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Harvard Center on the Developing Child Brief: 5 Facts About Health That Are Often Misunderstood

Did you know that interactions among genes, experiences, age, and environments influence every biological system in the body, with especially powerful effects in the earliest years? When we think about the foundation of early childhood development, we often focus on brain architecture . However, the environments we create and the experiences we provide for young children and their families affect not just the developing brain, but also many other physiological systems. Systems relating to...

COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution for Older Adults in Crisis

This article published with permission of RACMonitor, and first appeared in RACMonitor News on 2/18/21. COVID-19 vaccine distribution has prompted headache across the states. However, older adults have been especially challenged with access. Those older adults who “have less” in the form of economic and/or health limitations, as well as family and peer support are struggling. For those persons who have experienced historical and other types of trauma, these disparities will further impact...

Nurse Home Visiting and Maternal Mental Health: 3-Year Follow-Up of a Randomized Trial []

By Sharon Goldfield, Hannah Bryson, Fiona Mensah, Pediatrics, February 2021 BACKGROUND: Poor mental health is recognized as one of the greatest global burdens of disease. Maternal mental health is crucial for the optimal health of mothers and their children. We examined the effects of an Australian Nurse Home Visiting (NHV) program (right@home), offered to pregnant women experiencing adversity, on maternal mental health and well-being at child age 3 years. METHODS: A randomized controlled...

Nurturing More Equitable Maternal Health in New Jersey []

By Mary Barr Mann, Montclair State University News, February 16, 2021 One year after headlining Maternal Health Day activities at Montclair State , New Jersey First Lady Tammy Snyder Murphy recently unveiled the Nurture NJ Strategic Plan , with the aim of “making New Jersey the safest and most equitable place in the nation to give birth and raise a baby.” Behind the scenes, academics and practitioners such as Nastassia Davis, an assistant professor in the School of Nursing; Kaitlin Mulcahy,...

Talking to Young Children About Race and Racism []

From PBS Kids, Public Broadcasting Service, February 2021 Children are never too young to learn about diversity. As young as 3 months old, they may look differently at people who look like or don’t look like their primary caregivers. As parents and caregivers, we must have confidence in ourselves and in our children — that we, and they, can handle tough topics and tough situations. We must understand that our role is to be honest, specific, and trustworthy as we raise the next generation to...

Register now for Reimagining Resilience 1 beginning Feb 25

Register here - Sound Discipline offers Reimagining Resilience 1: Using a Trauma Lens. This interactive, online workshop helps adults build positive relationships with children who have experienced trauma. We will explore the impact of adverse experiences and the effect they have on developing brains and student behavior. The course gives teachers, parents, and other adults working closely with kids the skills they need to make sure that every child...

'A Better Normal' Conversation with the Authors of 'We've Been Too Patient' - Friday, February 26th

Please join us for our next episode of our ‘A Better Normal’ Community Discussion where we envision the future as trauma-informed! We are honored to be joined by the authors and editors of ‘We've Been Too Patient: Voices from Radical Mental Health--Stories and Research Challenging the Biomedical Model’ , Kelechi Ubozoh and L.D. Green. Hosted by @Jenna Quinn (ACEs Connection Staff) and facilitated by @Alison Cebulla (ACEs Connection Staff) of ACEs Connection. Friday, February 26th, 2021 12pm...

Reminder: February Webinar - "How ACEs Aware Training Can Support Providers and Patients During COVID-19" []

1.0 Continuing Medical Education (CME) / Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Credit Available* Wednesday, February 24, 2021 Noon - 1 p.m. Register Here Please join us for our next ACEs Aware webinar to learn more about the secondary health effects associated with stress caused by COVID-19. Presenters will share how ACEs Aware training and resources to treat toxic stress can equip providers with the knowledge and tools they need to effectively incorporate ACE screening into patient care, and...

Resilient Wisconsin: Trauma-Informed News and Notes for February 2021

Did you know that you can view the current edition of this newsletter and last's month edition of this newsletter on the DHS website? Check out the Resilient Wisconsin : Current Initiatives webpage for the Resilient Wisconsin : Trauma-Informed News and Notes newsletter archive . NOTE: The link to the current edition of the newsletter is updated by 5 p.m. on the day the current edition is published. The cost ACEs, adversity's impact Childhood neglect leaves generational imprint Negative...

How adverse childhood experiences or ACEs impact your current wellbeing

Often, people who have a history of trauma in childhood find themselves struggling to flourish in adulthood. Trauma affects the brain in ways that can make you more likely to experience difficulty when faced with emotionally stressful and demanding situations in your relationships, at work, and as a parent. Throughout my life, both growing up and as an adult, I’ve faced a number of challenging life experiences, stressors, and traumas, and I understand this struggle on a deep, intrinsic...

Racial Equity & Student Expression in Schools []

From American Civil Liberties Union Northern California, January 20, 2021 Students have organized and led a remarkable number of movements for social change. In fact, many of the protests following the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police were student-led. During the Civil Rights movement, Black students like the “Little Rock Nine,” put their lives on the line for equal justice at school. Schools in California and across the country continue to limit student expression and the...

NC congresswoman continues fight for Black maternal health care, introduces 'Momnibus' legislation []

By Tanya Mendis, WCNC, February 8, 2021 Congresswoman Alma Adams remembered vividly the day her daughter nearly lost her life. It happened when her daughter was trying to bring life into this world. “A physician overlooking my daughter’s complaints of pain in her abdomen, not listening to her needs as a Black woman,” Adams said. “Their dismissal of her pain almost cost my daughter her life.” Adams’ daughter’s experience is one that echoes through the Black community. Maternal mortality rates...

How to heal the 'mass trauma' of Covid-19 []

By Ed Prideaux, BBC, February 3, 2021 You are living amid the first global mass trauma event for several decades. It's arguably the first of its kind since World War Two, and likely the first of such severity in your lifetime. At the time of writing, more than two million lives have been lost, and the number continues to rise by tens of thousands every day. The global economy, complex webs of international relations, individual mental health, the pitter-patter of everyday life: nothing has...

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