a doctor who looked like her. Googling and joining...

A 4-Year-Old Child Is Not a Problem. And Expulsion Is Not a Solution. []

By David L. Kirp, The New York Times, April 25, 2021 The boy I’ll call Jackson is the kind of youngster who drives a preschool teacher around the bend. The 4-year-old bites and hits other children, and curses out his teacher, Mariana Lopez. During circle time, when the class is supposed to cluster around and listen to one another, he is a hellion, and nap time turns into a pitched battle. Preschool teachers rely on parents to relate what’s happening on the home front, but Jackson’s mom...

In Nation's Incarceration Capital, A New D.A. is Freeing People from Prison []

By Katie Jane Fernelius, The Appeal, April 21, 2021 In recent years, prosecutors on a mission to challenge mass incarceration have been using their power to keep people out of prison, but now they’re beginning to turn their attention to those who are already locked up. Few have pursued this as promptly and publicly as Jason Williams, the new district attorney of New Orleans, who may be setting the bar for DAs nationwide. And this focus could be transformative in New Orleans, the largest city...

Ask a Black therapist: 4 ways to support Black people's mental health []

By Ashley Vaughan, CNN Health, April 20, 2021 "There is a difference between being informed and getting retraumatized." That's what clinical therapist Paul Bashea Williams tells himself and his clients as they struggle with the distressing images that resurfaced during the Derek Chauvin trial. The proceeding churned up a persistent trauma. The frequent replay of George Floyd's final moments may have left many feeling raw, vulnerable and without relief. [ Please click here to read more .]

Doing Things That Scare You

It’s always stressful to do things that scare you, but, generally speaking, it usually helps you learn something. Last year, our NGO, Jojo's Sanctuary , was invited by Carmen Filbeck, the director of Lanna Theological College in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to come teach a course about child protection and trauma informed care to the seminary students there. The goal was to broaden the educational curriculum of the school and prepare the students to work with children and adults who may have...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2021

Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - Once again I've tried to create a mix of articles, videos, music, books, podcasts, resources, etc, that offer Hope, Healing & Help. As the saying goes, “ Take what you like and leave the rest. ” or here's the PDF - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please...

Maslow Got It Wrong []

Written By Teju Ravilochan . Some months ago, I was catching up with my dear friend and board member, Roberto Rivera . As an entrepreneur and community organizer with a doctorate and Lin-Manuel-Miranda-level freestyle abilities, he is a teacher to me in many ways. I was sharing with him that for a long time, I’ve struggled with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs . The traditional interpretation of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is that humans need to fulfill their needs at one level before we can...

REGISTER NOW! April 28 Webinar - "Racism and Discrimination as a Risk Factor for Toxic Stress" []

Wednesday, April 28, 2021 Noon - 1 p.m. Register Here On April 28, 2021, join us for the first in a series of webinars that will explore research demonstrating how racism and other forms of discrimination can serve as risk factors to activate a toxic stress response, and lead to health conditions that have been empirically associated with exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences ( ACEs ). Presenters: Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH, FAAP – California Surgeon General Aletha Maybank, MD, MPH –...

Benefits of Yoga & Mindfulness []

We carry our story - from toxic stress to excitement - in our body. Peter Levine states, "Trauma is not in the event itself; rather trauma resides in the nervous system." So, what if you could use your body as a resource to relax and restore wellness? At our upcoming Yoga for Trauma Recovery training, we will teach people how to use their body (or guide others) to practice resonant breath, rhythmic exercises, and tools to heal from trauma. In addition, we will also be having our first ever...

Learning from the Landscape: Strategies in Early Childhood Health Equity []

April 29, 2021 from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (EDT) During the last decade, there has been an increasing understanding of how the social determinants of health (e.g., systemic and environmental challenges such as poverty, poor housing, and poor health care) affect the health and well-being of young children and their families. The multi-faceted nature of these challenges led many communities and states to build – or expand – initiatives from multiple sectors, disciplines, and systems to join to...

Violence against Indigenous women is 'a crisis.' Deb Haaland's new Missing & Murdered Unit could help, advocates say. []

By Cecilia Nowell, The Lily, April 20, 2021 Growing up in Canada, Agnes Woodward, who’s Plains Cree and originally from Kawacatoose First Nation, always knew that her family cared deeply about missing and murdered Indigenous women. In the 1990s, she watched as her aunt Mona and a few others began trying to draw attention to the lacking police response when Indigenous women went missing: They would hold up images of missing friends on street corners. In 1992, they organized the first march in...

Early Childhood Adversity, Toxic Stress, and the Impacts of Racism on the Foundations of Health []

By Jack P. Shonkoff, Natalie Slopen, and Davie Williams, Annual Review of Public Heath, April 2021 Abstract Inequalities in health outcomes impose substantial human and economic costs on all societies—and the relation between early adversity and lifelong well-being presents a rich scientific framework for fresh thinking about health promotion and disease prevention broadly, augmented by a deeper focus on how racism influences disparities more specifically. This review begins with an overview...

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