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Three Webinars of Possible Interesst

The Association between ACEs and Criminal Justice Involvement: Becoming Trauma Informed: An Essential Element for Justice Settings Webinar Series Dates and Times: The Association between ACEs and Criminal Justice Involvement: October 26, 2020 Trauma-Informed Treatment and Theory: November 2, 2020 Becoming Trauma Informed and Moving to Trauma Responsive: November 9, 2020 Webinar Start Times (All Sessions): 10-11:15 am PT/ 11am-1:15pm MT/ 12-1:15pm CT/ 1-2:15 pm ET Each session is 75 minutes.

Don't miss tomorrow's discussion on how to build equity into your network

Don't miss tomorrow's discussion on how to build equity into your network Networks are a way for people and organizations to come together to find solutions to complex problems. How can you create intentional partnerships that uphold the values, practices, and systems that support equity? Join our webinar tomorrow, October 20, to learn from Abby Charles, the program director for our partners at the Institute for Public Health Innovation, who will talk about the networked way of working and...

2020 Pediatric Brain Health Summit []

The 2020 Pediatric Brain Health Summit, which is online and free to attend, is part of the Texas Pediatric Brain Health Initiative, a multi-sector, multi-agency collaboration focused on the prenatal to three-year-old developmental window. The purpose of the initiative is to use the current science on pediatric brain development to help inform and support programs that promote community resilience and optimal development in Texas’ children. The purpose of the 2020 Pediatric Brain Health...

Trauma-Informed Care in the COVID-19 Era: ACES, Telehealth and Beyond presented by Megan Gerber, MD []

Thursday, November 5, 2020 | 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (PT) Megan Gerber, MD, MPH is a general internist with a career-long focus on the medical care of trauma exposed women. She is currently an Associate Professor of Medicine at Boston University and Medical Director of Women’s Health at VA Boston. She holds an adjunct appointment as Lecturer on Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Her work focuses on optimizing medical outcomes for women who have experienced trauma as well as adapting systems of...

Soul Chatter

“Anxiety is soul chatter . It’s your soul recognizing that two values are in conflict, or something that is deeply important to you is not getting the time or energy it needs.” - Brandon Wert The opening quote from my dear partner is a generous, kind description of one aspect of the human experience. It invites curiosity rather than judgement. It seeks understanding rather than a narrow view. It assures that the fullness of a person’s experience is welcome, and this moment is not defining.

Inside the Fall of the CDC []

By James Bandler, Patricia Callahan, Sebastian Rotella, et al., ProPublica, October 15, 2020 At 7:47 a.m. on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, Dr. Jay Butler pounded out a grim email to colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Butler, then the head of the agency’s coronavirus response, and his team had been trying to craft guidance to help Americans return safely to worship amid worries that two of its greatest comforts — the chanting of prayers and singing...

How some California school districts deal with students absent from virtual classrooms []

By Theresa Harrington, EdSource, October 16, 2020 Deep into the pandemic, some districts are finding an alarming percentage of students are missing from the virtual classroom — with the worst absentee rates occurring among homeless students, foster youth, English learners, Black students and high school seniors. Now some districts, such as West Contra Costa and Oakland Unified in the San Francisco Bay Area, are scrambling to find ways to track down and re-engage students and provide them...

Health as a Foundation for Social Justice and Racial Equity []

From California Children's Trust, October 15, 2020 Alex Briscoe met Dr. Barbara Staggers 25 years ago , while he was a counselor at McClymonds High School in West Oakland. After school on a Friday, one of Briscoe’s students needed medical attention but didn’t know where to turn. Clinics were closed for the weekend, and after Briscoe had placed many fruitless calls trying to find a place for the student to go, someone said, “Call Dr. Barbara Staggers. She’ll see teens anytime.” Then the...

Webinar of Possible Interest

Some of you may be interested in a webinar tomorrow, Tuesday, October 20 @ 11:00am ET hosted by the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) titled: Decarcerating Correctional Facilities During COVID-19: Advancing Health, Equity, and Safety.

Five Types of Psychotherapy and How They Can Help You

When people think of psychotherapy, they often visualize Dr. Sigmund Freud holding a note pad with his client lying on a couch facing away from him. While it is true that there are still some professionals who utilize Freud’s form of psychoanalysis, there are many different types of psychotherapy that exist to aid in the healing process.

Oklahoma Association for Infant Mental Health (OK-AIMH) - Fall Conference

You are invited to join the OKAIMH's [virtual] Fall Conference, Wednesday, October 21st, 11:30 - 4:30, with Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, based on her new book The Age of Overwhelm: Strategies for the Long Haul. Whether we are overwhelmed by work or school; our families or communities; caretaking for others or ourselves; or engagement in social justice, environmental advocacy, or civil service, just a few subtle shifts can help sustain us. Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, bestselling author of Trauma...

FREE Teacher Success Summit Oct. 19-23 - Check out Day 4

Hi all, Check out the Teacher Success Summit. FREE PD content available THIS WEEK from some great speakers. All are 15-20 minute sessions, with each day focused on a different topic. The content is only free for that particular day it is shown. Day 4 is on SEL. https:// I offer a presentation on the 6 Principles of Compassionate, Trauma-Informed Schools on Day 4, but there are an incredible array of great speakers. Enjoy.

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