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Researchers gave thousands of dollars to homeless people. The results defied stereotypes (CNN)

By Francesca Giuliani-Hoffman, October 09, 2020, CNN. You've heard this refrain before -- giving money to homeless people is not the best way to help them because it might be squandered, or spent on harmful habits. But a new Canadian study makes a powerful case to the contrary. The study, dubbed " The New Leaf Project ," is an initiative of Foundations for Social Change, a charitable organization based in Vancouver, in partnership with the University of British Columbia. Researchers gave 50...

Survivors' Voices

Hello ACE's Connection Members, I’m delighted to send out this explanation of a program I’ve been working on creating for the past year. Since 2008 my project, Time To Tell , has had the same mission: Sparking stories from lives affected by incest and sexual abuse to be told and heard . Our new program is: Survivors’ Voices: Works of Resilience Written and Read by Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) created by Jackie Humphreys, LICSW with Donna Jenson from Time To Tell and Lucinda...

In Her Words: Managing Mental Health []

By Corinne Purtill, The New York Times, October 10, 2020 Over the course of her pregnancy, a woman receiving medical care in the United States can expect to be stuck with needles and prodded with ultrasound wands, to be asked to pee in countless cups and to gamely submit to any testing, measuring, monitoring or poking that might yield data on her body or the fetus. When it comes to mental health, however, the medical care juggernaut comes to a screeching halt. In the United States, many...


American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) in collaboration with the Academy on Violence and Abuse (AVA), the California Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (CAPSAC), and the Center for Innovation and Resources, Inc. (CIR), are working to support California's ACEsAware initiative. The CALIFORNIA ACES ACADEMY webinar series is one effort to promote and educate MediCal providers and others about the ACEsAware initiative throughout the state. To register for a...

Pandemic-Driven Posttraumatic Growth for Organizations and Individuals []

By Kristine Olson, Tait Shanafelt, and Steve Southwick, JAMA, October 8, 2020 Many physicians and other health care workers have been experiencing enormous levels of stress and uncertainty while providing care for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Those who work in epicenters of the virus may care for high numbers of critically ill patients and experience psychological trauma related to exposure to many deaths in a short period of time or threat of death for themselves,...

Building Resilience in These Uncertain Times [American Academy of Pediatrics]

The fear and stress families are experiencing during COVID-19 offers the chance to build lifelong resilience in children and teens. To assist you during this challenging time, the American Academy of Pediatrics is offering this free online-exclusive chapter from Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg’s book, Building Resilience in Children and Teens: Giving Kids Roots and Wings, 4 th edition . The special bonus chapter includes expanded information about building resilience during this pandemic, including...

Mindfulness in Schools []

From Positive Parenting, February 14, 2019 Mindfulness training was once mostly associated with what happens in yoga classes. These days, even major corporations offer this training to employees. Mindfulness practices involve focusing on the present moment and paying attention to breathing. Now researchers at Johns Hopkins University are studying effects of mindfulness training on students in urban elementary schools. Before students at this Baltimore city public school start reading and...

Laurie Santos Says Self-Care Doesn't Have to Be Selfish []

By Hope Reese, The New York Times, October 7, 2020 Laurie Santos, a psychology professor at Yale University and host of The Happiness Lab podcast, is a leading expert in positive psychology, a relatively young field. Since she began teaching “ The Science of Well-Being ” in 2018, it has become the most popular course in Yale’s history, with nearly a quarter of students enrolling. The class, now online for free, applies what Dr. Santos calls a “preventative medicine approach” to mental health...

ACEs & Incarceration

The ACEs to prison pipeline is my favorite topic and stoppage/diversion of the pipeline is my passion. This may not be related wholly to your topic, but attached is an article that I wrote several years ago mainly because booking high ACE score individuals into a corrections facility is re-traumatizing them. We know from studies that those with ACE scores of four or higher are 20x's more likely to be incarcerated at some time in their lives compared to the general population.


All those interested in promoting the importance of play, be aware of this new release ~ PLAYING FOR KEEPS from KPJR, makers of THE BIG PICTURE ~ RETHINKING DYSLEXIA, PAPER TIGERS, RESILIENCE

ACEs Connection includes the 2nd Monday in October on our holiday calendar, and we do so acknowledging the day as Indigenous People's Day.

Indigenous People's Day is a time to reflect on the fact and impacts of one of America's original sins, the genocide and mass displacement of Native Americans; and to honor the cultures, traditions, and experiences of Native Americans today. Learn more about the impacts of historical trauma and community resilience of Indigenous communities.

Fighting Austerity for Racial and Economic Justice []

By Asha Banerjee and Emma Williamson, The Center for Law and Social Policy, October 5, 2020 In early 2020, advocates were cautiously optimistic as a new decade awaited, one that could be free from the economic crises, slow recovery, and painful mistakes of the last one. Nine months later, as the summer of 2020 ends, the atmosphere could not be more different. The coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic has devastated the United States and the world, disproportionately infecting and killing people of...

Childhood Sexual Abuse, Emotional Eating & Weight Loss

Were you sexually abused as a child or teenager? Do you struggle with your weight today? Is food your go-to source of comfort when upset? If so, you’re not alone. There is a high correlation between early sexual trauma, obesity, emotional eating and body image concerns. If you can relate, you may be surprised to learn that your ongoing struggles with weight most likely have little to do with food and exercise, although these are important. The reasons behind your weight and emotional eating...

Income Segregation and Intergenerational Mobility Across Colleges in the United States []

By Raj Chetty, John N. Friedman, Emmanuel Saez, et al., The Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2020 Abstract We construct publicly available statistics on parents’ incomes and students’ earnings outcomes for each college in the United States using deidentified data from tax records. These statistics reveal that the degree of parental income segregation across colleges is very high, similar to that across neighborhoods. Differences in postcollege earnings between children from low- and...

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