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5 Ways DV/SA Advocates Can Help Survivors Enroll []

Calling all DV Advocates! Now is a great time to support survivors in getting enrolled in health insurance. A special open enrollment period for health coverage through is now happening until August 15th, 2021 to mitigate the loss of coverage many experienced due to job loss during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This presents an important opportunity for people who have not had coverage or have lost coverage to get access to affordable health care. Find out the Top 5 Ways That DV/SA...

Tune in to #WhyWeCantWait: A New Deal for Youth []

A podcast conversation with youth who are leading the way to a more fair and just future The latest episode of our Moving Upstream podcast features a conversation with young people committed to taking on social, economic, and racial injustices through a New Deal for Youth. A New Deal for Youth , which was developed by a group of young changemakers who partnered with CLASP, the Center for Law and Social Policy, calls on leaders in the public and private sectors to support youth-led policy...

I Survived 18 Years in Solitary Confinement []

By Ian Manuel, The New York Times, March 25, 2021 Imagine living alone in a room the size of a freight elevator for almost two decades. As a 15-year-old, I was condemned to long-term solitary confinement in the Florida prison system, which ultimately lasted for 18 consecutive years. From 1992 to 2010. From age 15 to 33. From the end of the George H.W. Bush administration to the beginnings of the Obama era. For 18 years I didn’t have a window in my room to distract myself from the intensity...

Seeking Executive Director for Children's Mental Health Organization

Are you a leader who is passionate about supporting a team of professionals that help transform the lives of children and families? Jumping Mouse Children’s Center offers unparalleled support to our staff, health benefits, and opportunities for professional growth. We pride ourselves on carrying reasonable caseloads to encourage a personal/work life balance. About Jumping Mouse: Located in Port Townsend, Washington, Jumping Mouse Children’s Center is a nonprofit founded in 1999 to address...

Join Us For Conversations With Evey & Elizabeth

You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Mar 29, 2021, 06:00 PM Central Time (the US and Canada) Join us on Monday Evening, via Zoom, for Comfortable Conversations on Uncomfortable Topics. This week our guest Healing Out Loud CSA is discussing various resources, organizations, and support options that encourage healing after the sexual abuse of a child. Information about and access to nontraditional methods of healing will be provided! Register in advance for this meeting:...

Spreading HOPE Summit – Afternoon Session Feature, Pt. 4: Dr. Melissa Merrick and Jamie Ward []

Chloe Yang, 3/26/21, Our first annual summit is less than a month away! Please register at this link , which you can also find on the Summit landing page (registration closes at 5:00 pm ET on Monday, April 5th). Our virtual summit seeks to inspire a group of leaders who will, together, champion a movement to shift how we support children and families, creating systems of care based on understanding, equity, and trust. Morning plenary sessions will feature Dr. Bob...

Update from ACEs Caribbean Community

Hi PACEs Connection friends! Well, it's Friday again and that means it is time for another update from us at ACEs Caribbean Community. Please below for a quick video review. [YouTube link - ] Many thanks to the wonderful people who are more experienced than we are in the ACEs/PACEs field. They continue to be supportive and encouraging on Twitter, IG, and LinkedIn. Have a terrific weekend everyone! For those to the north, Spring is here so the weather is...

Raising the Next Generation: A Survey of Parents and Caregivers

From a new study conducted for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation “As America rapidly evolves into a more racially and ethnically diverse country, we see that future in our children. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation commissioned an in-depth research study to explore the experiences of parents and caregivers today as they raise the next generation of children. The project began with interviews and focus groups, culminating in a survey of approximately 2,000 parents and caregivers to hear...

To Create More Equitable Community Engagement, Cities Can Go Back to the Basics []

By Martha Fedorowicz, Photo by Susan Montgomery, Housing Matters, March 24, 2021 While working for the City of Lansing’s Department of Neighborhoods and Citizen Engagement (DNCE) back in summer 2018, my colleagues and I realized something was amiss with our Neighborhood Advisory Board Grants program. The program was intended to promote community engagement among city residents, but at the time, it was only available to neighborhood associations— groups that tend to be whiter, wealthier, and...

HUD Has Money for Tenant Organizing. Why Isn't the Agency Spending It? []

By Josh Cohen, Photo by F. Delventhal, Shelterforce, March 19, 2021 Dina Levy will never forget the miserable conditions she found at a low-rise 200-unit complex in South Dallas. The management company at the for-profit Crest A Apartments barely maintained the property; leaky ceilings, bad plumbing, and peeling paint were all too common. Security was nonexistent and violence and crime were a constant problem. Perhaps most shocking of all, the building had a snake infestation, with the...

Solar panel saves Arkansas school enough for teachers get up to $15K in raises []

By Nico Smith, Photo by Kellen Harrel, KRIS 6 News, March 16, 2021 Clean and renewable energy resources are the way of the future. In a small rural town in Arkansas, using clean energy has paid off - literally. Batesville, Arkansas is not a city many people think of when they think of Arkansas, if they do at all. It's situated in the northeast corner of the state, with a pretty small population. Teachers have it very hard, as it is a very challenging profession. Add in the fact that most are...

10 Million Climate Refugees in Past Six Months: Red Cross Calls for Urgent International Help []

By Jessica Corbett, Photo by Ezra Acayan, EcoWatch, March 18, 2021 The world's largest humanitarian network warned Wednesday that urgent international action is needed to address the rising risk of climate-related displacement, highlighting data that shows disasters such as storms, droughts, fires, and floods internally displaced more than 10 million people from September to February. "In just the last six months, there have been 12.6 million people internally displaced around the world and...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter March 2021

Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - or here's the PDF -...

How PTSD Can Affect Self-Confidence

People who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) will oftentimes struggle with low self-esteem . PTSD can directly impact your relationships , disrupt your daily life, and cause depression. PTSD also causes feelings of worthlessness and negative thought patterns that can directly impact how you navigate the world and how you feel about yourself. While PTSD can take months to years to overcome, there are some steps you can take to positively encourage a healthier self-esteem and a...

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