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CNN article on connection between ACEs and hate groups

After watching the excellent webinar Episode 6 of Cracked Up, the Evolving Conversation: Healing Trauma, I thought it was timely that CNN posted this piece: Former White supremacist: This is how to tackle hate and bigotry In the piece, the author makes the connection between his own ACEs and other trauma and his, as he puts it, addiction to hate. Here is a link to the piece:

Parenting for Resilience by Kristin Beasley, PhD

Resilience, the ability to overcome adversity, is not an innate skill or genetic trait. Resilience is the ability to recover after adversity strike. None of us escape trauma, at some point in our lives, we will each face at least one overwhelming events that test our capacity to recover. Resilience is a quality that is develops from experiences where a person, even a baby, must deal with manageable stress and is supported enough to recover. It’s not a quality that you are born with, or...

Racial Justice in Philanthropy: From Transactional to Transformational []

From Stanford Social Innovation Review, November 2020 As our nation reckons with its history of racial injustice, how can philanthropy change its theories and methods of giving in order to contribute to positive social change? What does allyship look like as we move into a new decade, rife with calamity and crisis, at a time when a global pandemic has exacerbated the systemic inequities that devastate the most marginalized among us? [ Please click here for more information and to register .]

Join Foster Boy for an Exclusive Partnership Screening []

We’re reaching out to say Happy Adoption Awareness Month and to invite you again to come join us this weekend for an exclusive partner e-screening of the legal thriller Foster Boy, starring Louis Gossett Jr., Matthew Modine, and Shane Paul McGhie. You can watch the film at your convenience any time in the 48 hour screening window on November 14th and 15th, and you’ll have a chance to register for our Q&A with cast members, the film’s writer Jay Paul Deratany, and a foster youth student...

The Healing Place Podcast: Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum - Functional Medicine Coaching; Positive Psychology, & Alternative Medicine

A self-professed lifelong learner, Dr. Scheinbaum’s life’s work has been centered around education innovation since the very beginning. She began her career in 1972, teaching students with learning disabilities. Her drive to incorporate a more holistic perspective into her work led her to earn a PhD in clinical psychology at Fielding Graduate University, where she specialized in positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, and mind-body medicine.

Creating meaning in our choices as CPTSD survivors

There is a place that we get trapped in the choices that we make. I want to think that conflict happens when there is a collision of values between the person you were and the person you are becoming. In the moments of change in the healing process, we reach plateaus, not as in the end but as in a time to create a shift. When this happens, we are faced with making a choice: do we act according to the person we were or the person we have become and are moving in towards. We hit a wall in...

'For Many Years I Didn't Believe I Was Human' []

By Z, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, November 9, 2020 In 2000, I was 14 years old, in Los Angeles’ Skid Row. You wouldn’t believe such a Third World slum existed within history’s richest country; oh, but it did. It does. A section of one of the world’s most glamorous cities set aside to hide thousands of homeless people, to hide America’s unwillingness to deal with poverty, mental health, drug addiction and homelessness. It’s all swept under the rug, or under the shadow of downtown’s...

The Pandemic Is Raging. Here's How to Support Your Grieving Students []

By Brittany R. Collins, Education Week, November 12, 2020 Over the past few decades, trauma-informed teaching has gained ground in the United States, yet rarely is grief included in the conversation. In the midst of a global pandemic, with teachers and students confronting loss in and outside the classroom in new and myriad ways, it is more critical than ever to apply a grief-sensitive lens to our conversations about curricula and trauma in the school system. We are not the people we were a...

How Families Are Fighting Racism and Disability Discrimination []

By Claudia Boyd-Barrett, California Health Report, November 9, 2020 Ever since her son, Landon, was born three years ago, Nakenya Allen has been fighting. Fighting to get a diagnosis for the cause of Landon’s digestive problems, which landed him in the emergency room multiple times before he turned 18 months old. Fighting to get doctors to take her concerns about her son’s constant distress seriously. And, after he was diagnosed with a rare birth defect in his spinal cord, fighting with...

Available on Demand: CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY: Addiction born out of ACEs and the return of hope with Dr. Susie Wiet, MD []

NOW AVAILABLE ON DEMAND ADDICTION BORN OUT OF ACES AND THE RETURN OF HOPE Dr. Susie Wiet The downstream effect of childhood trauma has been well documented regarding the biological and psychosocial impacts. This presentation will highlight the neurobiological changes associated with ACEs that function as a "primer" for the onset of addiction and related behaviors. It will conclude with principles for influencing these same pathways that assist with restoration of the mind and health. Susie...

Santa Clara judge creates 'gold standard' for mental health courts []

By Sigrid Bathen, Capitol Weekly, November 11, 2020 Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Stephen Manley refers to defendants in his courtroom as “clients” – an indication of the unusually informal and conversational tenor of the Behavioral Health Court he created more than two decades ago. “It tends to break through a barrier,” Manley said in a recent interview with Capitol Weekly. “Defendant is the word of the court. Client or patient is the word of treatment. Stigma is still a major...

Free Webinar: The Perfect Storm: COVID Fatigue, Family Trauma, and Oppositional Defiance

As COVID fatigue continues, family stress, trauma, and oppositional defiance in children is exacerbated and amplified. Treatment of these problems is more difficult when a mental health professional must see families through telemedicine and not face-to-face. Dr. Scott Sells will share the use of FST Playbooks, the child’s love language and an FST Family Trauma Agenda to quickly engage the traumatized family, address COVID fatigue, and use the child’s “love languages” to stabilize and treat...

Help Your Organization Make Trauma-Informed Decisions

Many may think that self-awareness can only occur at the individual level. However, for companies to be successful, they must have self-awareness throughout the individual and the organizational levels. As you read through this article, thinkabout how you can apply these concepts to your business as well as your personal life. Remember, self-awareness is a journey that starts with yourself. For corporations to truly embrace diversity and inclusion, they must examine their mission, values,and...

Online Workshop Nov 30, Dec 7 & 14 - Reimagining Resilience - Using a Trauma Lens

For more information and to register - Reimagining Resilience: Using a Trauma Lens helps adults build positive relationships with children who have experienced trauma. We will explore the impact of adverse experiences and the effect they have on developing brains and student behavior. The course gives teachers, parents, and other adults working closely with kids the skills they need to make sure that every child knows that they matter. An online...

Preventing Cognitive Skill Gaps with Positive Experiences []

Guest Author,, 11/12/20 More and more evidence points to the important role positive childhood experiences play in child development. Today's blog post is based off of an interview with Dr. Ron Ferguson , founder and president of The Basics (a public health approach to supporting social, emotional, and cognitive development of children from birth to age three). In this post, Dr. Ferguson walks us through The Basics and several experiences that benefit child...

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