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Alfred White and Dr. Veronique Mead on TLOEP's Sunday Night's Real Talk!

"We're a nation that needs hope and healing" - Alfred White Are you someone who has experienced adversity in your life such as addiction, chronic stress, homelessness, incarceration, or other trauma? On March 28th, listen in on a Conversation with Dr. Veronique Mead on Sunday Nights with Alfred White: Real Talk Health and Wellness for the BIPOC Community. Dr. Mead is the founder of Chronic Illness Trauma Studies and her work has been life-saving for Alfred's health. Join us on TLOEP's...

New Online Workshop - Trauma-Responsive School Transition

Register ASAP for a new Sound Discipline online workshop A Trauma-Responsive School Transition, Tuesday, March 30, 4-6pm. As educators prepare to return to school buildings for hybrid and in-person learning, there are going to be a lot of rules and structures in place for safety. Within the context of important safety protocols and regulations, we want young people to know they belong and matter in our schools. There are important questions to pause and ask ourselves: How do you build...

NEW Transforming Trauma Podcast: NARM, Cross-Cultural Healing and The Natural Self with Adam Tanous

T ransforming Trauma Episode 038: NARM, Cross-Cultural Healing and The Natural Self with Adam Tanous In this episode of Transforming Trauma, Brad Kammer, NARM Training Director, welcomes Adam Tanous, a therapist and facilitator who lives in Haifa, Israel. Adam works with clients in Arabic, Hebrew and English, and has a unique perspective as a trauma-informed provider who is half-Palestinian, half-Polish and living in Israel. Adam joins Brad to discuss differences and similarities between the...

Dr. Mia Smith Bynum Answers Questions on the Resilience of Black Families, Past and Present, April 23 []

Join us on Friday, April 23, 2021 from 2:30-3:30 pm Central (12:30 Pacific, 1:30 Mountain, 3:30 Eastern) for a new Life Paths Research Center webchat. In our next webchat, we will be joined by Dr. Mia Smith-Bynum, Associate Professor of Family Science and Director of the Black Families Research Group in the School of Public Health at the University of Maryland-College Park. She will be answering questions about Black social and political resilience and Black cultural strengths. A clinical...

The Friend of Love

This article was originally posted on the Forward-Facing Institute Blog written by Rebekah Brown The Friend of Love - Resiliency My best friend is moving away. She’d been dropping hints for months, but I decided to retreat behind a wall of denial and hope for the best. The best was not to be. Ellen is moving, and there isn’t anything I can do about it. We had our share of joyous events over the time we had together. Once, a seafood company sent $300’s worth of prime, unreturnable Maryland...

Spreading HOPE Summit – Afternoon Session Feature, Pt. 3: Judy Langford and Dr. Jeff Linkenbach []

Chloe Yang, 3/24/21, Our first annual summit is less than a month away! Please register at this link , which you can also find on the Summit landing page (registration closes at 5:00 pm ET on Monday, April 5th). Our virtual summit seeks to inspire a group of leaders who will, together, champion a movement to shift how we support children and families, creating systems of care based on understanding, equity, and trust. Morning plenary sessions will feature Dr. Bob...

March CTIPP CAN Call

Thank you to Aidan Phillips from the WAVE Trust for his excellent and engaging presentation for attendees of our monthly Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) call for March. The information he shared is invaluable as we continue our work to influence change at the national level through the National Trauma Campaign . If you were unable to join, would like to watch again, or want to share with others, you can find the call recording here . Additionally, if you would like...

Possibilities to Fund Trauma-Informed Approaches and Initiatives in the American Rescue Plan Act

Of the $1.9 Trillion in the American Rescue Plan Act, there are several pots of money that can be leveraged for trauma-informed and resilience-focused initiatives. You can find such areas in the Act in this CTIPP analysis. What is needed now is advocacy at the state and local level to leverage these funds for trauma-informed supports. The National Trauma Campaign has advocates in all 50 states helping to mobilize around these pots of money to help bring about the trauma-informed society we...

Dismantling Structural Racism as a Whole []

By Noah Kline, Community Commons, March 2021 Although the #BlackLivesMatter protests of 2020 were ignited by high-profile police murders, the movement’s demands address a much broader array of issues. Indeed, there can be no end to police violence, and no racial justice, without a complete upheaval of the system of racism that lies at the foundation of the United States. Although truth, reconciliation, and conversation play a role in this process, Black organizers from across the country...

7 Positive Childhood Experiences (PCE's) that Shape Adult Health and Resiliency – Illustrated []

By Lindsay Braman,, March 11, 2021 By now, most counselors, pediatricians, teachers, and other people who work with children know about ACES: The “Adverse Childhood Experiences” scale. ACE’s predict , based on measuring the number of traumatic or adverse events experienced, which kids are likely to struggle developmentally and emotionally as they mature. (You can take the ACES quiz here ). New results from a survey based on a study of 6188 adults at Johns Hopkins shows that...

Supporting Parents and Caregivers with Trauma Histories during COVID-19 []

By Rebecca Vivrette, Child Trends, March 23, 2021 Parents and caregivers across the United States are facing unprecedented challenges, role shifts, and hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic that may negatively impact their parenting and their relationships with their children. Emerging research shows that parents and caregivers are experiencing more significant increases in stress during the pandemic than non-parents. For parents with unresolved histories of adversity and trauma —resulting...

Evanston, Ill., leads the country with first reparations program for Black residents []

By Mark Guarino, The Washington Post, March 22, 2021 The nation's first government reparations program for African Americans was approved Monday night in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, action that advocates say represents a critical step in rectifying wrongs caused by slavery, segregation and housing discrimination and in pushing forward on similar compensation efforts across the country. “Right now the whole world is looking at Evanston, Illinois. This is a moment like none other that...

Raising the Next Generation: A Survey of Parents and Caregivers []

From Every Family Forward, March 2021 OVERVIEW As America rapidly evolves into a more racially and ethnically diverse country, we see that future in our children. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation commissioned an in-depth research study to explore the experiences of parents and caregivers today as they raise the next generation of children. The project began with interviews and focus groups, culminating in a survey of approximately 2,000 parents and caregivers to hear directly from them...

The Overlap Between Cocaine and PTSD

While opioids and alcohol get a lot of the attention when it comes to addiction problems, and rightfully so, there are still other drugs of abuse causing harm and leading to death. Cocaine remains the third-most prevalent drug of abuse in the United States and in 2012, over 1 million U.S. adults met the criteria for cocaine dependence or abuse . Research has also found that there is an overlap between cocaine use and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In fact, up to 43% of cocaine user s...

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