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First Weekly Update from ACEs Caribbean Community

Hi everyone! Hoping you're all staying safe. 😷 We just posted a weekly update to our new YouTube channel on how things are going for us as a brand new ACEs Community. Thanks to all the ACEsAllies around the world for all your support and encouragement! Shout-Out to the ACEs Allies in the USA, Canada, Scotland and across the African continent, who were so kind and embraced us on Twitter!🙋 Don't be strangers. Connect with us on IG, Twitter and YouTube. 😆

Shonkoff: Re-Envisioning, Not Just Just Rebuilding: Looking Ahead to a Post-COVID-19 World

It’s truly been a year like no other since we issued a statement in March 2020 about the COVID-19 pandemic that was rapidly sweeping around the world. Our primary aim for that statement was to honor first responders, health care workers, and front-line service providers—especially those supporting young children and their families. A year later, that tribute needs to be redoubled and tripled. The enormous efforts that have been made on behalf of others are awe-inspiring. We also made two...

Father Paul Abernathy: Video Recording, Quotes, Chat Resources & Personal Note

On Tuesday, March 16th, 2021, the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival community co-hosted a discussion with Father Paul Abernathy, who founded the Neighborhood Resilience Project and created the Trauma-Informed Community Development (TICD) framework. Please find the Zoom video recording below, followed by select quotes, as well as resources shared in the chat during the event. Recording of Father Paul Abernathy Zoom Appearance on March 16th, 2021 Select Quotes by Father Paul...

'They get a sense of self-worth - that's vital': the charities teaching skills that change lives []

By Geoff Poulton, The Guardian, March 16, 2021 It took years for Paige Parker to find help. Life had been difficult growing up in the tiny Cotswold town of Winchcombe, says the 22-year-old: her father left when she was young, and her mother endured several abusive relationships, which took their toll on both of them. Parker struggled at school, fell in with the wrong crowd and found herself heavily dependent on drugs and alcohol. “I was totally lost and unmotivated. My life wasn’t heading in...

The State of Higher Education for Black Californians []

From The Campaign for College Opportunity, February 2021 California has long been a land of opportunity, a place where determination and hard work are rewarded. Through the birth of the silver screen, the explosion of Silicon Valley, and countless other revolutions, California is always at the forefront of innovation and economic success. As one of the most diverse states in the Union, California has also been a place of opportunity—and challenge—for Black Californians through racist...

Why This Wave of Anti-Asian Racism Feels Different []

By Morgan Ome, The Atlantic, March 17, 2021 “The indignity of being Asian in this country has been underreported,” the poet and essayist Cathy Park Hong writes in Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning. Hong, 44, is the daughter of Korean immigrants and was raised in Los Angeles. Although she has written about race in her poetry, Minor Feelings is her first nonfiction book, a blend of memoir and cultural criticism. Her essays explore the painful and often invisible racial traumas that...

Webinar: Stopping Extreme Disrespect: Family Trauma Solutions

Drama=Trauma. Extreme disrespect and button-pushing between parent and child leads to constant drama. In this pandemic world, disrespect is amplified to an all-time high, as stress in the family skyrockets. When this happens, family trauma explodes as attachment or nurturance between parent and child turns into unforgiveness, bitterness, and resentment. Dr. Scott Sells, the developer of the FST| Family Systems Trauma model will show you: • How extreme disrespect is caused by an imbalance of...

Recovery with Equity []

From California Governor's Council for Post-Secondary Education, March 2021 Defining strategies, policies, and practices to help California’s post-secondary institutions emerge from the pandemic stronger and better poised to serve all students. The Recovery with Equity Taskforce presents eleven actionable recommendations. Higher education will play an important role in our state’s economic recovery from the pandemic—and in driving prosperity for California’s future. Student success in higher...

How Trauma Affects the Body: Reflections from Dr. Eric Ball []

By Eric H. Ball, ACEs Aware, March 15, 2021 Our four-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Everly, was recently killed. Everly was an amazing dog and a true member of our family. She was well-trained and worked as a therapy dog at our local church. She especially liked the days when she would visit homeless or foster children. Everly slept in the same bed as our 12-year-old daughter. She was a great “big sister” to our 4-month-old puppy, who came to us just six weeks before Everly died.

7 experiencias que todo niño debería vivir para una buena salud mental de adulto, según especialistas []

Por Consuelo Hernández, Naran Xadul, 18 Marzo 2021 Todo lo que vivimos en la infancia deja huellas en nuestro corazón y en nuestra personalidad, pero, las experiencias positivas en específico son las que nos ayudan a tener una buena salud mental cuando somos adultos. Según un estudio realizado por la Universidad Johns Hopkins , cuando tu hijo vive experiencias positivas mientras es niño, es menos probable que sufra depresión y tenga una mejor salud mental cuando sea adulto, por lo que sus...

Unprecedented new funding expected for California’s schools--is it enough to address the youth mental health crisis?

Dear Friends and Allies California schools are slowly beginning to reopen and billions of dollars in federal and state funds have been committed to support the long road of not only getting our kids in school but helping close the learning gap and address the social-emotional stress of the past 12 months. The specifics, as reported by EdSource , include: $15.3 billion in assistance to California’s K-12 schools from the American Rescue Plan. An additional $6.6 billion appropriated by Gov.

Early Childhood Education Training Approved as Evidenced Based Professional Development by Tennessee Department of Human Services

In the summer of 2020, the Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) at Austin Peay University, reached out asking me to provide several professional development opportunities for early childhood educators statewide after being awarded grant funding. TECTA leadership requested that I deliver a training I had used in July of 2020 when training the childcare leadership of the state of Mississippi. The training entitled, Using a Trauma Informed Approach in Early Childhood Education ,...

Head Start Study Highlights Important Role of Trauma-Informed Attitudes 

Head Start and Early Head Start continue to lead the way in promoting school readiness and family engagement for vulnerable young children. It’s no surprise, then, that Head Start is increasingly focused on implementing trauma-informed care (TIC). A recent study adds timely relevance to the advancement of trauma-informed care in Head Start preschool settings. The study, published in School Mental Health , “examines the relationship between trauma-informed training content, trauma-informed...

Virtual Learning Anxiety: How To Help Your Kids

Virtual work, virtual groceries; everything has turned virtual since the pandemic of 2020. People can get all their work done without having to leave the comfort of their homes. It also means that our children have to adapt to a whole new educational system; virtual learning. While virtual learning offers the feasibility of learning at home, it comes with numerous issues too. One of the commonly-experienced issues is virtual learning anxiety. Not turning off the camera, constantly staying on...

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